135: Another Set of Vows

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Bellatrix scoffed, irritating you. It was taking some effort to keep a straight face, but you managed. Barely. "You? The Dark Lord told you?"

"Your sister doubts me, Narcissa... Understandable. Over the years I have played my part well. So well I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time." Bellatrix made a scathing sound. Severus turned, eyes hard. You said her name harshly. "Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it."

Narcissa wrung her hands together. "I... I don't doubt you, Severus." But of course, her sister had more to add.

"You should feel honored, Cissy. As should Draco–"

"He's just a boy!" She sprung up suddenly, causing you to gag on your drink.

"I can't change the Dark Lord's mind. But it might be possible for me to help Draco. To provide some... protection." Bellatrix eyed Severus keenly. You could tell she was suspicious. She was even trying to pry into your mind and likely your husband's as well. Luckily, you were both ready.

"Do you mean it, Severus?"

"I can try. If only for my wife's family's sake."

"Oh, Severus, please, if you would... I would be forever in your debt." Narcissa's eyes were shining and you could tell she was thankful for having been connected to you.

However, Bellatrix' monotone voice washed over everyone. "Swear to it." Severus's eyes shifted to meet Bellatrix's challenging gaze and you were nervous. It had been talked about that she may ask for this, but you had been hoping it would be avoided. "Make the Unbreakable Vow" Severus looked at you with some sadness. "You see. It's just empty words. Oh, he'll try. He'll give it his best effort. But when it matters most he'll slither back into his hole... Bloody coward." She muttered into her wine goblet as your hair flashed red.

It was a mutual feeling, and you could see how Severus had anger flashing in his eyes. "Take out your wand." He demanded. Bellatrix froze, goblet to her lips. As she lowered it, you noticed a rivulet of red runs out of the corner of her mouth. She slowly and seductively licked her lips. How could you have forgotten? You were just like your aunts... attracted to dark men. And Severus, in his dominance, was awfully dark. You stood up and put an arm around your husband, laying on his shoulder and staring at the dark woman. Severus could feel the possessiveness oozing out of you.

However, only moments later, Severus was facing Narcissa and took her hand forcefully. This was not a wedding day vow. Bellatrix, having stood with her wand, hand faintly trembling, placed the tip of her wand over their linked hands and muttered vows. "Will you, Severus Snape, watch over Draco Malfoy as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes."

"I will." A small strand of liquid fire leaked from Bellatrix's wand and wended its way around their hands.

"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"

"I will." Another strand of fire intertwined with the first.

"And should it prove necessary, if it seems Draco will fail... will you yourself carry out the deed that the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?"

Your face cracked slightly. This was unexpected. Not wholly, but you knew it was a hard thing to ask. Severus was forever indebted to Albus and for him to kill the headmaster... it could break him. Severus' hand twitched within Narcissa's. Eventually, he answered. "I will."

"Good! Now, Little Essie, tell us all about this dashing husband of yours and how you met." A shiver went up your spine, but you sat back down and relayed back the first time you met Severus.

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