157: The Half-Blood Prince's Year Ends With A Bang

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Harry bolted forth, wand in hand, vengeance in his eyes. Next to you, Severus stood solidly, tall and black against the raging fire. Harry pointed his wand, firing off a red, aggressive beam of magic. Severus didn't move, merely letting it streak by his head. Harry stopped, chest heaving, and took aim again.


Severus raised his wand, parring the curse with ease. Harry tried again.


Once again, Severus deflected the spell.


Another lazy flick of the arm, another curse defeated.Harry drops his arm in frustration.

"Fight! Fight back, you coward!" Harry screamed with tears. He shot off several more curses, but this time, in your direction.

With staggering quickness, Severus' wand whipped forth and Harry was flung off his heels, crashing to the earth several heart-wrenching seconds later. You understood his pain. You wanted to let him hit you, but you knew your husband would never allow it.

"DON'T YOU TOUCH HER! Don't ever associate that word and my name again! I will protect her with my life and believe me I value her more than myself."

Harry raised himself up on one knee, and pointed his wand when a stray bolt of magic sent him crashing back into the grass. It was Severus' turn to wheel around, and you both saw Bellatrix standing behind.

"No!" Severus admonished, "He belongs to the Dark Lord!"

Bellatrix eyed him levelly, but chose to turn and trot off happily. Severus took your hand, glanced at Harry, then turned away as well, walking.

"Sectum sempra!" You even felt the heat of the magic. Harry wanted to hurt you only to hurt Severus. Or perhaps because I am guilty by association. You reasoned. Severus hardly even turned as, once more, he sent Harry flying onto his back. You were dragged over to the boy and you tried to muster the most apologetic look you could, not that it would matter.

"You dare use my own spells against my family, Potter?" Harry went still and his eyes shifted from yours to meet Severus'. "You may have gotten your mother's eyes, but you're as dim as your father... Yes. It's me. I'm the Half-Blood Prince of your precious stolen textbook." Severus kicked Harry's wand aside and turned away, "And if you dare to harm or bring harm to a single hair on Mrs. Severus Snape's head, I will make sure you get everything that is coming to you and that was coming to your scum of a father." Quickly, you both ran to join Draco and the others where they waited beyond the flaming ruins of Hagrid's hut. Without another sound, you headed for the darkness of the treeline and vanished.

AN: Tragedy finished... for now.

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