chapter 20

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Everybody present on hall waiting for omri and ruvya arrival after few minutes of wait they arrived

D: bachcho where were you all last night and gauri puttar how are you yesterday rudra and bhavya went to pick you up they said that your not well but now they are coming

G: dadi i m fine

O: actually dadi karan found her in unconcious state near temple so he brought her to his home

R: and dadi we all were at karan and annika bhabhi's house yesterday

J: ok

P: OMM mummy ji what are they saying karan and annika in same house that to alones kaisa jamana aa gaya h

R: if you have less brain so don't waste that little one in your nonsense

P: don't you know how to talks to elders

D:stop it both of you  bachcho go to your room and pinki shut your mouth

G: dadi where is bade bhaiya

J:he is in his room he came early morning looking depressed looks like something happened

B: nothing happened dadi may be he is stressed because of work

R: ok dadi talk to you later bye come with me guys

All nodded and follow him


Shivika room

O: shivaay what happened you left from there early

G: yes bade bhaiya everything is fine

S: yes everything is fine you say how are you all

O: shivaay you can't lie to us now tell us what haapened

S: i m not lying and nothing happened its just that

(Cut by rudra)

R: don't lie bhaiya i saw you last night in front of bhabhi's room and you were moving from there in anger now say what happened swear on me

S: (shout) rudraaaaaa are you mad don't you dare to do this again

He hugged him and tear brimming from his eyes

Omru: shivaay/bhaiya what happened and stop crying

RiYa:yes bhaiya is there something you  can share with us we are always with you

O: yes shivaay

Shivaay told them what he saw yesterday

G: bade bhaiya i don't think there is something like you think between them

O: yes shivaay it must be an friendly hug

R: but o how he always revolved around bhabhi

B: rudy its because they are friends and you know na what he said he is with her that time when nobody from us with her so its obevious so bhaiya relax

G:yes bhaiya trust bhabhi

S: your right  and i trust her more than myself but i don't get a chance to spend with her whenever i tried to talk to her she ignore me i want make her realise that how much i love her but don't know how to do that

G: ideaaa bhaiya you want a spend time with her what if she is with you all the time

O: i don't understand what are you trying to say

G: nandi bail listen if she stay with us in OM then i you understand naa what i mean to say

B: superbb idea bhabhi

R:but hoe will we convence her

G:that you leave on me i will handle this you just wait and watch what will i do

All smile

S: thanks gauri

And they share group hug



Luthra's office

There is huge rush outside office

Reporter:as you know we are standing outside luthra's office and great bussisness tycoon mr. Kriyan luthra will join us in few minutes for press conference related to his new project and as you know this project will be one of the best biggest project of india

A car arrive in luthra's office  and a tall , handsome guys in three piece suit step down from the car talking on phone and before enter in office he signal his PA to allow media to enter the office and he nodded

Rep: as u see mr. Kriyan luthra has arrived and he allow media to enter the office soon the press conference will be started

Inside office he greet everyone

Girl: yaar kriyan sir good looking and handsome

G2: yes your right don't know how many girls revolves around him but he doesn't look toward them

G3: may be he is arrogant

G4: arrogant and kriyan sir not at all he is best he always treat us like a family you know he is very humble and kind hearted

G1: yes infact i remmber one day our staff member son met with an accident than he is the one who came for him he donate his blood to him and he take everything on him

Kriyan enter in cabin

K:Good morning dad

Sha: good mrng beta are you ready for press conference

K: born ready dad

Sha: did you speak to adhiraj he was worried for mahira health

K: yes i spoke to him and i assure him that i will personally go to mumbai and check her weather she is fine or not

Sha:that's good so when are you planning to move

K: after 2 days and i have meeting to attend there

Sha:so you tell about this to karan

K:no dad actually i want a give her surprise and you know karan he can't digest even single thing

Sha: what mahi says he is

Both: dhol


Sha: ok now should go you have press conference

K: okk and wish me luck

Sha: all the best


Karan and annika discussing about arrangements than gauri and rudra came to them

G: bhai i want ask you one thing

K: say it chutki

G: but promise me you will not deny after hearing

(Om ,bhavya and shivaay hiding)

K: ok i promise

G: bhai i want you to stay with us in OM

Mahika: what

R: why are you shouting guys she ask such a simple thing and your behaving like she ask you to bring moon for her

K: its not like that but this is not possible chutki i can't plz forgive me and ask anything otherthan this

G: no i want only this plzz bhai you can't even do this to plzzzz plzzz plzzz

She make puppy face

K: hey don't blackmail me by making such kind of face

R: look there are two profits in staying here

K: and what was that

R: first you get more time to spend with bhabhi and second you don't have to go and come often you can easily do your work from here so think about it

Idea strike in karan brain so he agree

K: ok i will stay here but on one condition

G: and what is that

K: i will stay with you guys only till than party is over after that i will leave and no body will force me

S: enough for me so he sign rudra in positive

R: ok done

Annika understand karan intention so she didn't say anything

A: ok karan if you agree to stay here with them than i don't have any problem

All jump in excitement from inside

A: okk so i should leave now its getting late so see u tomorrow


R: where are you going

A: my house any problem

R: yes right now you agree to stay here and now your going

A: when did i said that i will stay here how much i remember i said i have no problem if karan will stay here i never said that i m also joining him here

R: but both things are same

A: no both are not same

G: what he is saying that is you both are staying together right so you can stay here also

A: sorry but i can't

G: but your not well and how will you manage alone so plz agree

A: i m absloutely fine and i can manage myself

R: plzz di plzzz plzzz

He makes puppy face

A: look this emotional drama will not work on me so its useless to do this in front of me

G: bhai plzz convince her naa now only you can plzzz plzzz

K: ok i will try

A: no karan don't try

K: mahi plz listen to me for my sake only still the  party  plzzz plzzz

A:no not at all

K: ok as your wish but don't blame me afterawards

A: are you trying to threating me

K: as you think (smirk)

A: this is not done oki m ready  but only still the party after that not a single second more

K: ok done

K: so chutki she is ready

Gauri excitedly hug karan and shivaay hug om

Annika look at gauri suspecially

A: ok but i'll be back in sometime

G: now where are you going

A: actually i have somework at my house so i will join you guys later

K:ok i 'll come with you

G:but where are you going now and its too late you can do that work even tomorrow

K: no chutki its important and so she have to go and you don't worry i m going with her she is not alone

R: but why are you going shivaay bhaiya is there he will drop her till than you talk to bhabhi

Shivaay shockingly come out

S: me

R: yes bhaiya some time before you told us  that you have some work that side remember

S: yes yes I remember  i have an important meeting so i will drop u hope you don't have any problem with that

A: why will i have ok i will come with you

Shivaay start jumping inside his heart

S: so shall we




R1:mr. Luthra first of all congratulations for your new project

Kr:thank you

R2:could you plz tell us something about your new project

(Some bussiness related conversation
I don't know anything about bussisness guys so sorry)

R1: so mr. Luthra who is your inspiration your father or some one else

Kr:honestly speaking my first inspiration is yash uncle yash rajvanshi and than my father

R2:it seems you are so close to him

Kr: yes he is like a father to me he is my first teacher to me today I am in this position  its all because of him

R1: we also heared that luthra and oberoi are going to sign a deal is it true

Kr: you heared it roght that proposal came from oberois but i didn't think about that yet now so nothing is confirmed

R2: mr. Luthra u r most eligible bachelor so when are u getting married and what kind of girl u want
Kr: i don't think about it till now i thinks its done for today so thank u guys
R: thank u sir for giving us ur precious tym
Kriyan left
Rep: to jaisa ki aapne dekha ye the kriyan luthra


Both didn't utter a single word for sometime and now this silence is killing shivaay so he initciate

S: so how are you  gauri told me that your not well

A: i m fine now

S: i want a say sorry to you

A: sorry for what

S: for my previous deed

A: its okkk i forgot about that even you forget

S: thanks for forgiving me

A:its ok and even i m sorry for my rude behaviour

S: thats not your mistake if someone else is in your place even they will behave like this only  so don't worry

A: ok

S: so friends he forward his hand

A: but i don't make friends easily but its okk she join her hand

A: friends mr. Oberoi

S: now we ate friends so you can call me shivaay mahira

A: ok shivaay and you can call me mahi like karan calls

S: ok mahi  but it seems you and karan are very close friends

A: not close we are closest friends

S: i can see that

A: we always figth with each other but that fight doesn't come between our friendship

Suddenly car stop

A: what happened

S: don't know may be tyre puncture let me see

S:oo god tyre puncture

A: its ok check may be u have spare tyre in your car

S: no i don't have now what will we do its we stuck in middle of road and its getting dark and may be it will be raining

A:its ok my house is not far from here so we can walk if u r okk with it

S:yaa sure

They start walk

Shivaay saw a ice cream vendor

S: hey what about ice cream

A: okkk

S: you wait here i 'll go and buy for us
She nodded

Shivaay came with two cones in hand and handover one to her

A: thanks

S: hey no sorry and thank you in frndship

A: okk

Both start munching icecream while walking icecream  in shivaay face and nose annika notice it and start laughing loudly

S: what happened why are you laughing

A: look at your face shivaay (supressing laugh)

S: what happened to my face

A: ice cream all over your face

Shivaay try to remove it but he didn't suceed annika hold his hand and came forward and decrease the distance now they are inches apart and start removing it with her hand shivaay close his eyes to feel her touch shivaay hold her hand with one hand and open his eyes and stare her and she even could not take her eyes from his and both share an romantic eyelock

Their eyelock break by voice of car horn and feel awkward shivaay was happy

And they again walk but now didn't utter a single word


A: hey we reached

They enter the house and found dark
Shivaay knows annika has fear of darkness so he look at her and found fear on her face but she try to overcome

Annika how much you changed you still have same fear but now your trying to overcome now you don't have much fear now you learn to fightback

Annika switch on the lights
Shivaay came out from her thoughts

A: shivaay what are you thinking

S: nothing

A: okk you  go and fresh n up and till than i finish my work


Annika move to her room

S: so have you finished your work

A: yaa what about your work

S: wo i informed them today i can't make it but how we will go home

A: we can't make it today we have to stay here tonight

S:ok i'll inform omru about this

A: no need i already inform karan

S:ok so lets have dinner

A:wait i order

S: no need i will cook for us

A: you know cooking

S: yes come with me

Shivaay was cooking and annika was just helping hand

Annika phone ring so he excuse herself


It's Kiryan call

Kr: hiii mahi

A: hiii

Kr: did you see my press conference

A: how can i miss that and your very good

Kr: and how am i looking

A: like always stunning

Kr: how are you now

A: i m fine you tell me how is sammy i hope she is fine na

Kr: you know about her she is happy from outside but she is having lot of pain inside you have to do something to bring smile on her face

A: i know and i promise soon she will get back her smile again and where is she now

Kr: in her room she is keeping her busy to make her mind distract

A: give phone to her

Kr: ok

He knock on door

Kr: sammy open the door

Sammy: bhai i m busy right now i don't have time to talk to anybody

Kr: whom your fooling  i know how much your busy but mahira wants to talk to u so plz open the door
She open the door

Sammy: bhai give me phone

He handover her phone

Sammy: bhai  I will bring your phone later  ok

She close the door

A: sammy i can understand your condition but plz don't loose hope

Sammy: it's nothing like that and i have full hope that everything will be fine soon and she start crying

A: sammy don't cry yaar plz if you cry like this than what will i say to him ki mere hotey hue tum royi and you know him na

Sammy:but mahi when will he come

A: soon now samaira now stop crying otherwise i will also start crying and i promise you i give you good news and we are very near so believe us believe in him we both will not let them win and i promise we will complete his work

Sammy: finish your work as soon as possible and come back with good news

A: ok bye and keep smiling baby and now give phone back to him he is on door

Sammy: ok

She open the door and handover him phone

Sammy: bhai thank you (pass smile)

Kr: anything for you

Kr: thank you mahi

A: thank youuu

Kr: oooppppsss myyyy mistake

A: its okk soon i 'll be back with good news

Kr: we all are waiting for that day ,come soon all the best


A: are u done shivaay

S: yes waise bhut tym laga diya call me

A: yaa it was urgent call

S: okkk now come

Annika hand hit glass and it break

A: its ok i'll pick it up

She start picking glass pieces then she whince in pain glass piece pierce in her hand shivaay quickly hold her hand

S: can't you do it carefully look blood is coming

A: its ok it is just minor

S: it is minor for you can't you see its deep cut you just sit here she sit on stool and where is first aid box

A: second drawer


Shivaay start dressing her and she was just staring him but shivaay full concentration on her hand

S: ok done

Her trance broke

S: now come lets have dinner

They both settle on dining table and start eating shivaay found annika is struggling in eating so he took spoon and start feeding her

Both look at each other lovingly

A: shivaay done


A: both of us has finished the food come lets watch movie

S: ok

They both settle on sofa and watching movie

Soon annika sleep putting her head on shivaay shoulder shivaay saw annika sleeping he smile and tuck her hair behind and sleep in same position

Screen freeze

Mahika identity reveal on bhavya

So guys hope you all like this episode if you guys liked this episode please press the star button 🌟 and give me your views by commenting I am so upset with you guys I didn't get any comments and enough vote in previous episode my dear silent readers please vote only your vote decided whether we want to continue or not

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