151: Malfoy v. Potter

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"Darling, I must be off to the infirmary-- it seems our own 'chosen one' has once again royally fucked up." Severus' voice was seething and you thought it best to not respond. After mumbling that you would see to your simply delightful cousin, Severus pressed his lips harshly to your forehead and stomped away.

With a rise and stretch, you quickly pulled off your nightgown and on your dress for the day. Reaching out with your mind, you got a general location on Draco. He was indeed loitering around the very situation that you assumed Severus was dealing with now. He locked eyes with you and quickly turned on his heel to run away from you. It was too early to run, so you simply walked towards him. You didn't, however, expect that Harry Potter would run out in front of you after your shared target.

Although you were a decent way back, you watched as Draco lurched to the mirror, steadying himself against the sink. Then, with a great, heaving shudder began to cry. Harry stopped, stunned. Draco's eyes shifted and you quickly realized where this was going. And that you had forgotten your wand in your bedroom. Draco looked horrified to be exposed in such a state, quickly whipping around, pointing his wand.

The lamp next to Harry's head shattered and flames crawled like spiders up the ceiling. "Stop! Boys!" Your cries went unheard and you were hesitant to step in the fight without the safety of your wand. Harry drew his own wand, firing back and cracking the sink behind Draco. Water plumed into the ceiling, raining down. In your mind, you reached out to your husband and called desperately for him to come. Your pleas for Harry and Draco to stop continued unheard as your cousin howled with rage and pent up frustration. Harry readied himself as you heard Severus let you know that he was coming as quickly as he could.

As Draco moved to use the Cruciatus curse, Harry beat him to it with an all-too-familiar curse. Sectum sempra.

Blood spurted from Draco's face and you let out a scream, prompting Severus to break into a sprint to your location. The scarlet slashes oozed through the white of Draco's shirt. He    staggered, howling again before collapsing and reaching out to you. Racing over, you hardly noticed Harry glaring at his wand in horror, then splashing across the water running red with Draco's blood on the floor.

As you collapsed to the ground, Draco's eyes went wide and looked at the boy his age, "Don't touch me! Don't you dare touch me!"

Harry stopped dead in his tracks transfixed by what he had done. Although it felt like minutes, it was mere seconds before Severus burst through the door, seeing Draco— and the nature of his injuries—and watching Harry with keen curiosity. Kneeling, he traced the tip of his wand over the wounds, murmuring the same incantation he had used to heal you all those years ago. Instantly, the skin began to knit itself together and Harry slipped away.

Draco shoved himself out of Severus' grip and into your lap, sobbing uncontrollably. Then, suddenly, it hit you.

With the right words and actions, you would be able to save the Malfoy family from certain destruction, and with them, perhaps your own family of two as well.

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