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QUICKLY RUNNING OUT OF BREATH YOU NEEDED TO SLOW DOWN. Everything in you screamed at your burning legs to keep moving, but your labored breathing was preventing it. Hearing the loud footsteps of the boys behind you gave you the motivation you needed to run. Their obnoxious laughter in the background was definitely unsettling and made your stomach churn. Quickly resting behind a tree you tried to slow you raging breathing.

"Find that bitch!" You heard Henry's voice call out through the woods. You decided that trying to stay out of Henry's eye sight was a good idea, but in the end it had to be Patrick that found you trying to maneuver around them. You should have known that wasn't the best idea. Your eyes widen and all you could do at that moment was run the other way.  At this very moment your breathing was jagged as you tried to get away.

This damn group sure wasn't having that. Hearing the sticks crunch beneath their shoes was your cue to book it.

"Be quite you dumbasses." You heard a voice state as you started to move. Stopping in your tracks you hoped they wouldn't hear you. "Over there."

Not looking back you quickly started running off. Only to hear those obnoxious footsteps following you once more. Trying you best to avoid low hanging branches luck wasn't on your side. A falling branch on the ground made your foot get stuck ultimately making you fall flat on the ground. Quickly beginning to panic you tried to get up, only to relies it would be a pain considering the state your ankle is in.

"Hold her against the tree. " Henry called out as the three of them finally caught up to you. Victor and Patrick harshly grabbed your arms yanking you up and shoving you against the tree. The hard bark of the tree creating even more scrapes against your skin. "I found it quite funny that you decided it was a good idea to avoid me."

Not wanting to make eye contact your eyes were trained on the ground. Henry not appreciating this action harshly grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him. His sinister smirk made your blood run cold. Yanking wilding at the two boys who were gripping your arms, but having no luck.

"Keep struggling I only find it more fun." Henry stated gripping your chin so harshly you felt his nails pierce your skin. Reaching into his pocket your eyes saw a glint appear in his hand. Your mind racing with possibilities the closer it came into view. He flipped the knife open reveling the sharp blade.

"I think you need to learn who's in charge." Henry stated earning a small chuckle from the two gripping you. Tears begin to build up in your eyes as Victor and Patrick gripped the bottom of your shirt with one of their hands. The closer that knife came to your skin the more and more you felt light headed.

"Maybe you should mark up this pretty little face of hers first, for a reminder she can't get rid of." Victor spoke his hands now loosely gripping your left arm. Henry's eyes shifted from you to Patrick as if telling him what to do. Patrick reached into his pocket and pulled out his lighter, lighting it directly in front of your face.

"She'll look good with a few burn marks coating her pretty little face." Patrick suggested bringing the flame to your jaw line and letting it linger. You suddenly jerked your head wanting the pain to stop. "Keep still or it'll be worse."

"Fuck you." You spat at the three of them only earning laughs in return.

"I'd be quiet if I was you unless you wanna put that mouth to better use." Patrick spoke his voice drifting in one ear and out the next. You bit your tongue not wanting anything else worse to happen. Suddenly feeling the painful burning sensation back on your jawline, you felt the sharp blade puncture you skin as well. Letting out a ear piercing scream as Henry dug the knife deeper into your stomach and Patrick held the flame even longer.

"I swear I don't have hearing problems." Richie spoke his eyes wondering from left to right in search of the source that let out that scream. Bill's eyes widen as they walked closer seeing the scene unfold. Henry held the knife to the girls skin as she struggled even more to get away.

"Hey assholes! Just because she isn't willing to suck you off doesn't mean you gotta torture her!" Richie bellowed as he stared. Henry's eyes went from the poor girl in front of him to Richie. Letting the girl fall to the ground the three boys ran off in a hurry to catch up to the losers. Quickly running off in different directions a certain loser made his way towards you.

"Let's get you out of here." He stated putting your arm around his shoulders. Taking careful steps the two of you started walking out of the woods. You just wanted to go and get yourself cleaned up. "I'm sorry this happened."

"Don't worrying they've always been that way towards me." You spoke feeling the skin under your jaw slightly raw. You knew it was gonna be a pain in the ass to explain this to your parents, but right now all you wanted to do was sit down. Richie sat you up against one of the nearby tress and sat next to you.

"First day of summer and I'm already dealing with Henry's shit." Richie laughed as he looked at you. Letting out a small laugh you looked back at him. His big, black rimmed glasses falling off of his face.

"With Henry around I'm probably never gonna leave my house the entire summer." You stated picking at random sticks that lay across the ground. You held your hands over the fresh cut on your stomach to try and stop the bloody mess.

"If you stay inside all day you'll never get to see this handsome face at all." Richie stated as he gestured to himself. A small laughed made its way out of your mouth. Clutching your side you slowly pulled up your shirt revealing the fresh cut Henry had created.

"When my friends come back we'll get you cleaned up." Richie smiled his thumb rubbing small circles on your hand. Giving a small nod you tried to stand back up, but failed miserably. "I think I hear them."

"They're gone for now, but I suggest we get out of here before they come back." Beverly spoke as they turned around the tree. Richie quickly placed his arms around your waist helping you up. "We need to get you cleaned up."

Giving a nod all of you started walking off trying to get to the drug store.

"M-m-maybe y-you shouldn't be alone this s-s-summer." Bill spoke as everyone rounded into the drug store. They quickly got some bandages and made their way out of there. "W-w-would you l-like to be in the losers c-c-club?"

"You guys wouldn't mind?" You questioned as you stared at everyone. Their eyes holding hope that you'd say yes.

"I would like to have another girl in the group." Beverly stated a small smile played on her lips.

"And plus I would love to get to see that face every morning." Richie commented his eyes drifting towards you. Biting your lip you gave a slight nod and a smile.

"Well, welcome to the losers club."

HELLO LOVES! Since it's October would you guys like to see some creepy or just Halloween related imagines! If so comment who you would like and some ideas!

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