Your Very Own Antihero //Aaron x Aphmau x Zane //

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Aaron x Aphmau x Zane

My heart ached slightly but I was determined to be the bestest friend I could be. "Almost done.." I poured the last few drops of gasoline around my friends work place, Walmart. It was fairly big so I had to use a lot of gasoline for this, I hope it works. I reached into my pocket and took out a lighter before lighting a cigarette, silently smoking part of it before tossing it into the trail and lighting the flames. "Good thing I barricaded the fire exits, only the front doors are in use but since I lit it on fire they can't use it." I talked aloud to myself, walking away from the fire. "Ill call her after the rescue from...HIM." I still felt bitter towards our 'local hero' and every mention of him made my blood boil. I shook my head with a soft growl before going home, turning on the news the moment i walked in. I listened to it, hearing about the fire, the rescue, onlookers who saw me walk away. Its not like I was really hiding myself anyways, I never did. "After further investigation we can confirm that the malicious 'Loki' has once again started a fire." I feel like I should have picked a better name. "Here is the picture of the Villains most recent vandalism on the side of the burnt building." A large, wide happy face covered the screen, next to it were initials, B.G. I snickered seeing the picture, for me, B.G stood for 'Bad Guy.' Stupid people. After a few more minutes of them talking, I picked up my phone and dialled her. "Hey! I just saw the news, are you alright?" I added a hint of urgency and worry into my voice. "Of course!! I'm almost thankful for that weirdo pyromaniac! It always gives me a chance to see Aeolus ." I winced once I heard his name, he copied me, really. Choosing a name of a divine being, made me hate him more. And did she just call me a weirdo pyromaniac?! I immediately brushed my thoughts away and continued. "That's, good. You got to see your hero crush again, haha." I forced out a laugh, trying to sound relieved she was safe but I knew better. As long as that stupid hero was here, everyone was safe. "Hey, are You alright? You sound sick." She asked. I cleared my throat and nodded even though she wasn't here. "Yeah, yeah, I just uh...went on a jog, earlier." Technically I did, her work was a couple blocks from me. "Really? Surprisingly, you always look so tired." Probably from helping your love-struck self all the time. "That's because I always sleep late, you know this. Ah, well, anyways, I got to go, i just wanted to know if you were safe..." My feelings kept getting worse, My mind bombarding me with images of her being carried in his arms from every event I caused, every time i saw her give him a longing look when he appeared. I didn't give her time to say goodbye before I slammed my phone screen down on the floor, forcing my thoughts into an immediate halt when i heard the loud clatter of glass and metal against wood. "Oh, no.." i bent down and picked up my phone, the screen cracked from top to bottom, destroyed. "Damn it...why is it always me..?" I felt tears sting my eyes before i hurriedly wiped them away. "No, stop it, you're supposed to support her, that's why you're doing this." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, putting my phone back in my pocket. "Lets just, work on the next plan."


I love her so much it hurts, but the desire for her to be happy is even stronger- it would kill me to see her in pain. She's my best friend. I should want the best for her. I shouldn't feel like this.

It started with a comment, an offhand joke about how hot this new superhero dude is. I disagreed but laughed along, preoccupied with quenching the flicker of jealously in my stomach.

But before long, it was a full blown crush- she was mooning after everything they did.

I didn't understand how, she didn't even know them after all- secretly I hoped she was just falling for their heroic façade.

But before long, she had bumped in to them by some hideous coincidence and they'd got talking.

Her face when she talked about them broke my heart and made my lungs ache- she was truly smitten.

And when they never called her back, it was different: normally she'd jokingly wail about how she'd never find love... but this time, she didn't even mention it. Every time the phone rang, she'd leap up, hope lighting up every one of her perfect features. And every time, she'd turn away to try and mask her disappointment, to heal the tiny cracks in her pride and in her heart.

And each time, I'd feel my heart crack too- pain that she was in pain, and the raging jealousy eating me up inside.

I have to do this.

So here I am.

On top of a building, standing in front of my terrified best friend, the most important person in the world, holding a gun (fake- it cost just $7.98- but surprisingly realistic)

My own terror, of her somehow recognising me under the mask and heavy clothes, mingles with the pain of what I'm about to do.

Give her up.

This is the only way I can do this, get them together.

The only way she'll be happy again.

At last, I see him; I sent the tip-off text almost 10 minutes ago and there's only so much time wasting you can do without speaking.

With a noble, showy leap, he throw themselves in front of her and shout some crap defensive line.

And she, the girl who would normally scorn anything so cliché, blushes adorably in spite of the situation.

And I realise- I haven't given her up. She was never mine to give up. She's already theirs.

And so I turn to flee, not caring that my stupid supervillain plan is ruined with this one action, before the tears come and my insides rip to pieces.

But I'm too late. My heart is shattering and with a muffled sob, I dash towards to the stairs down the bell tower.

I have to go, to get away, the pain is consuming me- I can't do this!

And I'm going so fast- desperate to get away-the tears blinding me- and suddenly I trip, my heart, my broken heart, stops- and I'm tumbling over the building-I'm falling and--

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