75: Repairing Broken Things

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You quickly made your way down the stairs, almost tripping over them and your long dress as you frantically lunged towards the doors and bolted out of the tower. Sprinting towards the lake, you felt the thorns of the rose pinch your skin, spreading jolts of pain through your veins as you squeezed its stem. Finally approaching your destination, you slowed down to a walk as your rapidly flashing eyes landed on the dark shadow crouched under the tree you and Severus had previously relaxed together underneath in past summers.

Severus spotted you just as you walked up beside him, surprised by not only your presence but the rose in your hand. It caused him to freeze; how could he explain it?

"Severus Snape! I thought we were going to meet in my quarters!" you spoke teasingly, careful not to antagonize or scare him. Examining his unreadable expression, you took took a seat beside him, deeming it safe to do so.

"Yes well, you seemed busy with the Headmaster of Durmstrang, I figured I'd leave you to it." He looked away from you as he spoke. His tone was what gave away how he felt. The agitation, the annoyance, the anger. But was it with you?

"I sent him away as soon as I could. Severus, I waited for you. I was there to see you." Pausing, you looked down at the rose in your hand, "Was this-- was this meant for me?" you whispered, holding the flower up on display for him to see.

His eyes darted the rose, his head turned back around and you waited for a response. But when he turned his attention away, you tried to push a little further. "I do love it."

The response never came. Slowly, you got off and brushed off your skirt. "If you don't want to take me to the ball... I'd understand. I pushed you too far. Don't worry though, I won't go with Karkaroff either... I hope you are able to collect yourself. Come see me, anytime."

You wanted to be with him and he was on the edge of ruining it, yet again. He would ruin it like he ruined his friendship with Lily. It had played over exactly the same, except this time, the girl he'd pushed away might share his feelings. You had opened her doors to him, only to have him slam them in your face. You'd left him by the lake with the rose he intended for you. To wallow in the grave mistake he'd just made. Picking up the flower, he examined the petals that threatened to fall off, his anger simmering away, replaced with nothing but regret. The rest of it was mostly intact, salvageable at the very least, even after the repetitive beatings it had taken today. He didn't know how, but he knew he had to fix this. He had to prove to you that Lily was in the past. But first, he had to prove it to himself.

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