2: Introductions and Deductions

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"And last, but not least, I would also like to introduce our two new teachers." Dumbledore spoke proudly as excited chatter began. "Quirinus Quirrell-- defence against the dark arts."

A tall, pale man with a wrap around his head stood up. He couldn't have been more than twenty-five. In fact, it made you question whether anyone would care about your age. You certainly hoped that no one would make a fuss. As his applause died down, you readied yourself to stand for applause.

Severus, of course, was unhappy to have his time wasted by meaningless introductions. Never did one find out useful information from a formal introduction. It was always gotten through much more... creative methods.

"And Esmeralda Tonks-- ghoul studies."

This is the new professor? Severus had a confused look on his face long enough to have forgotten to clap for you.

And you certainly noticed.

Strange, dark man. He clapped for Quirinus, but not for me. Is he against a witch as a professor? He's quite young. Thirty, perhaps, thirty-five. Many of the other professors are quite advanced in age. Perhaps he doesn't feel so precocious? It's not any of my concern... but I must say... You smiled as you sat down. Absolutely dashing. Dora wouldn't agree. I'm like my aunts unfortunately... drawn to dark men.

Veela blood. I am certain. Severus confirmed to himself. She's charming everyone right now. I can feel it.

You worked to keep your skin in line-- unlike your sister who had different eyes and hair with her temperament, your entire body beginning with the skin, was what would change. Nymphadora always scolded you.

"You're too old to have your entire body change at whim! Isn't that tiring?"

But it was simply who you were; nothing you could do about it but try.

You were going to teach about different ghouls-- poltergeists, Veelas, ghosts and general ghouls. Now technically, you did have quite a bit of experience in this area. Your bloodline and your ability had led you to some... strange people in your life thus far. And you were sure that it wouldn't end any time soon as you looked around the room. A great assortment of witches and wizards lay before you; with Dumbledore being the greatest of all.

Finally, your name hit Severus.

Tonks. A rather disgraced branch of the pure-blood Black family. Severus thought to himself. She must be a daughter. I thought Andromeda had only had one... but nevertheless...

He was stopped mid-thought by the realization that came upon him.

There is no Veela in the Black bloodline. And the pathetic Tonks man is a just that. A mud-- He shook his head. Lily did not care for that word. He would not continue to use it. A muggle-born.

So he tested out a quick hypothesis. Leaning over to Rolanda, he spoke very quietly.

"Veela?" He inquired.

"No." She whispered back, leaving Severus in a very... confused state.

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