More Clarity

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"Well?" Elsa demanded an answer.

Kiss her. Kiss her. Kiss her.

His inner voice echoed and without thinking any further, he captured his wife lips in a searing, long overdue kiss. As soon as his lips touched hers, there was a warm, satisfied sensation filling his heart in making him sighed contently. Kissing her feels like coming home, making him wanting more of the warmth. He retrieved his hands and slide them up to her cheeks, pulling her face closer to him.

Elsa gasped at the sudden kiss. Sure they've kissed before, on needing occasions like when the minister announced them husband and wife thing, or on their wedding photoshot where the photographer asked them, but not like this. There was a sense of longing in his kiss and he was getting more passionate each second that passed by as if he was afraid of letting her go, completely dominating her over. Not wanting to lose, Elsa finally kiss him back, trying to match his passion. He grunted at her response, smiling.

They pulled apart from each other after some time, both breathing heavily gasping for air. Carl rest his forehead on hers, pacing his breath trying to normalise them.

"What I need was just an answer, not to render me senseless." Elsa whispered playfully, half panting due to intensity of their kiss.

Carl laughed at her words. The way her hands  fisted at his shirt, he knew she was joking around. "If you must know, you've been in my mind since the trip ended. I couldn't stop thinking about you. That's why I  work late, hoping it will distract me from wanting to do this to you each time I see you. I'm afraid it's too soon, I'll scare you away."

Elsa giggled." Oh the irony. " she commented."You're afraid it's too soon, when we decided to get married on the first day we met." She finally released her hands from tugging at his shirt.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't know." He apologised again, caressing her cheek.

Elsa sighed. "You know out there, people already address me as Mrs Jones instead of Stephens. The  neighbour, the landlord, and I haven't even changed my last name. It just make me realise I'm already somebody's wife, and wanted to feel like one. I maybe got carried on, I don't know. I get it that your job requires a lot of your time, I understand it. But then, on weekends when you're free, you prefer to spend it with Shanks. I knew can't really complain, because we never did made it clear of our relationship." Elsa paused, swallowing before continuing."Then, the news you brought me today is what really made my emotions burst. I just can't help wanting some attention. I don't know, maybe the red witch is coming." Her explanation was long. She threw her gaze down to her feet, unwilling to let her husband see her expression.

"The red witch?" asked Carl, puzzled.

"The time of the month." Elsa explained.

"Right. Right. I'm sorry baby. " Carl pulled the woman to his embrace.

Elsa smiled hearing him calling her baby. They were always joking around calling each other term of endearment, but this time listening to it made her feel giddy.

" But I still need to go back to hometown tomorrow. " Carl continued. In an instant, Elsa pulled away from his embrace. She immediately regreted her response because it made her looked like a clingy girlfriend-wait, wife... - ,but with all the conversation they just had, she was partly hoping he'd change his mind.

"I'm sorry," he apologized again. "I kinda promised him to go for fishing trips."

Elsa's lips involuntary pouted, she blushed in embrassment over her reaction to it. "Well... I guess you should go." she said shyly.

Carl scratched his eyebrow tip, feeling awkward. "I didn't knew you'd want me around for a whole  week." He said.

"Have I ever said that to you?" Elsa frowned at his question.

"No.. I.. I actually... No." He stammered, feeling sudden nervous. "It will be dangerous for me seeing you all the time." He admitted at last in low voice.

"Why so?"

"Woman, you have no idea what you've done to me." He smiled, bringing his face closer to her caught her lip in another kiss  


Carl zipped his bag. Last night was amazing. Nothing really happened between them, they just fell asleep spooning each other. It just felt so good when both of them had the conversation and ended it on good terms. He was glad the budding affection was not one sided, and he wasn't going to let it wasted away.

"Do you really don't want to come with me?"

"No. I have to work too." Elsa smiled softly. It was a bit awkward after all that happened last night.

"Okay then. I'll call you." he kissed her forehead.

"And I'll be waiting. Take care."she replied.

Carl smiled back at her and took his exit. She was ready to close the door when Carl reappeared.

"Why...."She couldn't finish her words when Carl suddenly swept her in for a kiss.

Without giving her time to react, he release her, winked at her and his deep baritone voice whispered, " I will miss you.Bye honey. Don't forget to lock the door." As he hastily leave, the words  he said were trailing away.

Elsa grinned widely at his antics. Her heart fluttered. Suddenly the air felt more breezy, the bird's chirping sound a bit louder, the sun shine a bit brighter and she hummed happily as she closed the door behind her.

On the parking lot, Carl started the engine of his red jeep. As soon as the engine roar, the Beach Boys song was playing. It was the wouldn't it be nice.

This is Pops favourite song. His mind rambled, but listening to the lyrics he suddenly feel reluctant to go, but he drove out anyway, bobbing his head to ryhtm of the song, feeling energetic.

You know it's gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and stay together
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new?
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through
Happy times together we've been spending
I wish that every kiss was never ending
Oh, wouldn't it be nice?

Author's Note:

Gonna update 3 or 2 times a week from now on, with 1000-2000 words on each chapter, so stay tuned.

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Till then, stay safe and healthy.

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