Chapter 6: Lunch Break

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"What have I done?" Ji Eun murmured to herself, the brightly lit phone nestled in her hand. "How could I have allowed myself to get this far? This is insane..." The very device buzzed not even a second later after her statement. Ji Eun read the text message, laughed over the hilarious response, and sent back a witty reply of her own. Once she noticed what her thumbs have done, she groaned again, stuffing her phone into her apron pocket.

It has been weeks since Ji Eun finally texted Byun Baekhyun and they have been messaging each other nonstop ever since.

She wasn't expecting him to text her back right away. It should've taken a couple days, she thought, since he was a busy man. But no, not even ten minutes after EXO's performance on that particular music show, he had sent her a message of thanks, followed with a how have you been response. The very text appalled her. He must've been waiting to hear from her and she's got to admit that it was a nice feeling to know he was anticipating her message. She immediately had to mask her initial shock to nonchalantly reply back with Su Bin sitting right next to her.

But, god damn it, it's been weeks! What was Baekhyun doing in his life messaging a nobody like her like it's no big deal?

Right, Ji Eun thought, because it isn't. This is just him chatting with a friend, like any normal person would with another. And she saw that, she saw that the idol was just like anyone else, having fun talking to someone they just met, bonding with endless and mindless questions to answer and silly stories to share.

It was still a weird concept to wrap her mind around, but she's slowly getting used to it.

However, there was a dilemma in this friendship.

Kim Su Bin.

Just how long was she going to keep going on like this? Su Bin was her bestest friend in the world, basically her sister, and she hasn't told her anything about meeting and getting acquainted Byun Baekhyun, her ultimate bias! Ji Eun should be thrown in the depths of hell and suffer for keeping such information from the person she cherishes. She was positive that if she were in her shoes, Su Bin wouldn't hesitate to tell her about the crazy happenstance of meeting an idol Ji Eun admires. Granted, Ji Eun doesn't have any official biases to drool over like Su Bin, but it was still something to confess to only the bestest of friends.

She should tell Su Bin. She should tell her that she met him by chance, somehow someway. But to tell her they were friends after all these weeks? Ji Eun was positive Su Bin would take offense to the fact that she had kept this secret hidden away from her for this long and that could break the iron trust they had. If only it weren't Baekhyun, the one person Su Bin would do anything to meet, this would be easier to admit... She should admit the truth. Su Bin can't put it against her that her first meeting with the boy was when she was drunk out of her ass. That's valid, right? Su Bin shouldn't give her too much flack for that.

To tell the truth, lie, or not say anything at all?

Ji Eun couldn't see a good outcome out of either one she decides to pick.

"Ji Eun-noona... Noona!" The girl jolted back into reality when a hand clasped onto her shoulder. Sun Woo stared at her in amusement, seeing that she was far too gone in her little universe only seconds before. And the bewildered look on her face was hilarious. "Damn noona, is there something bothering you? I've been calling you for the past minute and you didn't notice."

"You were?" Ji Eun muttered, glancing around at her surroundings. It was the middle of the day, but since it was any boring weekday, their was slow business. She sighed, realizing that it has been her lunch break for the past five minutes. Five precious minutes gone to waste. "I'm fine, Sun Woo-yah. Thanks though."

She walked over to the hangers and hung her apron on one of the hooks. With phone in hand, she noticed she gotten a couple new messages.

She decided to read Su Bin's message first.

From: Wifey

> Eunnie honeyyy, I'm sorry that I can't come in for lunch break :,( <

> Boss suddenly bought food for all of us here and I can't escape! I'm sorry!!! <

> I'll swing by later with some macaroons from across the street. Sounds good?<

Ji Eun's lips twerked into a small smile at the message. The way Su Bin would go great lengths to make up for something warmed her heart. No matter how many times Ji Eun tells her that she doesn't have to do such things, Su Bin does them anyway. For example, right now, macaroons was one of the many things she loves to nibble on occasion. Su Bin would be quick to nab any opportunity to get some just for her.

Su Bin have gotten some flack for her big mouth and flittering personality, but that's only because none of those gossipers bothered to know the real Su Bin.

Ji Eun sent her a message, telling her that it was fine and she was looking forward for the sweet treats later. After that, she went onto Baekhyun's message.

From: Bacon Bits

> I can NOT believe you told me you didn't like my sideburns. <

> Are they not manly enough for you? <

Ji Eun bit down on her lip to suppress her laughter. Shaking her head, she messaged him back. {A/n: <text> = Ji Eun's; >text< = Baekhyun's}

< Hey, you can't always win, ya know! >

> What if I told you your hair sucks, huh?? <

< What are you talking about? My hair is fucking flawless! <

< but you know, my hair has been the same for the past couple years >

> Pshhh boring! You should do something to it <

< Like what? >

> Hmm, hold on <

Her face scrunched in confusion at the text message. Lips pressed together in a thin line, she walked over to an empty table and sat down, staring at the little icon that indicated he was typing something as of now.

She let out a groan. "What the hell, it shouldn't take you this long to message back, asshole."

"I'm an asshole now?" Ji Eun jumped with a small shriek. She whipped her head around to the voice, hand over her lips. Eyes met another, faces a little too close for comfort. But Baekhyun only looked at her, a childish grin on his face... Well, what she could tell was a grin under his face mask. "By the way, I think dark violet hair would look good on you! Maybe layer it a bit?"

Ji Eun burst out of her chair, eyes slanted into a stern glower. "What are you doing here?" She hissed at him. Ji Eun couldn't feel any more grateful that their restaurant was nearly deserted right now, only with an elderly couple in the table at the far side and a man in a suit at the booth near the counter, none of which were paying any attention to them.

"You said that business was slow today, so I decided to swing by and surprise you!" Baekhyun replied, lifting his beanie just a bit to run his fingers through his fluffy hair. "You must've been bored out of your mind! You're on your lunch break now, right?"

"Um, yeah, I am," Ji Eun stammered, frantic eyes shifting to the window on a lookout for any ravenous fangirls or any sneaky paparazzi lurking outside. She didn't see anything suspicious which puts her heart at ease... to some level. With knitted eyebrows, she asked him, "Aren't you supposed to be busy?" She glanced around again before continuing in a lower voice, "Where's your manager? How about the others?"

Baekhyun rested his hands on her shoulders to calm her down. "You said to visit whenever I have the free time, right?" She nodded, as she recalled her words before. "Right! So I am here to hang out with my friend on my free time." He patted on his belly, his eyes crinkling as he smiled. "Let's eat!"

Just as he was about to step forward to sit at the table, Ji Eun stopped him by grabbing onto his wrist. As he looked back to her, she shook her head at him with a serious expression. "I can eat only so much chicken."

Baekhyun threw his thumb behind him to the exit. "Want to go out then?"

"Won't you get caught?" She murmured with a frown.

"I just gotta be cautious. I've done it a few times before," he replied. "Just keep moving and always be within a big group of people. That's when they least expect it."

Despite his words, Ji Eun was still concerned with the situation. "You're going to get caught."

"I won't!" He held out his hand for her to take. Ji Eun froze as she stared down at the open palm. "C'mon trust me."

He wants her to take his hand? A bit forward, aren't we, Mister Byun?

She turned on her heel, leaving Baekhyun hanging behind her, and waltzed up to the counter where Sun Woo still stood. "Mind telling my father that I'll be going out for lunch? I might be a little late."

The college kid held a very judgmental expression, his eyes slanted as he glanced back and forth between her and the newcomer. "Noona, what are you doing hanging out with shifty people?"

"Sun Woo, he's a friend," Ji Eun grumbled at him. She peeked through the entryway to the kitchen and saw her father multitasking inside, chatting as well with Wook Yong. "Just tell him, okay?... Oh! And please just mention he's a friend. Wook Yong-sshi will overhear." When Sun Woo didn't look convinced, Ji Eun clasped her hands together and pouted at the boy, using her aegyo to her advantage. "Please, Sun Woo-yah?~"

The teenager was quick to scoff at the cute act. "Okay, okay, whatever. I'll tell him," he growled. "Stop using that against us, will you?"

"If it keeps working, then I'll keep using it," Ji Eun snickered, with a wink. "Thanks!" She hurried back to Baekhyun with a thumbs up. "Let's go. I better not see any articles about this in the future."

"Girl, I gotchu!" Without any warning, he grasped onto her hand to lead her out of the shop.

And Ji Eun swore her heart skipped a beat at the skin contact because oddly enough, her hand fits so well in his.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

            "Isn't this a little too much for both of us?"

"What? You said you were craving spicy rice cakes!"

"Yeah, I did, but you also got some fried tofu, squid, fish cake, and--MMPH." Halting to a stop from the tornado potato being stuffed in her mouth thanks to Byun Baekhyun, she grumpily tore a piece off from the stick and munched on it.

When Ji Eun and Baekhyun left the chicken shop, they fell into a small debate on where to eat. While they were both a little indecisive on where to grab their lunch, they had passed by a food stall on their walk, and Ji Eun had mindlessly noted that she hasn't had spicy rice cakes in a long while. Thus, Baekhyun ordered some right off the back, along with accompanying snacks. And when they spotted the tornado potatoes, the idol couldn't help himself, he wanted one of those as well.

Just call it nostalgic.

And so, they were at the park where they have met for the first time, to have their unhealthy lunch. They even managed to grab the same exact bench they used that day. Under the warm sun rays, today actually felt like less of winter and more like spring, as March should be. The air was still cool, but not much so to be chilled to the bone. It was a beautiful day to be out.

After downing his fourth spicy rice cake, Baekhyun asked her out of curiosity, "So do you come here often?"

Ji Eun gulped down the fried tofu she had been chewing on and she thought back on the memory of when she discovered the place. She answered him, "This park? Been coming here since my first year of high school." With pursed lips, she recalled more memories of her time in the park. Bittersweet but none she would ever forget. Before she could stop herself from saying it, the statement slipped from her lips, "I came here a lot with Jong Hoon..."

Baekhyun stiffened at the name of her ex-boyfriend. He glanced over at his friend through his sunglasses and saw the blank expression on her face. The last thing Baekhyun would want was for Ji Eun to dwell in the past she so desperately wants to move on from. He had heard enough of this Jong Hoon to know that he deserves a good couple punches to the face for what he did to Ji Eun. That man was a coward, one who didn't have the guts to break it off with Ji Eun properly.

Through the damn phone.

But what Baekhyun doesn't like was that Ji Eun was mentioning the douchebag so suddenly, so casually, like to have forgotten what he had gotten her through. Reminiscing over fond memories when she should be cutting off all ties and leave him in the dust. Granted, Baekhyun doesn't know her ex-boyfriend personally, but he felt the bad vibes every time he heard his name.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked," Baekhyun mumbled before stuffing his mouth with the fish cake. He stopped on the spot when he saw Ji Eun's gentle smile.

Jong Hoon received so many of these beautiful smiles, and suddenly he gives them and the owner of these smiles up without any explanation?

What a goddamn idiot.

"It's fine, Baek," the girl reassured him. "If it makes you feel better, I could barely utter his name without my heart hurting before. It doesn't hurt as much now."

The idol turned on the bench, so he was facing most of his body towards her, his face suddenly serious. "You don't need to talk about him if you don't want to."

At this, Ji Eun smashed some of the fried tofu into his mouth, making him unable to utter another word without spitting any food. Both for payback from before and to stop the nonsense. "I'm fine, idiot. This is all part of the healing process," she told him, continuing to bite into the tornado potato.

Her eyes drifted to the scenery of the park. It was like a whole other world in the daylight, but Ji Eun admires it either way. How could she not? This place brought her solace even in the lowest of times and honestly, this was her and Jong Hoon's place. As much as she resents the boy, she'll never stray away from here.

At least, she gets to enjoy the park with someone else for once.

. . . .

The two have been on that bench for a good forty minutes now, just eating to their stomachs' desire and chatting away like long friends. It was a nice time out, forgetting about their realities just for a little bit. But Ji Eun was starting to get jittery, the fear of being caught with the EXO boy eating her up inside. And so, once they have finished the last of their food, Ji Eun had jumped onto her feet.

Baekhyun looked up at her, a pout to his lips. "What are you up for?"

"Well, you said we wouldn't get caught. Don't you think we've been sitting here a long time now?" the short-haired girl nagged him, grabbing him from under his arm to pull him up. "C'mon, Bacon bits, we gotta go."

"Am I seriously going to be called Bacon bits when we're out in public?" the idol scoffed as he stood up next to her.

Ji Eun frowned. "You call me Gamja girl all the time."

"Good point, where's the fun if I had to stop calling you that?"

"Ah, yes. The adventures of Bacon and Potato. The exciting, delicious duo."

After they threw away their trash into the bins nearby, the two flee the park to make their way back to the restaurant.

Close to each other, they try to swerve around the people with ease. Hands continue to bump as they jogged on. But, Baekhyun wasn't having any of it. It would be easier this way any way. He grabbed onto Ji Eun's hand for the second time that day and dragged her behind him.

"What are you doing?" she squeaked out, trying to tea her hand away from his.

"Ji Eun-ah, this is nothing. You're going too slow," Baekhyun shot back at her. Ji Eun bit back any other remark as she let Baekhyun pull her with him. At this, she could see the back of his neck, and how his hair that peeked out from under his beanie curled up in such a way that it was cute.

What the fuck kind of thought was that? Ji Eun scorned herself, cheeks reddening at the weird observation.

The moment they reached the restaurant ten minutes later, Ji Eun quickly dropped his hand and stepped into the shop. By now, the restaurant was free from any customers since the lunch rush was over. Baekhyun took off his mask and hat, finally being able to breathe.

He sat down in one of the many tables and fumbled with something on his phone. Once he was done, he glanced up at Ji Eun. "I just called for a cab to pick me up here." Ji Eun nodded at him. She looked over her shoulder at the kitchen, where everyone was crowded in. She should be on her shift right now... "Why don't you join me? You don't have anyone here to serve anyway." Reluctantly, Ji Eun sat down across from him, just hoping that her father wouldn't suddenly call out for her. "By the way, how are those birthday plans going?"

Ji Eun had the food down, the place reserved, people were already invited by Su Bin, and the party playlist was made. She was completely done with everything except that one awkward empty slot for the song she's supposed to sing for the birthday girl to kickstart the party. She's still debating whether or not to sing. There isn't one song she felt comfortable signing on her own that she knows her best friend likes.

The song she had planned initially was perfect.

"Nearly got it done," Ji Eun answered. "Except for her birthday song."

"None of the songs I suggested you like?"

She rubbed the back of her neck. "It's not that. It's the fact I know which one she really wants to hear, but I can't do that without someone else."

"Which was?" Baekhyun pressed on.

Ji Eun's cheeks flared and in a quiet tone, she replied, "Dream..."

"Dream? The song I sang with Suzy?"

"Yeah, Su Bin-ah is in love with that song..." She gulped down her prior discomfiture and waved him off. "But, yeah, I can't really sing that without anyone else."

"No worries! Why not sing it with the original?"




"Are you fucking joking right now? This isn't the time to kid around, Baek," Ji Eun scoffed at him, arms crossed over her chest.

"But I'm not kidding! I'll sing it with you for your friend! You said she likes me, right? It'd be the best birthday gift you could ever give her!" Baekhyun blabbered on, getting more and more enthusiastic over the idea.

The girl gawked at him, trying to find any crack in his voice or just a mischievous gleam that could tell her he wasn't serious... but he looked exactly that. He really did want to perform his song with her, and Ji Eun's heart dropped at the possible chaos this would cause. "You're crazy! Aren't you always busy?"

Baekhyun was quick with a rebuttal. "Well, you said it'll be this Friday. That's gonna be a short day for me, I'm free to go by that time!"

"There's going to be so many people there."

"The place you reserved have dim lights and there will be alcohol, so people will be tipsy. A simple disguise will be fi—" Ji Eun held up her hand, palm open towards him. "C'mon, it'll be..."

"No," she simply shut him out, waving her hand at him.


"No." The two stared each other down, one wanting to carry on with the situation while the other wants to drop it completely. But Ji Eun gotta set things down straight. Apparently, the boy in front of her doesn't realize the gravity of the situation at hand. "Look, dude, I know that would probably be the best thing to ever happen in my best friend's life and it's a very gracious thing for you to suggest, but it's too risky," She said, emphasizing every important detail. "I want Su Bin to meet you one day, because she simply adores you. But you don't have to come to the party and sing. I'm already in your debt."

The male tried to open his mouth again to add in another glimmering point for himself, but stopped at the stern glower he received. "Fine, alright. I get it. I won't come," he huffed out. A stout honking from outside caught both of their attentions. Looking over his shoulder to check, he confirmed that it was his ride back to the dorms. He stood up and reached over to ruffle the girl's short locks. "I gotta go, so I'll text you later. Keep me updated with the birthday song, okay?"

She fluttered her hand to gesture for him to leave. "Yeah. I got you." She waved goodbye to the idol as he left the shop and into the waiting black van in front. She let out a sigh, her head falling into the palm of her hand as she thought of more alternative ideas for Su Bin's birthday song.

"So... you think that's noona's new boyfriend, Mister Kang?" Sun Woo's voice resonated from the kitchen.

"It's has to be. They looked quite cute together, if you ask me," Wook Yong replied with a soft chuckle following after. "I couldn't quite see his face clearly but he looked handsome."

"What are you talking about, halmeoni? He looked quite suspicious to me. I don't trust him."

"Granted, Sun Woo, you don't have the best judge of character most of the time," Ji Eun's father muttered in response. "Just look at all the girls you've dated..."

"Ahjussi, that's not the problem right now."

Ji Eun craned her neck to send an intimidating glare to the three crowded in the kitchen. "Yah! I could hear you all, you know!" she shouted over at them, screeching her chair back and making her way over there. The three froze as she approached them with a strained smile. She eyed her father specifically for falling for the other two's mindless babbling. She then clapped her hands together and said, "We better prepare for the dinner rush for later, hmm? Or would you three like to continue gossiping about something as idiotic as me having a new boyfriend."

"See! I told you that's not her boyfri—" Sun Woo clamped his mouth closed at the sight of daggers being shot at him through Ji Eun's glower. "Yeah, ahem, right! Dinner rush!"

With that, the four turned their separate ways and went on to do their part for the restaurant, instantly falling back into the same ole routine. Except that all of them had their minds occupied by the one particular guy.

Who was the guy, what's his intention?

What is his relationship to Kang Ji Eun?

Why does he always come back to bother my daughter?


Why on earth is my heart pounding so much right now?


A/n: I wasn't quite sure how to finish off this chapter soooooo, there you go. Meh. Weird ending, I knoooow.

Before I go, don't forget to keep a tab on my update book, since I'll possibly have some important updates over there, as well with rants, tags, and such. A place we can chat about anything to be honest. ALSO, me and redvelvetts want to do a live-stream vid chat thing with all you guys later today! If you're interested, please check that out in my update book.

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