33: Who's To Blame

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Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately." He faced the troublesome trio, "Everyone except you three."

Dumbledore was taking down the cat carefully when the fabulous Gilderoy Lockhart appeared.

"It was definitely a curse that killed her-- probably the Transmogrifian Torture. Encountered it myself once, in Ouagadougou. The full story's in my autobiography-"

"She's not dead, Argus. She's been Petrified." Dumbledore handed him his cat and examined her further. Gilderoy, however, kept on.

"Precisely! So unlucky I wasn't there. I know the very countercurse that could have spared her--" Now that there were fewer persons around, Severus had made his way  to you and subtly put a hand on the small of your back. A silent way of  checking in with you. In return, you placed a hand on his sleeve,  signalling that you had not been affected. You could feel the relaxation  of his muscles in response.

"...But how she's been Petrified... I cannot say." Dumbledore spared a glace at you and Severus, meeting your eyes for only a touch and twinkle. He was glad to see Severus by your side, to see him care. He needed to care about someone in the living world... otherwise he could get more dangerous than he already was.

Filch was in hysterics already. "Ask him! It's him that's done it. You saw what he wrote on the wall! Besides, he knows I'm -- I'm a Squib.

Finally, the boy who lived spoke up. "It's not true, sir! I swear! I never touched Mrs. Norris -- And I don't even know what a Squib is."

Filch wouldn't have it. "Rubbish!   He saw my Kwikspell letter!"

Finally, the rumbling of the voice next to you broke the tension. "If I might, Headmaster..." He stepped forward from your. "Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time..." The children looked amazed that Severus was protecting them. "After all, I'm sure Professor Tonks would have noted any suspicious behavior. However, the circumstances are suspicious prior to that. I, for one, don't recall seeing Potter at dinner.

Finally, Gilderoy had something useful to say. "I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus. You see, Harry was helping me answer my fan mail..."

"It's Professor Snape." His lips curled in disgust.

The girl, Hermione, spoke up. "That's why Ron and I went looking for him, Professor. We'd just found him when Harry said--"

"Yes, Miss Granger?"

Suspiciously, Harry butted into the conversation. "--When I said I wasn't hungry. We were heading back to the Common Room and... found Mrs. Norris."

Severus eyed Harry coldly, knowing that he's lying. Harry looked away... and found Dumbledore studying him as well. "Innocent until proven guilty." The headmaster quipped.

Filch remained distraught, "My cat has been Petrified! I want to see some punishment!"

"We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes. When they have matured, a potion will be made which will revive Mrs. Norris. In the meantime, I advise caution. To all." And with that, Dumbledore turned and left.

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