66: Fragile Masculinity

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"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant." Dumbledore's voice roared over the crowd as you and Severus sat nervously in the crowd. Your entire face was periwinkle with nervousness as Harry entered the rocky arena. The crowd was cheering his name as he spotted the golden egg sitting alone. Your arm wrapped around Severus' and gripped it tightly as you watched him make a run for it. You jump as  the dragon appears-- it's a very nasty one. Harry was forced to retreat behind a rock as the dragon flamed him. Harry stumbled and fell around the arena.

"Oh, Severus, I don't know if I can take this!" You turned your face into his arm.

"Now, dear, if he can't face this, he can't face you-know-who." Severus' deep and rolling voice was a comfort to you ears. Suddenly, however, a large pat on your back sent you forward in your seat.

"Puișor, you ought to have more pride in your champion!" Karkaroff laughed. "He's got it. Although perhaps not as well as the others..."

Severus glared at the headmaster as Harry summoned a broom. He jumped on and flew off, as the dragon gave chase. Without warning, the chain on the dragon was snapped and it burst through the crowd.

Your world went dark as Severus tossed his body and cloak over you. Things were quite for just a moment and you were able to really gaze into his eyes. "I'm okay." You whispered as his eyes searched you for injury. Quickly, you were released back into the colorful and loud world around you. It was, however, quieter now that Harry and the dragon were gone. "Is he okay?" You wondered aloud.

"I'm sure he's fine!" Karkaroff pulled your by your shoulders closer to him. "No need to be afraid, I am, after all, a headmaster and not a mere professor."

You protested your confinement by pushing against the large man, but he didn't let go. Your eyes pleaded to anyone around you to help. Rolanda answered the silent plea the quickest. "Oh, Karkaroff, what I'd do to have your blimey hand around my shoulder!"

You laughed as the flying instructor launched herself against the tall man, shaking him enough for you to escape. "You strong woman! You've got a lot of guts!" He laughed but pushed her away. He reached out to grab you again, but instead, found that he had pulled a gloomy potions professor close to him instead.

"Although I do sympathize with your need for warmth, may I suggest a spell?" Severus' calm voice spoke as you and Rolanda lost it with laughter and Karkaroff pushed him away, flustered. "Oh, such fragile masculinity. That will not win over the younger witches nowadays, you know."

You gave Severus a hug and laughed at the flustered Romanian. Then, you laughed with Rolanda at Severus' bright red face. It was all to keep your minds off the real question: was Harry dead?

With a burst of wind, you see Harry flying towards the arena. The crowd erupted in cheers as he swooped down, straight for the golden egg. He had done it; he cleared the first challenge.

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