162: Death Eaters Unite

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"Esmeralda, I was beginning to worry you'd lost your way." Severus spoke lightly and took your hand from your aunt's as you approached the hall.

"I am not one to do so," You giggled as his hand pressed into yours. It was funny sometimes to remember that you were married and had not just one, but two weddings. It still felt like you had just begun dating Severus-- each touch made you blush and each day gave you the opportunity to find out new things about him.

Coming back to reality however, you felt the dreary background creeping in on your brain. Voldemort liked to keep everyone on edge-- it made it easier to control with fear. His next tactic only added to this sensation. "Severus and Esmeralda. I was beginning to worry you'd lost your way." His face broke into a hideous and tight smile, displaying his inhuman teeth. He was demonstrating that he heard and hears everything. That no conversation was safe. You only hoped that you could continue your charade long enough to keep Severus safe. "Come. I've saved you both seats. You know our hosts, of course, Severus. Your in-laws as it may be! Narcissa in particular has been most hospitable. Lucius, on the other hand, is, I fear, burdened by my presence. Are you, Lucius?" It was difficult to see anything but his gleaming sharp teeth and gesturing hand as his back faced the roaring fireplace. As you and Severus walked to his right hand side, all death eaters stared. All but the Malfoys. Your aunt, having already took her seat, looked straight ahead. Lucius, on the other hand, looked haggard and examined his wand without comment. And Draco was looking at what you were desperately trying to avoid. Suspended in the air was Hogwarts' own Charity Burbage.

"M-My Lord?" Lucius stuttered after it was clear the oppressive silence would not be disappearing.

"Are. You. Burdened?"

Narcissa swiftly came to her husband's rescue. "My Lord is always welcome here." A shiver rose up your body as Nagini slid over your feet to Voldemort's side.

"You bring news I trust, Severus? Or perhaps Esmeralda?"

Severus appeared bored as he spoke, but it was a ruse. It was always a ruse for his fear. "It will happen Saturday next. At nightfall."

"And this information comes--"

"--from the source we discussed." You concluded. It was from your sister. Easy enough to give and receive, little suspicion aroused and a little sisterly code which never hurt. But you would certainly not be giving her up to any death eater.

Yaxley, with his white hair and deep-set eyes leaned into the table, signaling his intention to speak. You had to truly push your feelings of hot, scarlet anger into your toes as he opened his mouth. Never had there been a slimier creature than Yaxley the politician. "I have heard differently, my Lord. Dawlish, the Auror, let slip that the Potter boy will not be moved until the thirtieth of this month, the night before he turns seventeen."

"This--" You and Severus spoke at the same time. With a nod, Severus allowed you to finish the thought. "This is a false trail. The Auror Office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter. Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the Ministry."

"Well, they've got that right, haven't they!?" A cackle rose from the table and you forced a crooked grin on your face. It was right indeed, but you didn't find it funny in the least.

"Pius, what say you?" Voldemort inquired. Pius, as opposed to Yaxley, was the person whom you put stock into their words. If you were able to unravel his sentences, you were able to glean more information than was meant to be gleaned-- and that could be a matter of life or death.

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