Chapter 1: The Aftermath

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{A/n: Park Jiyeon as Kim Su Bin
(・∇・╰) }


"Holy shit, how much did you drink last night?"

"Erm, one."

"Don't you dare lie to me."

"Four... Maybe five cans."

"Did you drink the whole six pack?"

"... It's possible."

"God damn it, Kang Ji Eun. What am I going to do with you?"

"Love me forever and ever~"

A headache as if her poor brain was splitting in two and the constant urge to vomit, Ji Eun's morning has been, without question, miserable. The previous night, Valentine's Day to be exact, was all a blur to the 22 year old. She could only remember bits and pieces of the past night but she knew after her last can, she blacked out.

Her best friend, Kim Su Bin, had heard the news of the hungover girl only a couple hours before. Ji Eun's father had called her and requested that she take care of his disappointment of a daughter while he goes off to take care of his chicken restaurant. Su Bin, who was lucky to have a day off from Rosie's Boutique, rushed over to the Kang residence as fast as she could.

Ji Eun thanked the heavens for a wonderful friend such as her.

The two girls were currently in the living room with the television on in front of them. On the coffee table was a plate of untouched food, a glass of milk, and the small trash bin with a quarter of Ji Eun's oh-so-fragrant barf. Ji Eun made sure not to move on the couch. She felt like that one sudden movement leave her in eternal agony.

Why does she drink so much when she knew how much she'd suffer the next day?

Kang Ji Eun must be inhuman.

"It's a good thing you let me move you out here. Your room reeks of alcohol and vomit," Su Bin grumbled as she switched from channel to channel, not satisfied with anything so far. "If only you didn't just throw up wherever you want, my precious SHINee sweatshirt would've been ok."

"It'll be fine! You're washing it now with my bedsheets, aren't you?" Ji Eun snapped back. She sat up slowly on the couch and put her hand out to her best friend. "Gimme the remote."

Su Bin held the remote farther from the short haired girl. "Nah uh, since I'm stuck here babysitting you, I get to pick what we watch." She stuck out her tongue at the weak girl and continued surfing the channels. Ji Eun clicked her tongue in annoyance but didn't make any other objections, slumping down her seat. "By the way, Ji Eun-ah, why were you out getting drunk anyway? Didn't you say you were going to watch a movie with that one guy?"

"He canceled on the last minute. Don't you know how pathetic it is to go to the movies alone by yourself on Valentine's Day? Yeah, no thanks," Ji Eun mumbled as she reached over to the table to grab herself a cinnamon swirl toast. She began eating in small bites in hopes to finally get some nourishment in her system... well, as much as sweet bread can give.

"So you just went out to drink?" The taller girl shot back, her eyebrows knitted together. Ji Eun shrunk back to her friend's harsh tone. She definitely didn't want to be at the receiving end of her anger. Kim Su Bin can be one terrifying bitch if you piss her off enough. "You usually have better control than that! Don't tell me it's about Jong Hoon; it's been two weeks!"

Ji Eun flinched back, nibbling more on her toast to restrict herself from talking. She didn't dare try to answer her. Besides, Su Bin knew fully well that her assumption was right... Well, partially right.

"Aigoo, you're going to become an alcoholic if you keep this up," Su Bin sighed. She then leaned towards Ji Eun, nuzzling her head into her shoulder in an affectionate manner. "Honey, you should've told me that you were alone!"

Ji Eun shook her head, patting her friend's head to reassure her. "No, you were out having fun with Sook Cho, I couldn't ask you to ditch him to be with me."

"You know damn well that I would've left him for you!"

"I didn't want to dampen the Valentine's Day you were looking forward to." Ji Eun shifted her body so she was facing Su Bin. "So, how do you feel about this guy? You've dated him for a while now. Think he's the one?"

Su Bin's face twisted into a dismissive expression and she shrugged her shoulders. "No." Barely a second later, a dreamy grin then appeared. Ji Eun knew the one thing that could've caused that goofy look on her face. "I already know who the one is!"

Ji Eun fought back the urge to roll her eyes. Of course it is. "Yeah, yeah. I know. The ever-so-handsome Bacon Bits--" Su Bin was quick to smack her friend with one of the many throw pillows. "Yah! Alright, Baekhyun! Byun Baekhyun! Stop abusing me!" Once the name was said correctly, Su Bin stopped her attacks and squealed. The poor, hungover girl plugged her ears while she threw at the fangirl the same throw pillow she had been hit with. "Su Bin! Headache!" She hissed.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, honey!" Su Bin lightly patted her shoulder, a pout on her face. "I forgot~"

Suddenly, an unsettling feeling rumbled in Ji Eun's stomach. She clasped her hand over her mouth. "I don't think the toast sat well..."

Su Bin lunged for the trash bin and shoved it into the girl's hands. "You are NOT going to ruin my Minho shirt!"


            Around two in the afternoon, Ji Eun finally felt better. She still winces at loud sounds and there's the occasional dizziness, but overall she was well enough to do things on her own. Once she made sure Ji Eun could take care of herself, Su Bin grabbed her freshly washed sweatshirt from the drier and bid her goodbyes, as she had some errands to run for today. With a quick promise to come over later tonight for a drama marathon, Su Bin left.

            Ji Eun trotted down the stairs that led straight into the back room of Kang's Kickin' Chicken. She entered the kitchen and greeted her two coworkers, Sang Sun Woo, a smart freshman from the University of Seoul, and Lee Wook Yong, an elderly woman who lived in the complex across the street.

            She then went to the older man who was preparing grilled chicken over the fire. "Hello Appa!" Ji Eun greeted him with a kiss to the cheek. The greying man bared a dissatisfied glimpse at his daughter, shaking his head at her. In reply, she innocently smiled at her father. "I feel much better, so I'll get right to work!"

Ji Eun plucked off the signature bright blue apron from the rack at the side and slipped it on, hurrying over to the cash register. She excused Sun Woo and took over his place for the remaining customers in line. She greeted each one with a bright tone as she got their orders. With a few returning customers, she went into a short conversation, usually asking how they've been or how are the kids or anything along those lines. This only added to the charm of the restaurant.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, Ji Eun could work diligently if she wanted to. At this point, she did so to lessen her father's anger. It was obvious that he was infuriated to seeing his only daughter come home late at night drunk out of her mind. But what concerned him the most was that his precious Ji Eun had been with a complete stranger while she was drinking.

The young man proved to be a good citizen, as he had called his number on Ji Eun's phone and relayed the message that his daughter was passed out on a park bench with him. When her father told him to bring her to the restaurant, he was remotely surprised to see that very boy actually brought her back in one piece...

If that experience wasn't enough to worry Mister Kang to death, he doesn't know what would.

Ji Eun had first known about the mystery stranger when she was woken up by her father that morning. He told her that she was incredibly lucky this time, since the man ended up being a gentleman in heart and returned her home safe and sound. It was then when the man was mentioned, that she did remember talking to someone last night. Although, it was a very faint memory. The man's appearance and their shared conversation was long forgotten along with the alcohol.

She may have peeved of her father but she always had her foolproof plan. Hard work and aegyo never fails to wear him down.

"Appa! I need two orders of the grilled chicken, all dark meat," Ji Eun called out with her famous dimpled smile.

The hours droned on for the people at Kang's Kickin Chicken, getting closer and closer to closing time.

The usual smell of cooked poultry hung in the air like a freshener, never leaving and sticking around no matter how much they had cleaned the place. Ji Eun's hangover might be nearly gone, but the smell and the sight of the dripping oils off the fried chicken was enough to have her gagging. There was only be so much she could take of the restaurant.

The restaurant may have gotten popular recently and they were getting more financially stable but seeing it every day for twenty of her years is driving her insane. Living just above it and her father coming home smelling like spices and grease every day, it was becoming a hassle for her. And now that she was stuck working in the damn place, her tolerance for any kind of chicken might have decreased.

Which should never happen to a person.

She was positive that she was beginning to smell like one, giant fried chicken.

The dinner time rush began to slow down around ten. By this time, Sun Woo took back the cashier position, and Ji Eun was in the kitchen cleaning whatever could be done at the time. She scrubbed as much as she can, making their working place as tidy as possible.

Gotta impress Father.

Speaking of Mister Kang, he stood at the wired telephone at the counter, taking in someone's orders on the notepad. As he finished the call, he let out a tired sigh and hurried into the kitchen. Ji Eun watched as he placed three dozen fried chicken into paper containers and placed those into one plastic bag. Must be the same people, she thought. Just as he was about to leave the store to deliver the chicken, a local high school baseball team filed into the place. Ji Eun blinked in surprise. Shouldn't these boys return home instead of coming here at this time?

Ji Eun's father froze as each boy came up to the cashier to take their orders. Judging by the dirtied uniforms and the exhausted look on their faces, the boys were starving. They'll need to make a fresh helping of food for all those growing baseball players.

He then glanced back to his daughter, who stiffened at the sudden eye contact. He quickly scribbled something down onto his notepad, ripped it off, and shoved that and the order into Ji Eun's hands. "Sweetheart, I need you to do this delivery for me," he told her. "The address you need to go to is on the paper. And I have one request to ask of you." Ji Eun only nodded, urging him to tell her. "Make this delivery a secret. Do not take pictures and do not tell anyone about this, especially Su Bin."

"Su Bin?" Ji Eun murmured in confusion. "But, ok. I won't. I'll go ahead then." She removed her apron and grabbed her jacket. With the delivery in hand, she rushed outside to the restaurant scooter. From its box, she took out the helmet and placed the chicken inside. Snapping on the clip of the helmet under her chin and revving up the scooter to a roaring start, she set off to her destination.

The drive took her about twenty minutes at most, including the time she had been stuck at stop lights and traffic. This was a decent distance, not as far Ji Eun had originally thought. She mentally thanked the lord that her father doesn't have to go too far for this particular place's delivery.

She glanced up at the building the address had brought her to. Blinking in surprise, she glanced back and forth from that and to the paper. She didn't make a wrong turn, didn't misread her father's handwriting nor did she go on a different street, but she didn't want to believe it.

The address brought her to S.M. Entertainment's main building.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she walked into the heated inside. She looked around in bewilderment. The idea that her favorite groups and singers might be in the same building did not compute.

She shook her head, her father's request coming to mind. This was just for drop off. Someone wanted chicken and she's the one to bring it over, get the money, and leave with no problems.

Ji Eun went over to the front desk, setting down the chicken on the counter. She bared a smile at the woman who looked way too busy with whatever was on her computer screen. The girl cleared her throat to catch her attention. When it didn't, she murmured out a quiet but firm, "Excuse me."

The woman glanced up at her, an irritated look on her face. She didn't seem to be a year over thirty but it doesn't excuse the immature attitude she was giving off. "Yeeeees?~" She answered in a sarcastically interested tone. "May I help you?"

"Um, hello. Someone had bought some food from Kang's Kickin Chicken, and I'm here to drop it off," Ji Eun informed her, patting the plastic bag for emphasis.

"... What's in it?"

Ji Eun's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Did she really ask me that question? But she decided not to question her thoughts. Being thrown out of the building wouldn't be something her father would be proud of. "It's chicken," she replied, restraining from shooting back a quirky remark.

"Ooooh. Yes. I have been informed about this order," the woman said as she held up the written reminder from a hot pink sticky note to show her.

Ji Eun nodded and held out her hand towards her. "Ok, good, this'll be about 57,500 won."

"I don't have the money."

Why does this lady got to be so difficult?

"So, where is it?"

"One moment, please."

The woman picked up the wired phone and called someone on speed dial. "Yes, hello, manager-nim, you ordered chicken from--" She put her hand down on the phone and glimpsed at Ji Eun.

"Kang's Kickin Chicken," she answered.

"Ah, yes! Sang's Kickin Chicken."

Ji Eun was so done with this delivery.

As the woman droned on and on into the phone, Ji Eun checked her own phone for the time. It was almost eleven now and she should be going back home so to have her drama marathon with Su Bin. By this time, her best friend must be at their place already; popping popcorn, pouring miniature chocolates into a bowl, setting out drinks and a box of tissues for cry purposes... And she's stuck at a place with an annoying woman who's wasting her time.

Shouldn't the money already be down in the first place?


"Jongin, are you crying?"

"No! I just got something in my eye, hyung."

"We seriously just had chicken two days ago."

"What difference does that make?"

"We promise to save a box and a half for you guys, ok? Don't worry about it. Just go before you piss off our manager."

Byun Baekhyun patted the younger boy's shoulder out of sympathy and dragged him out of the practice room to where the rest of the EXO-K members were. Their manager had called that he, Jongin, Sehun, Chanyeol, and Junmyeon had to head over to the late night radio show right now, despite being informed earlier that they had an hour before that. It angered him that he won't be able to eat before doing the show but definitely not as much as the chicken maniac. There wasn't much the boys could do about this. They'll just have to hope that the remaining members would leave them enough food.

"Don't worry, Jongin. If they eat everything, I'll order jajangmyeon for all of us," EXO's leader told him as they reached the elevators. The group's dance machine only groaned. The idea that he'll be missing out on chicken dampened his mood.

The five of them rode down the elevator, bundled up for the still chilly weather. They were tired, but not enough to weaken their idol energy. This wasn't anything new to the boys, they should just be lucky that they're not performing this late.

"They haven't even brought up the food yet," Jongin sighed just as the elevator dinged for the first floor. All the boys filed out, teasing the poor boy for his chicken love.

As they were crossing the lobby to head to their awaiting ride, something had caught Baekhyun's eye. At the front desk, a short-haired girl was getting money from Chi Ra, the receptionist. Once she had the coins, she pushed the bag closer to her and quickly left out the building.

"Oi, Baek... Baekhyun!"

The blond didn't bother to listen to Chanyeol's calls as his feet had a mind of their own. He was following the girl, the tingling feeling in his gut giving him the assumption that it was her. It couldn't possibly be, right? That'd be way too much of a coincidence.

Baekhyun followed her all the way outside. The girl was already on a scooter with a light blue helmet on feet away from him. Staring at her petite figure and her cute face, it looked to be her.

The drunk potato girl from last night.

He was completely frozen at the sight of her. The events of last night rushed back in his mind. Despite the rough first meeting, he had felt he became friends with the girl. Sure, the girl was not in the right state of mind, but everything she had said seemed true. With the way her eyes watered and her words her choked up in her throat, her sad story had to be all real. It was a possibility the drunk girl made it all up in the spur of the moment, but Baekhyun chose to believe it. His heart ached for her and he was glad he could help her cope through the night.

However, the whole process of her falling asleep in a middle of a story of her ex-boyfriend and him doing all he can to take her home safely had been a difficult process. Her father, as what he had seen from the contacts of her phone, noted that he should just drop her off in front of Kang's Kickin Chicken, and he would meet them there. Baekhyun picked up the girl into his arms, got a taxi, and rode over to their destination. The older man was there, waiting in the bitter cold for his daughter. Baekhyun dropped potato girl off with her father and bid his goodbyes to the man.

If he wasn't mistaken, that scooter belongs to that very restaurant.

When the scooter roared to a start, Baekhyun finally snapped out of his thoughts. The girl was leaving. Leaving before he could be one hundred percent sure that this was the girl he had spent his Valentine's night with. "Hey, Gamja girl!" He shouted over at her. "Gamja girl!"

Unfortunately, she didn't hear him as she sped off down the road.

Baekhyun slipped his hands into his jacket pocket, watching her disappear into the distance. He couldn't mistake her now; that was definitely the girl from the night before.

A grin tugged at his lips. The world sure does have its weird ways of working.

"Baekhyun! Why did you run off like that?" He turned around to see the rest of the boys behind him. Junmyeon approached him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, leading him to the van they need to go into.

"Hyung, did you know that girl?" Sehun asked him as he looked over his shoulder to catch a last glance of her.

Baekhyun couldn't stop smiling despite answering with, "Not really."

What a turn of events, Baekhyun thought to himself. The giddiness of it all was eating him up inside. Just when he was thinking about potato girl all day today, she suddenly appears out of the blue, like he had summoned her to him. His subconscious probably desired to see her again more than he believed. And because of the lovely visit, he got a hint as to how he'd be able to see her again and get the name to the face.

It's settled.

He will do anything he can to see her again.


A/n: It's Christmas Eve over here and I really wanted to finish this chapter before I went to sleep. Ahhh, so tired.

I wasn't planning on typing a chapter to this story, but, whoa, here I am XD I'm horrible at following my own plans.

Well, happy holidays to everyone! I hope you all have an amazing holiday, whichever you celebrate! Until next time~

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