chapter 5: retry

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Finally, I received a message from the Hero Academy about the entrance exam while doing my daily training.

Although I knew I would definitely pass, I couldn't help but feel nervous.Even as I tried to maintain a calm expression, my hands shook as I opened the text. By revealing Lyra Nightshade's darkest secrets, I would surely arouse her suspicion. After all, she confided in the Main Character before her demise.

"Please pass..."

Slowly scrolling down on the system screen, the English characters for 'Certificate of passing' were the first to catch my eye.

That was to be expected. However, the problem lay in the words written below.[First Place]

"What? First place?!"How was that possible? The Main Character was supposed to be first, securing a scholarship to alleviate financial burdens.

Clicking my tongue in frustration, I decided to take a different approach. Since I couldn't go back to the time of the entrance exam, I resolved to sponsor the Main Character instead. Without the scholarship, he might resort to an alternative path - dropping out of the academy and pursuing a career as a government official. While such a decision was never explicitly explored in [A Hero's Tale], it's a plausible option. After all, the Main Character often discussed his potential future with his close friends, weighing various possibilities.

With a resolute breath, I opened my system window and dialed the Hero Academy's number. Even if they discovered my identity, it was of no use as I could just rewind time to the latest save."Hello, this is the Hero Academy. How may we help you?" came the prompt voice on the other end.

"Good afternoon, I would like to sponsor a student," I replied, my tone steady as a gnawing sense of unease crept over me.

"May I know who you would like to sponsor?"

"Sure, his name is... is..."

What was the Main Character's name again? All this time, I've been referring to him as the Main Character. However, all hope was not lost. I knew his skill would be saved within the records of the academy.

"I don't remember the name. However, I do know he has a <<Sword of Light>> skill. Can you please help me check?"

There was a brief pause on the other end, followed by the click of keyboard keys as the academy staff member searched through their records.

"I'm sorry, but I don't see any records of such a skill-holder," came the response, laced with confusion.


How could that be? What sort of joke was this? No records? Even if he attended the entrance exam, there should be records in the Academy's database.

As I processed the academy staff member's words, I pondered over what she said.There's no way...

What if the Main Character does not exist?

That would explain why there were no records. Why I did not see him at the entrance exam. How I got first place.

This world is doomed. How was this world going to defeat the Demon God without the protagonist's cheat-like growth or plot armor?

As the weight of despair threatened to overwhelm me, I felt a sudden lightheadedness wash over me, the world spinning around me as darkness closed in. At that moment, a voice echoed in my head as I stumbled to the floor.

"Last Chance."


"Sir? You have reached your destination. Please wake up."Awakening me from my slumber was a man's voice, his tone laced with irritation.Lethargically getting myself up, I rubbed my eyes. The stiffness of my body made it seem as if I had slept for days. Massaging my aching forehead, I glanced around my surroundings, trying to make sense of where I was and who had disturbed my rest.I found myself in a...

Why was I in a taxi?

Last I recall, I was in my apartment awaiting the results of the Hero Academy entrance exam. How did I get here?

Although confused, I decided to pay the taxi driver and alighted. What greeted me was the entrance of the Hero Academy, where the numerous crowds were visible.Wait... Wasn't this the exact same scene I saw when I first took the Hero Academy entrance exam?

Stepping onto the pavement, memories of the events leading up to this moment flooded back into my mind. The voice of that false god, the truth about the Main Character.

"What last chance? Also, the Main Character does not exist...?" As the overwhelming sense of despair threatened to overwhelm me, I took a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down. Clenching my fists, I reminded myself that despair was not an option.

As I walked through the gates of the Hero Academy, I pondered various things. Why does the Main Character not exist? What does the god mean by 'last chance'? Does that mean that I should try not to mess up?

Clicking my tongue in frustration, I made my way towards the area where the exam was located."Please present your exam number."

As expected, the stoic man with shades stopped me once again, confirming that I had gone back to before I took the entrance exam.

Deciding not to wait for the announcement, I moved towards my designated area, group C. Although I was getting stared at, I decided to just ignore them and plot my victory against Lyra, an S-class Hero.

Even though the plan I used before caused me to obtain first place, I did not want to risk ruining my future relationship with her. She was an overpowered instructor who could wield almost any type of weapon by speaking to it. According to her, all weapons have egos that can strengthen the user's strength greatly by resonating with them.

"From now on, we will begin the entrance exam for the Hero Academy! Please move to your designated areas according to your system screen."

As I was already there, people started queueing up behind me.

As the instructor sat down on a chair placed in front of each group, she glanced at me before announcing the same instructions.

Impress her and you pass. Simple.

My turn being the first, I walked up to the stage. She gave an encouraging smile and told me to calm down and follow the instructions.

The gears in my brain were turning. Threats were not an option. Fighting her directly was also out of the question. Wait a minute...

As I started to prepare myself, I waited for the referee to say the magical words."You may start."

Wielding the E-rank daggers that I kept in my pocket, I sharpened my instincts and faced her. The reason why I did not use the daggers previously was because the objective at that time was to mock her.

With her speed and strength decreased, it was possible to obtain first place this time around while also gaining her interest. Rushing forward, I swung the pair of daggers in a wide arc, aiming for her neck. However, before they could connect, a fist swung towards me as I muttered, "Load."


Rushing forward, I swung the pair of daggers in a wide arc, aiming for her neck. This time, I moved my body to dodge the fist. Before it could make contact, she leaned back and executed a roundhouse kick. As it connected with the side of my body, I weakly muttered as spit came out of my mouth.



Rushing forward, I swung the pair of daggers in a wide arc, aiming for her neck. This time, I moved my body to dodge the fist. As I moved my body downwards, I jumped off the ground and managed to evade her kick. Swinging my daggers again, I got within 1 inch of her neck before moving away.

However, the instructor moved and punched me while I was disoriented. I managed to let out a weak voice as I was tossed into the wall.

"Lo-Cough... Load."


'How is this cadet managing to aim for my vital spots every time? Even though my speed and strength have decreased, that does not mean that my experience is gone. I should have the upper hand. Does he have an S-tier skill too?'

Staring at the black-haired boy in front of her, she felt that if this were a real fight, she would have died over 5 times. Even though she does not have a weapon and her stats have decreased, she is still fighting against a student who has not even entered the academy.Dodging the daggers being swung at her, she attempted to punch again, hoping to catch him off guard. Unfortunately, she kept missing and the distance between the dagger and her neck closed.

Letting out a grunt, she considered disarming and taking the weapon out of his hand, hoping to communicate with it in an attempt to defeat him. When suddenly...

"Uhh...Ms. Lyra? The time has exceeded over 10 minutes. Are you d-done testing this kid?" came a hesitant voice from the sidelines, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the arena. Startled by the reminder of the time, she glanced at the clock and reluctantly conceded defeat as her body shook with laughter.

"Hahaha! You were amazing! Although your reflexes could be improved, you made sure your daggers were 1 inch away from my neck before moving away."

I smiled at her, as relaxed as possible."Well, even if it had hit, it wouldn't have done any damage, would it? If it had ended that easily, I would be extremely disappointed."

"Hehehe... Just by listening to you, you make it sound as if you could end it easily.""Thank you."

Lyra approached me and put her hand on my shoulder, trying to suppress her laughter."You may go back now. The results will be sent soon.""I'll do that.""Okay then."

Saying so, she wrote something on the piece of paper and pointed out the exit while calling the next person."I'll see you at the academy soon, young man."I nodded briefly at Lyra before making my way towards the door.

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