1.Eternal love

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I was waiting for him like a love sick teenager. I was nervous as well as enlivened. The thought of meeting him after so many years was making me anxious. I have changed a lot with the passage of time and I was curious to see how he has managed.

I don't have much time. I have to leave and I wanted to meet him for last time to get answers. Answers for leaving me midstream when he knew I can't swim, answers for why he deceived me when he knew he was my world, answer for back stabbing me when he knew I trusted him blindly.

So I waited at the same spot, our special hide out where we had spent special moments laughing and cuddling in each others arms, a huge boulder near sea.


It started a month back when I decided to come back to Goa. I wanted to meet all my crazy friends before leaving so my sister's daughter gifted me i-phone and taught me how to use it. She created my social media accounts so she can be in touch with me and that I can find my pals.

My room was already booked so I went straight and settled my things. I had little time so I started searching for his whereabouts. It took me almost 20 days to finally get his contact number.

Now when I got his number I was nervous, to call him so instead I texted. I wrote that I'm here in Goa and wanna meet him. He instantly responded with a yes.

I was too exhilarated with the thought of meeting him that i texted him to meet me at our old hideout. I hastily changed my dress and ordered the cab.

I told the cab driver to take me straight to the place........ our place, our secret hide out. I wanted to relive my past, may be for a day.

Within fifteen minutes I was there. I paid to the driver and moved towards the beach. After walking for almost ten minutes, I finally saw it, the big bolder. Nothing has changed a bit. It was still isolated, the only difference left was that there were more palm trees and bushes now.

I was getting sentimental. Memories of the past were still so fresh in my heart. I sat on the sand in silence and started waiting for him.


I waited for almost an hour but there was no sign of him. One hour turned into two and then into three but he didn't come. I thought of texting him but I had Forgotten my mobile on bed. I was disheartened and was scolding myself.

When he didn't turn up twenty five years back, how could I expect him to show up now. He cheated me then and now.

I couldn't stop my tears anymore. I sat there and cried. I was feeling despondent as well as week. I got up to leave but had no energy left. I felt darkness prevailing and all I remember was me falling on the sand.


When I opened my eyes, I looked around to see where I was. I was in a hospital room lying on bed with an oxygen mask and drip. I was feeling severe pain in chest. I removed oxygen mask and turned around to press the help bell when something caught my attention.

He was right there in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes. Looking at him, I forgot all my pain and observed him. He has changed a lot with the passage of time. He had wrinkles near his eyes and grey hair. He had turned lean and had started using.......

Oh my lord......... a wheelchair.

I had tears in my eyes and he had regret. I wanted to ask how and why but couldn't utter a word.

He wiped my tears and held my hand. He understood my silence so started telling me.



Our parents were against our relationship. I was a hindu girl and he was muslim. We tried to convince them by all means but..... no use.

My parents were so agitated they planned to move back to Bangalore (now Bengaluru). I was locked in my room so I can not meet him.

I somehow managed to call Haider, yes that's his name. I planned to elope with him the very next day from the railway station, at the time when my family would take me to go back to Bangalore.

Our train was one hour late. I told my parents that I want to use rest room. I went and searched for him throughout the station. I went to public telephone booth and dialed his number but no response. I waited and waited but he never turned up.

When I turned around to leave, I saw my mother standing behind with pity in her eyes. She said nothing except, 'He won't come Sneha. Let's go.'


'I'm sorry Sneha. I am your offender but.... time is a great player. You plan your game not knowing what it has already planned for you.'

'I was really enlivened that day when we planned to elope. The fact that tomorrow we are going to be one, was enough to keep me anxious.'

'In the morning, as planned, I borrowed my friends bike and exactly one hour before I left for railway station to pick you but.....fate has something else in store for us.

I met with an accident and lost my senses. When I was conscious, I realised the loss, the loss of losing my legs. It was traumatic for me but I didn't lose hope.

I tried to contact you and explain you everything as I knew whatever the reason may be, our love is eternal. You will accept me however I am but..............

When I came to your place in Bangalore, your house was well lit. I asked a passerby and he told me that their elder daughter is getting married.

I was crestfallen and couldn't comply what to do. I stayed in front of your house for a while and finally when I was able to comprehend what just happened, I cried......I cried for like eternity.

In just a moment my unfathomable love turned into hatred. I decided to go back and move on with my life too but.......... couldn't and.......and thats the reason I never got married.', he confessed.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I didn't make any effort to control it. This all was heart rending for me. My heart was so filled with emotions that I tightened his hand, kissed it and said,' Seriously Haider, time is a great player, its moves and turns are inexplicable. I too never got married Haider. I was so hurt that I wanted to punish myself for your deeds. It was not my wedding Haider, it was Neha's, my younger sister.', i was crying bitterly now.

He too was dumb stuck. He had tears in his eyes and regret on his face. We both held each other's hands and cried in silence.

After some time when my tears dried down, I said,' Haider, I came here to get answers to why you did it to me, not knowing what time did to us. Now when we have finally met and have no boundaries between us, now when we can actually start again as its never too late, now when we can finally live together being one ...... I still can not.'

He looked at me comprehending my words, a surprise in his eyes, he asked,'Why Sneha? Why can't we be one now? Don't you love me anymore?'

I cried uncontrollably and said,' I never stopped loving you Haider and I still do. When we got separated, I hated you outwardly but deep inside, every moment and every day, I expected that you will come back but now when we have met, I can't stay because.......' I was feeling difficulty in breathing and talking but I had to tell him or I won't get peace so I continued..... .................

'because I am leaving Haider.......not this city or state or this country but....... ....... ........
but this world. I....... I have lung cancer Haider and I'm dying but ....... ......... but I am happy you know why...because I couldn't spend my life in your arms but i'm glad that at least I can die here.'

We both hugged each other and I was glad that at least now I can rest in peace.

If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on ... ... is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is Eternal.

Author's Note

Hey Lovely Wattpadianzz!! Here I'm with these short love stories. Hope you'll consider it worth reading.

This book is an inspiration from my fellow wattpad friend Tallguyshortstory. Thanks for the  motivation.

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