26: Too Much To Drink

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"Let's just say that a certain suspicious person was not able to do anything more suspicious than they already had..." Severus side-stepped the question.

"Well, at least let me clean it up." You continued walking and entered your room.

Severus stopped at the doorway, unsure of how to progress.

"It's not as if we're students here, Severus. We're adults. Even if we were here for more nefarious reasons, one couldn't be punished for it." You scolded him. "Now come in and put your leg on my lap."

Snape uncomfortably followed orders until he noticed you pulling your wand out.

"Actually." He put his hand over yours. "I have my own spell for this... Vulnera Sanentur. " The wound stopped bleeding as he waved his hands over it. The wet blood was slowly disappearing. "Vulnera Sanentur." The wound stitched itself up. Soon, it was if it were never there. "I should have done this immediately, as not to worry you..."

"Wow... You made that spell!?" You looked at him amazed, face glowing yellow like the sun. "That is so cool!"

There it is... That look from when we listened to music... I could bask in it... Severus thought to himself. His head was still swimming from the alcohol from earlier. He wasn't sure why he had been so insistent on getting drunk before this party... it wasn't working in his favor.

That is, unless he really wanted to be here.

"I don't know." He mumbled.

"What don't you know?" You raised an eyebrow at him.

"A lot." His voice was quiet. "How to be around others. How to act normal. How to be normal."

"No one asked you to do that. Why did you create that spell?"

"I used to be injured. Often. I know I'm a good deal older than you and times have changed... but half-bloods and muggle-born wizards were even more viciously teased and taunted. I would visit the infirmary so much that Madam Pomfrey would set me off with the same healing potions just looking at me. I was sad and pathetic. I still am."

"You are not." You put his foot off of your lap and sat next to him. "You are interesting and unique and mysterious." Severus glanced down at your exposed thighs. Nevermind the hosiery that covered them, he was able to see the shape and definition of your legs. If he had been sober, he could have stopped himself from being so obvious. But even after all this time that passed, he was beyond his normal temperament.

"...I told Rolanda that it was not appropriate attire..." You mumbled, trying to pull the short front of the skirt down lower

"Oh it is entirely appropriate." Severus' voice dropped even another octave lower.

"For what?" Your voice had become even more willowy as Severus leaned his head back and closed his eyes on your small loveseat. 

But he didn't answer. It took only those few moments for him to be completely asleep. And the lady that you were, you left him there.

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