112: To The Order

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"I shouted until someone came. They carried him up seconds ago. He doesn't look good. Covered in blood..."

"Good... Better than dead." He turned to face Minerva. "Minerva, the rest of the Weasleys will need to be awoken." She nodded and departed as Dumbledore again turned to the portraits hanging on the wall. "Phineas." Headmaster Phineas Black opened his eyes and stared at Dumbledore. You wondered why he pretended to sleep. "Phineas, I need you to visit your other portrait. Tell Sirius what happened and that we are coming to stay for a while."

"It's late, Dumbledore..." He grumbled. Dumbledore stared at him with a professor stare. The portrait quickly acquiesced. "I'm going, I'm going..."

As he vanished Dumbledore pulled out a black pot and tapped it with his wand while muttering the spell "Portus".

Minerva returned with the two twins and a young girl who clearly was the littlest Weasley.

"Harry, what's happening−" She began, but Dumbledore responded first.

"Your father has been injured in the course of his work for the Order. He is alive and arrived at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries only moments ago." He picked up the pot and stepped around the desk. "We, however, are going to Sirius's house until the morning. We're merely waiting for Phineas to return." Suddenly, a flash of flames sparked and a feather floated down in front of Dumbledore. "Fawkes' warning. Umbridge knows you're out of bed. Minerva, head her off. Tell her anything you can think of. Esmeralda, you're coming as well."

Phineas returned to his portrait shortly. "He says he'd be delighted."

Dumbledore beckoned everyone over to him. "We're going by Portkey."

And of course, there was no time to alert your husband before you were whisked away only to reappear in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place. Sirius quickly hurried in.

"There you are." He nodded at all of you. "Essie, dear, lovely to see you. Haven't brought the mopey hubby along?" By the time he finished his sentence, Dumbledore was gone.

"We've got to go to St. Mungo's." The little girl begged.

"No, you can't."

One of the twins spoke up; George, you thought. "We can go where we please."

But this didn't deter your uncle. "We can't go yet. It would look to suspicious if you lot showed up fifteen minutes after Arthur arrives because Harry's been seeing visions of things happening hundreds of miles from Hogwarts." You thought this would calm the kids down a touch, but instead, the twin, livid and scared, shoved his face near Sirius's.

"That's our father out there dying!"

"And I know it's hard," You finally spoke. "To leave behind someone you love and just hope it is okay. But you must trust Sirius. You must trust the Order."

"I can't let you leave. I'm sorry." Sirius slowly drew his wand, holding it loosely at his side. The point was not lost to anyone that he would be willing to use it.

"You don't even care!" The other twin shouted at you. Then, he turned his tirade to Sirius. "You wouldn't even understand!"

Sirius stared at him incredulously. "I was part of the first Order. I lost my best friends to You−Know−Who." His eyes flicked to Harry. "He's all I have left of them. Believe me, I don't want Arthur to die. Esmeralda doesn't want Snivellus to die. No one wants anyone to die." You huffed at his slight to your husband. This was exactly why you didn't care for him that much. He always had to get a dig in somewhere. "But there are some things worth dying for!"

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