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Where a pair of soulmates have a bond so strong that not even death itself can fracture it or so they thought....

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It was once said that to find one's soulmate was a scarce thing, because someone can go their whole life without ever getting close to finding their other half, but other's such as supernatural beings that have been the one's to prove that this was very much a myth at least for a creature that couldn't die and thought that there was no such thing as soulmates until he found out that this silly myth was very much true when he layed his eyes own his very own soulmate that instantly took all that he was and accepted him without even giving him a second to warn her off.

Her name was Julies Atkins, she was a girl that faced to many hard ships in her twenty one years on this planet, from losing her parents at a very young age to taking care of her younger brother Aiden, to having a power that once unleashed caused only damage in it's wake, finding out that her soulmate was an original vampire was the very least thing that worried her in fact if she was being truthful with her self she had a dream about a month ago that told her that her soulmate would be coming and to take him as he was would be the only thing that would prove that he was worthy of her love.

And Kol Mikaelson was everything that she could have wished for and then some. From the moment they meet you could see that everything in his demenior changed, he knew that this girl was his and he would do anything in his power to protect her from all the sadness that he saw in her eyes when she didn't think he was looking.

Their happiness was something that came and went as time passed, the main reason of this being Kol's older brother Niklaus becoming more paranoid and realized that it was easier to deal with his siblings when they were safely put away in a box with a dagger in their hearts. Even though this angered Julies more than she would admit she knew that it was better to stay by Nik then anger him by leaving him to his own devices.

Or so she told herself until one faithful night she left and didn't plan on every seeing an mikaelson ever again after he daggered Kol one to many times for her liking, til a decade later she got an call about how a possible solution to Niklaus curse was alive and breathing in a small town named Mystic Falls that had started it all. As she returns to the town she comes face to face with the very people she swore to never see again,along with a possibility that the one thing that she loved could be taken away from her, when she thought they would forever be unfractured.

                                      Cast :

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( The Original Heretic )

"You don't understand the pain I feel, how could you? It's not like your worst nightmare that you've had for a thousand years came true right in front of your eyes."

Julies Atkins portrayed by Teresa Palmer

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(One of the first sired heretic's)

"I've learned from the best so it would probably be best not to test me, do I make myself clear?"

-Megan Fox as Riana Fowley
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                               ( The Soulmate )

"This isn't a dream, I'm right here My darling Jul and I won't leave you again. "

Kol Mikaelson portrayed by who ever you would like to imagine*

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(The Noble Brother )

" I don't care what you do Elena as long as you don't cross us, because if you do I can't save you from Julies and her revenge plans and trust me when I say this she is a bigger treat than Niklaus will ever be if you anger her."

- Daniel Gilles as Elijah Mikaelson
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( The Big Bad Hybrid )

" I can't help but laugh at your pain because my dear brother did warn you about her being one of the most feared of our kind for this very reason. Yet you ignored that little piece of information that he gave you, like the naive people you are."

- Joseph Morgan as Niklaus Mikaelson

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                  ( The girl that loved too much)

" If you were smart you would have ran when you first heard that she was in town, but here we are... So I would tread carefully if I were you, because she did learn most of her tricks from my  brother's and vice versa."

- Claire Holt as Rebekah Mikaelson

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Additional Cast

Caspar Zafer..................Finn Mikaelson

Jensen Ackles.............Alaric Saltzman

           Candace King................Caroline Forbes           

Kat Graham...............Bonnie Bennet
Aiden Atkins*

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The rest of the tvd cast as their respective character's.


Disclaimer I

I don't own the rights to any of the tvd universe canon characters all rights go to Julie Plec &L.J Smith. I only own Julies Atkins, Aiden and Riana Fowley along with their backstorys and any additional characters or changes to the plot you may notice.

Disclaimer II

This is the rewritten version of Unfractured, that I feel will be a better representation of my writing and journey as an author. This book has been through so much since its first publishing, and so have I, when I first started writing for this book it was 2019(wow that feels so long ago 👀) and my writing was anything but decent and I really didn't have a certain style that made my writing unique it was just a standard story that didn't in my opinion show my writing style or anything about me besides, "oh look another kol fic." And I'm not okay with that Julies and myself deserve better than that and I hope that's what this version will be.

Disclaimer III.

This book had mature themes such as and not limited to, Violence, Blood, Mentions of Death in canon and non canon characters, Alcohol, Swearing, a little bit of Sexual Themes,( that will not be explicit or very detailed because I'm just not comfortable enough writing that at the moment.) I will put up a trigger warning at the beginning of said chapter to warn anyone but if any of these themes ever become or upset you the reader in any way then I completely understand why you have exited out of this book, I put mental health over anything else so please exit if anything becomes unbearable.With that being said I want this and all of my books to be a safe place so please be respectful to other reders of this book when you comment anything that may be upsetting to me or anyone else, that is all I ask.

Dedicated to people that I dearly care for and would not be where I am without y'all, I love you all so much more than words can describe.<3

Ava  Aly  Stefani  Susu Milla Maze  Anna V Zia K
Lulu Laur  


& anyone else that gives this book a chance!

Author's Note & {* stars meanings }

Where to begin? This book means the world to me and I truly hated unpublishing it a year ago but I hope that all the readers will love this version more and understand that the decision I made back then was the best one. I love everything about this book and it has become a true treasure that I created something that brought people joy, and no one can ever change my mind about that.

As for the stars * meanings for Kol it's simple really when I write it's easier to picture him as I describe him then picturing the original actor but I understand that for others it's hard to imagine Kol as anyone else so I decided to let the reader decide how to imagine the character.

For Aiden, there isn't a face claim that has ever fitted him in my eyes so I have made the decision to not have a FC for him, but he is an important character in the story so like Kol the reader can imagine who ever they feel sets him best.

And one last thing that I forgot to mention before there will be flashbacks in quite a few chapters these sections will be in italics and will usually be in four or three parts through out the chapter.


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2021 JUSTJUDIAWRITER. No part of this book, including it's characters, storyline or anything else created by the author may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form. While this book may be an fanfiction the writer has the right to own anything she has created, please respect this copyright statement before even thinking about plagiarizing this work.

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FIRST EDITED : 04/03/20
REPUBLISHED : 04/10/21
REWRITTEN VERSION : 04/2021- currently writing.

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