TURNING to oregon.

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Also new characters introduced in this book:

(I will be shifting the POV, from YOU to I I know it's sudden but I think everything will flow smoothly)

I arrived at a small motel, in Oregon... I slowly walked to my balcony watching an entire open land... with almost nothing but small cacti... I had planned to meet up with rein... but he seemed to be taking so long... as this point I was gonna get out by myself... but I saw rein... "hey I thought you weren't gonna come"
I said.
"I know I'm late I'm sorry Skylar"
"It's alright here I got some left over money from a modeling job... let's go out to eat and explore"

"Sure" said rein smiling... I got ready and we drove off, coming to a restaurant called "La rancha" rein slowly pulled into the drive way, slowly I got out of the car and walked inside... he had already reserved a table and I was surprised as I saw nick and Abel... "surprise" they all said. I sat down next to Abel, relaxing... "how have you been?" Said Abel, "I've been good just... happy to leave Grayson and Ethan... I needed a break... and being here reminds me of nature... I think being over there with them was very draining for me."
"I get that well I'm happy your here with us we're gonna have the best time"
"Thank you" I said smiling...

I ordered some red wine, and chatted amongst my friends. "Here take these" I said to them giving each one a small crystal necklace... "I value you guys for being here... things have been hard and I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately"
"We all know how hard things have been and thank you" said rein... "yeah but hey let's focus on the present and thank you very much for this it's beautiful... the design and everything..."
"Of course" I said nervously chuckling.

Rein: ""what did you want to talk about?"
Skylar: "well I wanted to talk about when we first met..."
Abel: "okay..."
Skylar: "you came across me on the street and you told me your name, you were walking your dog I guess, and you asked if I had seen anyone who looked like me, I couldn't believe what I was seeing I'd never seen anything like it... I was scared but also kinda happy... you were cute" I blushed.
Abel: "wow okay I didn't realize that I was that attractive"
"Yes" I said giggling. "but... I don't really know you, why were you asking me about myself?"
abel: "well that's the thing you don't know me at all yet I have been observing you from afar since the moment I saw you and you are a beautiful person... you remind me of my sister she has the same beauty as you... but then again she is the only one I have ever met who looks like her...

it's weird because it makes me feel like I need to protect you" I smiled slightly.
I continued to stare at him with wide eyes, until our food arrived and we started eating... "oh wow this is delicious" he said taking another bite of his steak. "so how old are you?" I asked.
he replied "I'm 19... you?" I responded. "I'm 18... so we are basically the same age right?" I said laughing. "that's correct!" He chuckled.
I finished half of the plate and took some more bites and I looked around the room and noticed some of my other friends staring at us too... I laughed awkwardly, before saying, "this isn't embarrassing at all is it?" he shook his head "not in the least". I blushed lightly. He smiled slightly. After that our conversation was light, and easy... we talked about everything that came to mind and I was able to loosen up a little bit, he was nice to me. We decided to spend the rest of the night together. After dinner, we went to the park near the hotel, we had an amazing evening together and after that we headed back to the hotel. We kissed and hugged goodbye... he gave me a card and said... "call me when you need to talk" I nodded and went back to my hotel room alone....
The end.
Part 2 incoming

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