potential dangers

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The intercom crackles to life, startling everyone in the classroom.

"Good afternoon, Changuk High students! I hope everyone is having a great day despite the current weather conditions. I'm here to remind you of Headmaster Oh's message from this morning's assembly. We want to make sure that everyone gets home safely after school, so please make sure to head straight home after the school day ends. If you need to stay behind for academic or club reasons, we ask that you call a parent or guardian to pick you up from the school parking lot. This is for your safety, and we appreciate your cooperation in this matter. But if you ever have to walk alone or take an unfamiliar route, please be careful. It's always better to walk with a friend or in a group to ensure your safety. Keep an eye out for any potential dangers and stay aware of your surroundings. We also recommend carrying a charged phone with you in case of emergencies. However, if you're unable to carry a charged phone, please head to the main office and ask to make a phone call home. Remember, safety is our top priority, and we want everyone to get home safely. Thank you for your attention, and have a great day!"

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