133: Frightening

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"He chose the child he believed to be the more dangerous. He chose the "half−blood" wizard because he saw some of himself in you. He tried to kill you and instead eave you the power and the future to destroy him."

"Why didn't he wait? Why attack when we were babies?"

"Voldemort had an informant listening to my meeting with Professor Trelawney. Fortunately he was discovered before he could hear the entire prophecy. Voldemort had to act immediately; all he knew was that he had to destroy the child who would grow to be a threat to his power."

"But I don't have any special powers." Everyone is silent for a moment.

Eventually, Dumbledore spoke again. "There is a room in the Department of Mysteries which is kept locked at all times. It contains a force so wonderful and yet terrible that it is greater than death itself. It is that power which you have incredible amounts of and of which Voldemort has none."

"What is it, sir?"

"This power drove you to save Sirius tonight. It kept Voldemort from possessing you, he cannot bear to touch it. It is what keeps Severus and Esmeralda safe." Your mind was starting to drift back to your aforementioned husband. You were sure that he was worried, and dying to know what happened. "In the end, it was your heart and not your head that saved you." Harry looked away. It was always tough to hear. "There is only the end of the prophecy which we haven't addressed. It states: 'neither can live while the other survives'." The boy slowly looked back up at Dumbledore. "It is the final burden which I must place on you, Harry."

"One of us has to kill the other...in the end." Harry's voice wavered as Dumbledore nodded, and tears misted his eyes and yours. You had known from Severus and Dumbledore that this was the path.

"Yes." Dumbledore softly wiped a tear from his cheek as Harry stood up. Without another word, he left the room. And you followed after.

As you entered your chambers, Severus looked up from his spot sitting on the bed. Soundlessly, you sat next to him and leaned against his bare shoulder. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you close. As you listened to the steady lub-dub of his heart, you found the words spilling out of your mouth. You explained how Sirius had died and how torn up the boy was. The guilt that you felt for ruining the occlumency lessons, which you felt would have prevented the situation. The fear you had for both the boy and Albus.

"Current events are frightening, dear. And I cannot do much to lessen the fear. But I will be by your side until the very end." His deep voice rolled over you.

"I'm not afraid of current events. I'm afraid the very end will come much sooner than anticipated."

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