106: Lies to Tell and Teach

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Soon enough, it was indeed your turn to be inspected. Severus had warned you that while she was seemingly harsh, it yielded no consequences from her just yet.

"Can someone tell me the difference between a human and a beast?"

The class was deathly quiet. The presence of Dolores was intimidating to all. Eventually, Justin Finch-Fletchley raised his hand. You nodded for him to go ahead.

"A beast, according to the Ministry of Magic, does not have sufficient intelligence to understand the laws of the magical community nor bear part of the responsibility in shaping those laws."

"And if they do have sufficient intelligence are they a human?"

"No... they are then called beings. Magical beings." He finished up.

"Who can tell me about centaurs  in law?" Another awkwardly long pause, before Neville Longbottom raised his hand carefully.

"Yes, Neville?" Your eyes stared into his, urging him to remember what you had told them all.

"Centaurs have 'near-human intelligence' just like merfolk...  therefore they could have been labeled beings... but both chose not to be."

"Class, turn and talk to your tablemates, do things that are not fully blooded, deserve the same category as those which are? What evidence do you have? Half-human, half-animal, half... et cetera." You almost threw up in your mouth at the hatred which you were implying. But when you looked over to Dolores, you saw her happily smile and mark down some responses. Seeing you paused in teaching, she walked over, clipboard to her chest.

"And what if, Professor Snape, the students should come up with the wrong answer?" She asked sweetly.

"I will merely show them the merits of full-blooded creatures. Never a good idea to dilute..." You smiled back, trying to put forth the effort.

"Very good! It seems you are willing to adapt. I see that you have adopted the curriculum that the Ministry approves of as well."

"Upon further inspection, I found nearly all of it accurate." You nodded.


"There is some argument for the treatment of centaurs and merfolk to rival that of humans... It could be done without." All of your focus went into your abilities. You pushed all of the scarlet of anger and the dark blue of sadness into your feet, which were covered. You wouldn't let Dolores know how you felt. No one could know.

Then, you felt something peculiar. You felt that very subtle prick of someone trying to peek into your mind. She's trying to use Legilimency on me! You thought. It was finally time to put your skills into action. Deciding to be nonchalant, you turned and checked in on a group of students all the while putting forth a false memory. It was you, sitting in your quarters, looking over the new material.

"Severus, I think Dolores was on the right path with these new books. It's so much more accurate!"

"Dolores has been right more often than not lately..."

"I do still want to be called Professor Tonks... but other than that, yes, I do believe you're right."

And as quickly as it had appeared, the subtle prick disappeared. You hoped that adding in the last part made it more realistic... but someone as narcissistic as Dolores probably didn't even need it. With a satisfactory 'hmph', she turned and left the room. Everyone looked up at you, suddenly halting all conversation.

"We would never belong in the same category as centaurs and merfolks." You repeated. "They are vastly more intelligent than the average wizard. Recently departed company especially included."

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