119: Female Face-Off

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You were sitting in Minerva's office, doing your diligence of shadowing the talented witch. More and more often, you found Minerva to be corralling you into watching her handle difficult situations within the school. Especially when they had to do with the Potter boy. However, today, you were not the only one who was watching over today's career counseling session. Dolores had also decided to join; notebook in hand.

It wasn't long until Harry entered the room. Minerva was the first to speak, "Please sit, Potter." The boy did as he was told. "You're here to have a talk with me about your career thoughts, Potter. We do this so we can begin to aim your courses over the next two years to prepare you for that career."

"Oh, yeah. Well, I did think about being an Auror." Harry responded honestly.

"Ah, just like my sister." You smiled and Harry smiled back, feeling comfortable.

"Auror. Interesting, Potter. You'll need top grades for that." Minerva added. "Challenging career path, but not unrewarding."

"Hem hem." The cough of Dolores interrupted, but Minerva ignored it, to your surprise.

"Now then, Potter, you'll need to concentrate on Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration, and Charms to adequately prepare yourself for the general Auror requirements."

"Hem hem."

"May I offer you a cough drop, Madame Umbridge?"

"Oh, no thank you, Minerva. Actually, I was just wondering if Potter has the proper temperament to be an Auror."

"Were you indeed?" She turned to face Harry. "If you're serious in this ambition, Potter, I would recommend concentrating on bringing your Potions and Charms grades up before your O.W.L.s.

"I'll tell Professor Snape," You interjected. "We can begin extra sessions for those interested."

"And I daresay you've got enough time if you apply yourself. Lord knows you've consistently done well in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupin—"

"Excuse me, Minerva, but have you seen my note on Potter's current grades in my class?" Dolores interrupted as well, but earned a scowl from Minerva.

"Yes, indeed I have."

"Then I think you will find that Potter's grades have been consistently poor this year."

"You apparently misunderstand me. I meant that Potter has done well in every Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught by a competent teacher." You covered your mouth and looked away from the passive aggressive comment. It was all you could do to keep from laughing. Minerva turned briskly back to Harry while Dolores looked as though she could not believe her ears, then flipped a page on her notepad and scribbled furiously. It made you nervous, knowing that at any moment your mentor could be fired and forced to leave the schoolgrounds as Sybill had recently had to do. "Now, assuming you've passed all your necessary classes, the Ministry will put you through a number of character and aptitude tests."

Harry was confused, not only by the strange back-and-forth, but by the expectations being set before him. "What's involved in them?"

"How you stand up under pressure, your perseverance, and dedication, things of this nature."

"Not to mention your skill in different magical studies, your ability to duel and more exciting things. As far as I heard." You added in with a nod.

Dolores stood up abruptly. "Harry Potter has no chance of ever becoming an Auror!"

Immediately, Minerva stood as well, her eyes locked with Harry's. "I will assist you in becoming an Auror if it the very last thing I do, Potter! I will coach you nightly in older to get the necessary grades!"

Dolores stormed from the room, huffing. "Professor Snape, do not take this as a proper example of career counseling!" And slammed the door behind her.

"This concludes our meeting, Potter." Minerva smiled as Harry smiled back, knowing that a satisfactory amount of irritation had occurred to a very irritating person.

"Thanks, Professors. I appreciate the support." You had to admit that the boy did have something of a charming smile. No wonder it so easily got under your husband's skin.

"You're welcome, Potter. Now hurry and follow me, or you'll be late for Occlumency."

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