Anti- Child

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Created in an underground facility, five kids finally escape a 'The Lab.' But now they're teens and live amongst humans as something completely different. While they grow the discover the new powers they have, not only that but they also discover something worse that can wipe out the whole human race. The 'Black Cells.' its up to them to exterminate the Black Cells, since they are the only ones who can go against them.



What are they really?

Some say useless creatures..

Some say a perfect creation..

Some say they're a waste of space...

Well to us.... it's everything we've wanted to be.....

Chapter 1:

I watched as they locked the door to cage I was in. It was such a big cage yet it felt like it was suffocating me. The scientist smiles at me, but it's not the 'happy' and 'gentle' smile humans make. He walks away leaving me lying there, panting from all the penalties.

I look at the roof of the cage. I do not have a name. Instead I am called by a number. '40605'. I am also not human. I bet you figured that out awhile ago. The truth is I don't know what I am or where I am. I just woke up like this. In this body. I didn't know a thing. All the scientist just did were give me a number just like the rest. But the scientists call us 'Anti-child.

Yes there are more of 'us' here.

When I got my breathing straight I sat up. I was in the Break Room. This is the room they put us in when we're done with our tests an to sleep. There was a piece of broken glass at the corner of my cage. I grab it and looked at myself. I had short, shaggy, silver hair. And bright hazel eyes.

The one way door to the room opens. And there they are. The 'others'. They have numbers for names as well but we all gave each other 'nicknames' so it can be much easier for us.

The scientists along with the rest of the children my age. We're all the age of eight now. The first kid to walk in was 40604. But we call him 'Spoon.' that's because he can stomach down anything the scientist puts in front of him. The did something to his stomach and digestive system not only that but he has a stronger immune system as well. He has thick amber hair that covers his eyes. Which are, like mine, hazel. All of ours are hazel.

The next child was a girl. 40602. We call her 'Terra.' The name just fits her. She had long light pink hair that stopped at her waist. After that it was her twin brother. 40601. we call him 'Brainiac.' His hair was like his sister's but shorter.

40603 was last. We call him 'Muscle Man.' for his age he had a lot of muscle and strength. He had black curly hair.

My nickname was 'Mouse.' It's because I can't speak. Something was wrong with my voice box, and whenever I try to speak it comes out in a squeak.

The scientist put the others in their cages. Brainiac's cage was to the left of mine while Terra's was to the right. Spoon and Muscle Man's were below ours.

The scientists exit the room and then there was a buzz. After a few seconds the lights went out. There was nothing but silence and darkness. The only thing I can see were my hands if I put them close to my face.

"....Mouse?" That was Terra's voice.. "Sorry for making you do all those penalties..... I shouldn't have tried to run away...."

I said nothing. I couldn't even if I wanted to.

"It's not your fault Terra. We all wanted to run but you've gotta wait for the right moment." Brain said to his sister.

Terra said nothing back. "Maybe I could've knocked them out and we all could've ran for it." Muscle says trying to cheer her up.

"No. But it would've given us an extra 5% chance of escaping. " Brain says back.

"How much did we started with?" Asked spoon.


I didn't like that number...

"But we'll get out of here someday, and maybe we can be free like the humans!" Terra cheers.


After that discussion we all went to sleep.

I woke up early for some reason. It was still dark in the room. Usually I'd wake up to the buzz every morning.

"Something's wrong." Brain said. I sit up and look in his direction. He'd always wake up before us. He was always the last to sleep but first to wake up.

"Usually they give us six hours of sleep. It's been seven hours, twenty-six minutes, and thirty-seven seconds in counting..."

I never knew they gave us a time limit, but for some reason I felt something in my gut tighten.

"I heard them talking about something on the way from the physical ward." Muscle says. I heard a noise from his cage. "Some thing that's like us, you know."

I was confused.

"I heard that too." Spoon says. He sounds like he just woke up." I also heard that they are made up of the same thing that we have inside of us."

"Black blood cells." Brain says.

"What's that?" Spoon said exactly what I was thinking.

"That's what makes us different from humans. The human only needs red and white blood cells. But we have red, black, and white blood cells. Not only that but because of those blood cells, we can go beyond the human limits in many things." He said. "Take Spoon for example. He can eat what might kill or get humans seriously ill. Yet he eats and digests it like nothing."

"So.... We're stronger than humans?" Terra asks. I didn't even know she was up.

"Not just stronger, but smarter."

"If we are, then why don't we just come up with a plan already to get out of here?" Muscle asks.

"It's not that simple. Do you even know where we are?"

None of us said a thing.

"Exactly. After those physical penalties, while the scientists were discussing something, I manage to listen in on there conversations. I've found out that we're some where under ground. Not only that but we're also in a dead zone. So if we do manage to get out, we'll have to face the outside guards. Plus those hell hounds they created."

"So there's no way out?" Terra asks. For some reason I got the feeling Brain was smirking. "There's always a way out my dear sister. If you can't find one then make one."

The buzzing noise came and the lights were flipped on. It took me awhile to adjust to the brightness. A scientist came in. She wasn't like the others. She was our favorite one, she would always let us rest and give us food on days we shouldn't get any. She even gave us this food called 'Chocolate' it was very tasty. We call her Dr. Red because she had long red hair.

She came in with frown on her face and stopped in front of my cage "I'm sorry you guys." I didn't understand why. Was something had going to happen.

She unlocks our cages one by one. Some other scientist came in a line up.

One walks up to me and grabs me roughly by the arm. If I could make a sound I would've. I didn't know what was going on by the others were grabbed as well. Of course we protested because this have never happened before.

We were dragged into a white room but there were five chairs in the middle of it.

'There's always a way out. If you can't find one then make one.' Brain's words kept repeating in my head. I looked over to him. He looks me right in the eye. He's thinking the same thing I am!

Before I knew it the was a short scream then a loud thud. Muscle had thrown a scientist across the room. The other scientist were in shock. I took this moment to run away. The others followed me.

"If we run at top speed we should be up to the surface in three minutes and thirty-two seconds!" Brain yells. While I was running I heard barking and howling.

The hell hounds!

We made a sharp turn and up a flight if stairs. 'We can make it.' But I stop dead in my tracks and so does the others. Right there. Covered in nothing but raw flesh and blood were the hell hounds.

"T-there's too many!" Terra shrieked and hid behind her brother.

"Wh-What do we do!?" Spoon asked.

"Outrun them." Brain said. We all looked at him like he was crazy.

"Muscle, your the strongest and the tallest you can carry us through, I know after awhile you'll slow down. Once we've gotten a good distance me and Mouse will get off. Since Mouse's the fastest he'll get Terra. I'll get Spoon and Muscle you try to hold them off!"

We did what he said and when we got off his back I grabbed Terra and made a run for it. I heard a high pitched howl then a whimper. Muscle must've took down one.

"One more meter and we're there! Brace yourselves!!" Brain yelled.

We hit the front metal door so hard it flew open. I could still hear howling and some shouting. We were hit with a bright light at first then every thing came in like a picture. I was brought out of thought when Brain started yelling.

"Don't stop now we're halfway there!!"

My bare feet hurt and my chest and throat were burning but I kept running. Then I heard a loud bang.

"Guns! they have guns!" Spoon shouted.

"We can still make it!" Terra shouted.

I was just about to give out until I was picked up Muscle. He had bite marks all over his arms am legs. We dodged many bullets until we came to the electrical fence. We stopped.

"Dangit!! we've come so close!!!" brain yelled.

Just then the gates shut down and opened. "Hurry!! Through here!" it was Dr. Red.

We dashed through the gates and she locked them back. We were going to fast and fell when we stopped. I struggled to stand up and looked at Doctor Red. She smiled. "I knew what they were going to do to you all.... I didn't want that. But no time for that we have to keep going!"


We managed to escape that hell whole. But we didn't know where we were. All I knew was that we were in a field. I sat down because my feet were aching I'm pretty sure everyone else was as well.

I look at the sky. it was know longer blue but a reddish color. I stare at it some more and I feel something wet on my face. I put my hands to my face to see nothing but water. Water? I look around to see Terra clutching her brother their eyes were doing to same as well. But they had a big smile on their face.

"We're free!!" She keeps saying over and over. Spoon and Muscle are both laying on the ground with big smiles on their faces as well. I look at Dr. Red. She's doing the same.

What is this feeling I have in my chest. And what is this on my face. Do I feel 'happy?'

Dr. Red comes up and hugs me. I stiffen, this is the first time someone's done this, even a human. But for some reason I couldn't take it. my vision got really burry and more of the liquid comes out my eyes.I hug her back tighter.

"It's alright." she cooed. "We're free."


I wrote this in the summer. I've got another part of it in my Docs but I,ve never finished it. Comment on what you think.

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