159: Dark Times

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"These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today. But I say this to our citizenry: we, ever your servants, continue to defend your liberty and repel the forces that would seek to take it from you. Your Ministry remains strong..."

Everyone around the long table at Malfoy Manor laughed, with even yourself managing to give a dry chuckle. You all knew better than anyone else that this was not true. Yaxley, among others, had been installed within the ministry for years now and were rapidly moving to secure power for Voldemort's assent. It was with a sadness you recognized that the speech held no exaggeration—those outside of Voldemort's supporters were most definitely defending liberty of not only marriage, work and magic but of life itself. This would be a deadly battle, and there was no guarantee that any of your friends, family, students or those sitting around you would come out on the other side of it alive.

With this fear driving a cold knife into your chest, you reached for Severus' hand, finding it in a clenched fist. Today was a difficult day for him—no, every day was a difficult day for not only him, but you. How else could the death of Albus Dumbledore be processed? Or that of the fall of Hogwarts as it has been for decades?

"Severus, my dear friend," The Dark Lord's voice rang out in the raspy way that it always did, "Congratulations on your new appointment."

"My Lord?" Severus blinked in confusion.

"This coming year, you will be headmaster. The school governor and ministry have signed off on it. Everyone, congratulate our friend." Immediate there was cheering and congratulations. "And his wife, the first spouse to a headmaster to ever exist! Able to reproduce loyal children who will be diluted no further, able to..."

Children? How could I ever bring children into a world run by Voldemort? The thought makes me sick to my stomach. I would obviously love to have Severus' children, but not now. Not any time soon. I will be sure to utilize proper protection...

Meanwhile Severus was having his own thoughts.

Children? I have never considered such. Especially after working with the brats at Hogwarts. There are so few good ones... but Esmeralda's would be good--  no, wonderful. Yes... perhaps I inquire with her about the possibilities. Not now, but in the future.

Neither of you knew what the future would hold, but there was an unspoken consensus that children, although not in these dark times, would certainly be a part of that future.

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