40: It Can Wait

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"Gah, you're frustrating." He calmed down and resumed work. "Grind the wings of three fairies and add to the cauldron... stir slowly, and then add morning dew." He paused in order to satisfy these steps. "Stir vigorously, then heat the mixture." He did so and used his magic to heat the vial. You were entranced in the process. "Find a single fresh rose." He walked over to his collection of flowers by his window. "Pluck seven petals and add to the cauldron." He looked over at you. "Did you retain any potions knowledge? Can you chop dried lady's mantle as I add this?"

"Not much. Nothing like you. But yes, I can manage that." You walked over to the flowers plucked a dried specimen hanging from the top of the window. Instead of using your magic, however, you grabbed a sharp utensil and began chopping it. Severus looked at you curiously.

"Sometimes I do things the muggle way. Habit from my father." You shrugged.

"That's okay. It's... quaint." He noted as he waited for you to push the dried plant matter in, stirred and then proceeded to drop your unicorn hairs in. "Stir vigorously, add powdered ginger root and then heat."

As a final step, he waved his wand over the cauldron and then poured it into a glass. Before you could stop him, it was into his mouth and down his throat.

"What if it was bad?!" You asked, worried. "Beautification potions are tricky!"

Severus blushed profusely. "I thought you said you didn't retain a knowledge of potions..."

"I remember one that I failed at making and had to cheat on the exam for!" You laughed. "I just morphed into a stunning woman."

"There was no need to morph." Severus' face softened and you found yourself drawn to him inexplicably. The potion clearly worked. "You are already a stunning woman."

"That's just the potion speaking..." You found your body being pulled by an unknown force towards the dark man's. "You hardly look different at all. Just straight teeth..."

"Then why are you right here..." Your chest was pressed against his.

"I don't know..." You mumbled. "Would I look better to you with red hair?" He stumbled backwards. "Green eyes?"

"No." He took a calming breath, realizing where you were going. "No, you are stunning how you are. You have no need to look like anyone else. Especially... not... that..." He closed his eyes painfully.

Slowly, the potion began to wear off and you backed off and sat down.

"Wow, so yes, that works. Sorry about that, that's..." You cheeks flushed chartreuse. "Awkward."

"Ah, so that light green means you feel uncomfortable. Socially, at the least. Is there something different for physical?" Severus sat next to you and looked at you closely.

"I'm not sure. That's probably pain, which would be different..." You sighed. "I wish I wasn't so expressive. My sister only has her hair and eyes change when she gets really mad. But I'm not as mature as her, I guess... Still a child."

Severus leaned in towards you, something he found himself doing an awful lot lately. "You, Esmeralda, are absolutely not a child." His eyes had dipped down to your body. He wasn't even intoxicated, so what did he have to blame for this behavior? "Not even a touch."

"That's nice of you to say, Severus, but I'd prefer you say it to my face." You laughed as the professor blushed again. "So, if we're spending the night in here, where can I sleep?"

"I... hadn't thought of it." He admitted.

"Can I sleep on your lap? I promise not to make you uncomfortable... I mean, unless you're tired as well..."

"No. I shall read. My... lap... is open... I suppose." His speech slowed down as you pulled his cape closer around you and settled your head onto his thighs.

He couldn't read with you there. He could hardly hold his book up. But eventually, sleep overtook him and he laid back on the hard floor with his open book on his chest. At one point, you woke up during the night and shifted around. Slowly, you moved your body up to lay on his much broader chest. It was mere seconds before you drifted off to sleep once again.

And in the morning, as Dumbledore searched for his potions professor to brief him on the events of the night, he opened the class door only to see a sight that warmed his heart.

"Best to let them sleep..." He smiled. "It can wait."

And certainly, it did.

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