chapter 5

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The episode starts in oberio mansion
Dadi, jhanavi ,gauri, bhavya are talking about some random things.Tej and shakthi is talking about some business related things just then Rudra came running
Rudra:o,dadi,bhabhi,bhavya all were schoked to see Rudra condition

All:what happened rudra and all this happened (asked in a concern)
Om:where is shivaay he is fine no?
A voice:i am fine
All look toward the voice and find shivaay carrying a girl whose face is covered with hair
Shivaay :i am fine guys on call the doctor
Shivaay took mahira to the guest room and made her lay on the bed and cover her with a comforter and came out while rest followed him

Shivaay:om you called the doctor name tell him to come fast it's an emergency

Om:yes shivaay doctor will be here at any minute

(Dadi cuts him)

Dadi:billu what happened your fine babe who is she pointing towards unconscious mahira
Shivaay hugged dadi and started to cry while rudra hugged om and started to cry

Shivaay:(in same position) dadi I told you no my anika is alive he realease the hug and says see my belief came true Dadi she is my anika pointing towards mahira.

Rudra:yes o she is our anika bhabhi

All got schoked and rushed to the room and finds anika there every one is happy except pinky

Pinky (in mind) :omm this girl came again I don't know when she will leave my son life.

Doctor came by that time he ask them to wait outside

Dadi:can some one tell me what happened where did you find anika

Shiru explained everything.Dadi hugged shivaay

Dadi :your love for anika is true that's why she came back from her death

Om:sorry shivaay for not having faith in you and thanks for bringing anika bhabhi back

Gauri:yes bhai forgive  me to

Bhavya :yes please forgive all of us

Shivaay:what are you talking  and why you all are asking sorry it's not your mistake and no more sentimental talk  we should be happy

Jhanavi :your right shivaay it's party time today the happiness of this house has returned

Doctor reached there all rushed to him

Shivaay :doctor how is she if she is ok

Doctor :yes Mr. Oberio she is absolutely fine just because of the injury she become unconscious she will be gain conscious in half an hour

Shivaay :ok thank  you doctor

After half hour mahira gain conscious  and found herself in an unknown place

Mahira pov

Where the hell I am this place feels more familiar for me I think I came to this place I feel connected to this place  oh stop it mahi this is the first time your coming to Mumbai stop thinking nonsense and control yourself
Pov ends

She quickly took her phone and dialed Karan number

Mahi:hello Karan what happened to the infomer do you find him

Karan:no mahi he didn't come I am trying to locate him you tell me are you ok

Mahi:i am OK but I don't know where I am

Karan:your in oberio mansion

Mahi:but how do you know

Karan:i tracked your number darling  and I have send a car for you driver must have arrived come soon fast and remember you don't know them OK behave like you have seen them for the first time ok

Mahi:yes boss I am coming as soon as possible

Karan:ok bye

She came out to the hall every one is waiting for her to gain conscious

Mahi pov

I feel like I know about these people before oh come on mahi you have all the information about them

Pov ends

Shivaay saw her coming towards them he rushed to her and gave a bone crushing hug tears are flowing from his eyes

Mahira was schoked from inside  she feel so good she composed herself and broke the hug

Shivaay take her to the center

Dadi:puttar hoe are you now? Ur fine na

Anika nodded in positive

Mahi:thank you for bringing me here I think I should leave now

Saying this anika started to leave  but stopped by a sudden force she turns and see shivaay holding her

Shivaay :where are you going anika tell me I won't let you go from me

Rudra:yes bhabhi your not going anywhere

Om:i know we did wrong with you but you will not go anywhere

Gauri:yes bhojai we know that we all break your heart but we can't let you go now

Bhavya : bhabhi we are happy to see you we are sorry for not believing you trust us bhabhi we will not repeat this mistake again

Dadi: yes anika puttar please forgive us

Jhanavi :yes beta I know because of us you suffered a lot I can assure you nothing like that will happen again

Shivaay cupped mahira face and says I know I hurt you a lot anika my mistake is not forgivable but please forgive your shivaay you know in anger i will tell anything  but I didn't meant all this why are you standing like this say something

Mahira was schoked
Mahi pov

What is happening here why are they apologies to me  I don't know  them I think it's to stay quiet for some  and clear their misunderstanding

Shivaay :speak up something

Mahi:sorry sorry for what why you people are asking sorry to me I think you misunderstood me so

Shivaay :why are you saying like this I know you are angry on me  but please forgive me you don't know my situation with out you anika

Mahi:listen mister  whoever  you are I don't know you  even I don't know anika I am mahira not anika I think I should leave

Shivaay:i know you are angry on me but please don't say like this

Omru:yes bhabhi  forgive us please don't say like this your not going anywhere

Gaubhya:yes bhojai/bhabhi you are not going anywhere

Mahi:look you people are misunderstood me as some one else I am not your bhabhi or bhojai what ever you say

Dadi:what are you saying puttar this is your family your house

Mahi:listen you're elder to me that's why I am respecting you  this is not my family

Shivaay anger reached the peak he hold her arms tightly  and says what did you say this is not your family I know your angry on me but this is not the way and one more thing your not going anywhere got it

Now mahira anger reaches peak she jerk his hand slaps him and says how dare you touch me  I told you na I am not anika and I don't know any anika why can't understand a simple thing get this straight into your head I am not anika


Mahi:arey yaar why can't people understand a simple thing  I am not your bhojai i came to Mumbai first time I remember I didn't meet you before so how can I be your bhojai end of the discussion I am mahira not anika

Pinky:arey shivaay let her go she is saying that she don't know us how dare this manhoos slap you

Mahi:now who the hell are you

Pinky :drama queen behaving like you don't know me OK let me tell you I am pinky sigh oberio mother of shivaay sigh oberio and wife of shakthi sigh oberio daughter in law of oberio family

Mahi:so Mrs. Pinky sigh oberio mother of shivaay sigh oberio and wife of shakthi sigh oberio daughter in law of oberio family or whatever I asked about you not about your family you told me about your son husband and family you didn't tell me anything about you I think people doesn't know you without your surname I am sure you have not done anything to your self your big zero without your surname  and your talking about me I am independent woman not like you who even can't tell her about herself who don't have any identity without her surname  you know who am I? I am mahira self independent and educated girl not like you who depends on family for simple thing even road picker has own identity

Pinky:how dare you compare me with road picker

Mahi:i think your top floor is empty that's why you can't understand a simple thing your calling me manhoos just look at your family  they are looking at you with disgusting eyes this your place

Voice:mahi mam

All turned towards the voice

Mahi:now who are you

The person :i am driver came to pick you

Mahi:ok you wait I am coming  turning towards the oberio  thank you for your help  saying this anika left the place

Screen freze in oberio schoked face



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