Chapter 19: Back To The Old Jongdae

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[Chen's POV]

Miss me?

What I've have been doing is that I'm spending my time more with my wife.

I change slowly for her. It's time to be myself and I don't want to lose her this time. I slowly open for her and also started to love her sincerity. I really thankful that she can wait for me patiently.

I felt someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and beautiful smile greeted me.

"Nervous?" she asked. I smile softly and took her skinny hand on my shoulder. I kissed it and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I am since I didn't visit grandpa for so long."

She chuckled and nodded. We stayed at his mansion last night but he'd nott here because he have a business trip in Boston so tonight he'll be oming home. She wrapped her arm around my torso. "I'm here for you. Don't worry. Grandpa would be happy to see you."

Both of us waited for Grandpa. Chanyeol said he'll be coming soon. I'm not sure if Baekhyun and Dahye will make it.

I hope they are fine as I'm worried about both of them. But also thankful to both of them. Their love is much stroger then ours. I mean, both of them love each other since the beginning. Baekhyun has been there for Dahye since day 1.

"Master Park has arrived." I heard one of the butler said to us which make me snapped out of my thought.

I stood there to greeted him. I sweat a little as I'm not in s good relationship with him. I heard his footsteps and I gulped at my own saliva.

When I saw him, he's almost like the old version of Chanyeol with his wrinkles on the eyes and white hair. I bowed respectfully.

"Welcome home Grandpa." I heard Zoe said and quickly came to him.

"Aigoo, Soehye-ah. You missed me that much?" I heard he said as I'm still bow position. I'm speechless. I didn't heard anything already.

Are they gone or something?

I felt someone tap on my back. I looked up and grandpa is smiling at me. "You can stand straight now Jongdae."

I smile softly at him and he lightly squeezed my shoulder courage me to face him. Zoe still beside him,clinging on his arm.

"What's for dinner today Grandpa? Do you want any specific?" asked Zoe.

"Well, we can cook anything as Chanyeol and the othet two couple will be coming soon right? Let's wait for them."

"Chen can do that. Right?" Zoe asked me as she tucked my arm. I smile at her and pat her head. "I will prepare the dinner for all of us."

Grandpa smile and nodded for approval.

I helped with the cook for our dinner with the little help of the maids and the chef. I thanked him so much since he's been here for grandpa.

"Without you I think I'll ruin the recipe. Thank you."

He chuckled and nodded.

"You're welcome Young Master."

"Just call me Chen."

He smile and bowed.

"With all my respect, I feel much more comfortable calling you Young master."

"I don't deserve it. But thank you again Jaehyun."

"Anytime you need."

"Ahh, I can smell some delicious food here."

"Welcome Chanyeol." Grandpa greeted him and both of them hugged.

"We're here as well." I heard Dahye and she quickly hugged Grandpa. He just chuckled and pat on her head.

"Greetings Grandpa." Baekhyun bowed to him. Grandpa just nodded.

"So everyone's here. Let's start eat."

I sat down while helping Zoe to adjust her seat. All of us pray and eat.

"I'm thankful that all of you come here. I may now rest in peaceful."

"Aigoo Grandpa. Don't say that." Chanyeol said.

"I'm old enough Chanyeol. Who knows tomorrow I'll be gone."

"Grandpa..." Zoe hold his hand tightly. Grandpa smile softly.

"I'm still waiting for our next generation." he looked at to Baekhyun. "When both of you planning to get married?"

Dahye turned to looked at Baekhyun. She was about to say something but then Baekhyun speak.

"Dahye is not ready yet Grandpa. I'll be waiting for her to agree with the marriage."

Grandpa just nodded and turned to looked at me. "I'll be waiting the news from both of you." He winked at me. I just chuckled and Zoe blushed.

"I'm lucky I haven't got married yet." Chanyeol said and eating casually. "Stay single until you're old Park Chanyeol."

All of is laughed.

After our chit chat, I came outside the balcony. It's kind a windy tonight. Dahye came to my place.

"So what's up?" She asked me while sipping her wine.

"Nothing much. You?"

She just shrugged her shoulder.

"So you change that much huh?"

I smile softly and stare at the sky.

"Aren't you in the club last night?"

She didn't answer and just stared at the sky. She seems so gloomy.

"Something definitely happened."

"It's none of your business dumb."

"Pretty much that I'm older than you."

"I can call you anything because you're dumbass enough."

I just keep silent and looked at her.

"You're right. I'm dumb."

She looked at me and smirked.

"You don't have a balls to confess on my sister?"

I raised my eyebrows.

"I don't want her to expect too much from me."

Dahye sighed hardly.

"I don't what's going on for both of you. You guys already grown up so why don't you lead first?"

"You mean that thing?"

She just shurgged her shoulder giving me 'don't give some s***' looked.

"Ohh, you guys having a lot of fun here?" Chanyeol said and wrapped his arm aroud my shoulder. Zoe came along too, tugging on Chanyeol's arm. I came to her and put my chin on her shoulder.

"What's with clingy stuff?" Dahye rolled her eyes.

"Jealous much?" I stuck out my tongue to her. She was about to talked back when Baekhyun asked her to calm down. Zoe just giggled and pat my cheek.

Chanyeol just smiled softly at me.

I'm just being the old me.


Finally got time for an update! So here you go and this story almost come to end. I might finish this by May or early.

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