chapter 7

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Hai guys I am back with the next update so let's start the episode

The episode starts in Rajasthan Jaipur

City hospital is shown

Inside the operation theater

A girl is lying with bandage all over her head oxygen mask on her face and a lot of machine is attached with her body

Outside OT

Man:sir how is she? She is fine na?

Doc :her condition is very critical she is not responding to any medicine or treatment  looks like she lost her hope to live

Man:can I meet her once


Man:please doctor

Doc:ok 5 mins

Man:ok thanks

The man entered the ward with tear eyes sees the girl the girl is exact replica of anika

Man:what is this batcha plz get up what happened to you why you don't want to live you want to leave me how can you leave me today I am not going to listen to you. You have to get up. I can't live without you. You have to get up for me for you  he hugged the girl tear fall on his face she started to breathe heavily

Man shouted doctor

Doc:what happened ?

Man:i don't know she started to breathe heavily what happened to her

Doc:ok let me check you please wait outside

Man:no you please do whatever you want to do I won't disturb you

Doc:oh my God her heart beat is decreasing nurse get me the injection

While the man is standing there holding the girl hand

After some time

Man:what happened why was she breathing heavily

Doc:relax  she is out of danger now

Man:thank you doctor for saving her you don't know  what a big favor you have done to me thank you so much

Doc:its my duty I must say I didn't do anything only your love brought her back. She came back from death for your love we will shift her to general ward she will gain conscious in 2 hours


After 2 hours

She gain conscious

Girl:where I am

Nurse came

Nurse:how are you feeling now mam

Girl:fine but where am I

Nurse:your in city hospital

Girl:hospital but how do I came here. I... I didn't remember anything (she started to scratch her head) who am I why I can't remember anything  (she started to shout)

Nurse:mam please clam down please don't stress yourself please take rest

Girl:how can I relax I even don't know who I am

Nurse:oh my God I have to inform doctor

She started to run towards the doctor cabin

Doc:what happened sister what are you doing here you have to be with the patient

Nurse:doc man got concussion but she is not well

Man:what happened to her is she is fine

Nurse:i don't know she is stressing herself

Doc:let me check

The trio left to the ward

Girl:doctor please do something I don't remember anything

Man:bacha relax

Girl:who are you do I know you. You know me please tell me she hugged him he reciprocated the hug

Her breath become uneven

Man:doc do something  what is happening to her

Doctor gave her an injection she slept in the man embarence

Man:what happened

Doc:even I am confused sister can you tell me what exactly happened

Nurse explain everything

Doctor  cabin

Man:can you tell me what is happening

Doctor:due to accident  her brain got heavy damage she lost her memory you have to handle her with care


The man dialled a number


O. S:yes

Man:anika lost her memory

O. S:what


Silent conversation


Anika ward

Anika:who are you tell me please tell me who I am

Man:relax batcha I will tell you everything  your mahira

Anika:mahira who are you

Man:i am your family  it's enough for now. relax now don't stress yourself take rest

Man pov
I can't tell you anything  from now on anika is death your mahira my mahira

Pov ends

Man goes out of the ward

Anika in sleep mummers mahira

Her sleep was broken by a voice

Voice:mam please get up we have reached

Flashback ends

Anikagets down and enter the house

Screen frezse

So guys tell me how was the episode if you guys liked my story don't forget to press the star 🌟 button and also don't forget to give your lovely comments..
.so guys you want to see who the man who changed anika into mahira

So guys see you all in the next update

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