108: Unjust Punishment

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George and Harry stood in front of Minerva's desk as she and you stood on the other side of it. Honestly, you weren't sure why you were there besides for Minerva to show you how to handle such matters. Either way, you weren't bothered to be there.

Minerva began. "In all my thirty-nine years at this school, I have never seen such a disgusting display."

"Malfoy provoked us." Harry defended himself.

"Does that surprise you in the slightest?" You asked with a haughty laugh. Already, a letter had been sent to your Aunt Narcissa, detailing the events. All you could do was hope his family wouldn't come up; you had even promised an update to try and prevent such an event.

"Of course, he wanted to provoke you! He had just lost!" Minerva was rightfully upset. Her house had just attacked another. She stared at both of them with a look that made even you a bit nervous. "I cannot express in words the disappointment I feel right now." The door opened and the delightful Dolores stepped into the room, smiling sickly. "What is it, Dolores? I am handling it and having a younger professor observe."

"I thought you might need some additional authority in dealing with these two." She continued to smile and your felt your toes turning periwinkle with nervousness.

"You thought wrong. Now kindly remove yourself from my office." Minerva snapped. You would have hated to be against her, but Dolores held her own. She turned back to George and Harry. "Now, I do not care what Malfoy said, but your performance out there was shameful. Fifty points from Gryffindor, and I am giving you both a week's worth of detentions."

Dolores scoffed. "I hardly think that is an adequate punishment for this." She held up a parchment, and you felt a shiver go down your spine. "Educational Decree Twenty−Five. It gives me, as High Inquisitor, the power to give punishments and privileges, and to alter those given out to students by other members of the staff." She turned to Harry and George. "So, I think a life−long ban from playing quidditch should do the trick for both delinquents. Oh, and this one's twin also. He was going to attack Malfoy as well; I could see it in his eyes."

Harry and George were rightfully stunned. Even you had to admit it was unnecessarily harsh.

"Ban us...for life." Harry looked at you and Minerva for help. But you couldn't give it.

"Yes, indeed, Mr. Potter." But of course, that wasn't all she had in store. "Ah, I will take your brooms as well." And with a swish of her wrist, the brooms flew to her, "Well, have a wonderful day."

Harry looked back and forth to you and Minerva, tears in his eyes. George looked at the floor in a muted fury and a hidden shame.

"You've−−!" Harry protested, but Minerva quickly cut him off.

"My hands are tied, Potter. And if mine are, certainly so are Professor Tonks'. I'm afraid for now, there is nothing we can do."

"But should the ability to do something arise," You looked up at the ceiling nonchalantly, as if speaking to yourself. "Something will be done. Rest assured."

And unfortunately, the boys had to be satisfied with that.

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