casino 4

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Skylar's POV: I decided to take a small bathroom break "I'll be back" I told fietro.
I got up from my seat slowly walking near the bathroom but I took a turn to the massive water fountain. I stared at the glaring moon. The light emitted from it was massive.

I walked around the fountain unsure of how to feel, but I was happy I met so many wonderful people and of course hot men but... I didn't know how to feel.
I just wanted time alone to think.

I turned around and decided to head back to the table.
*time skip* as we were leaving the casino we played a couple more arcade games "hey... would you mind coming with me tomorrow to a nearby garden I wanna talk to you about somethings"

"Alright for sure" said Nick.
I wondered off to Grayson to watch him play the arcade game. After a couple more gaming sessions we all left to Ethan's car, "we should play among us" said rein.

Quickly rein set up the game giving us the code, we were in the everybody spread out.
I did the medbay task along with Grayson.

*time skip*

We had arrived to rein's giant mansion...
"Hey Grayson"
"Hey my love"
He said we both went into a guest room.
"Love you"
"Thank you...."

"You are so handsome Grayson..."
"Thank you"

"here rest with me" said grayson. I gave him a small kiss as we both madeout before we slept.



rein's POV:

i went out to my garden that was in my amazing white modern mansion. I had some tea I carried around me because I needed to wind down. I put my tea on a table, which was meant for decor but regardless it was useful. I also put down my journal as I started to write "today was great. it was fun we went to the casino with my friends and skylar he was such a perfect person to me, I wasnt sure how to feel plus it was already so obvious that him and grayson were a couple but that didnt change how strong our connection was.

"but I still do very much thing he is such a kind person... the moonlight is so pretty today... speaking of the moon. I really had to keep my composure in the pool because the moonlight made skylar shine in a way that I have never seen him shine before. it made me almost... horny... something about his slilky smooth skin. anyways, Im drinking some tea while wiriting this enjoying my mansion.

I am so beyond grateful for this mansion. I am very very blessed. this live is just amazing... I have cars, money everything so now Im very focused on giving more and giving back not that I wasnt before but I didnt pay as much attention to giving back as before. however now I am determined to give back to all and do things for the good of all for the rest of my life"

I had to really dig deep in myself today to be honest about what I truly and really wanted with skylar. although its not like I wanted ot use him or that I did. we just simple had a vibe and a flow that connected so well. I for sure loved him everything that I felt around him was so beyond different from any other person.

I decided to pull out my phone and take some photos inside of my garden, the first one was me on a pumpkin, I took quite a lot, I already had some many photo shoot ideas like a cowboy outfit in the garden, a sexy red rose photoshoot with a fragance, for the corn field I could make a video focused on the corn and or something like a cowboy. I also thought about doing soemthing with blue pumpkins that would be angelic.

I snapped out of my thoughts and contiuned to take selfies.

I decided to put a captain "the moonlight ignites a night of passion" in a way the captain was reflective of the way I felt around sktlar and how we their was strong tension for us to get a little... freaky. but I didnt want to think about it much because I didnt know what he truly wanted.

THE END!!!!!!!!!111

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