77: Witches Stick Together

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Poppy threw Rolanda a small vial and you watched as she effortlessly caught it, uncorked it and handed it to you. You were about to down it before Poppy spoke. "You should eat first. It can have some really bad side effects if drunk on an empty stomach."

You paused and looked down at the potion, realizing how right she was. It shocked you how you'd completely forgotten that it could burn a hole in your stomach if not drunk under proper circumstances. Tears gathered under your eyes as the very thought of potions brought Severus to mind. Your mind suddenly filled with memories of you both before the last few words he spoke to you began replaying.

Poppy walked back to stand beside you and took the small vial, sealing it and placing it on your table. You wiped away your tears as you reached for the food instead, slowly nibbling on it, fighting the nausea as you felt your stomach fill up quickly.

"What happened, love?" Rolanda asked again.

"Promise you won't laugh." you whispered before leaning back into the chair and drinking the potion Poppy had given you. "I don't want to leave my position due to humiliation." You felt safe here, surrounded by strong women. Who needed men anyway?

"We would never!" Minerva was astonished. "What pains you, child?"

A few moments passed and you found yourself sitting, surrounded by your colleagues. "Karkaroff came to my room and--"

"That dog! I will speak of it to Severus immediately!" Minerva asserted.

"No, no, he came by to warn me of how Severus isn't the right wizard for me, blah, blah. But Severus was listening and something upset him. I saw him flee to the lake, so I followed him and to make a dreadfully long and boring story short; he doesn't want to see me any more..." Your eyes threatened to leak as your voice cracked.

"Cor, you know it would be just like a man to misconstrue everything!" Rolanda scoffed.

"But a man of his age really ought to know better..." Sybill countered.

"You cannot trust men, it is their nature." Minerva added.

"You really think he doesn't fancy you any more? He seemed so smitten..." Poppy was concerned.

"He wouldn't even speak to me..." You dropped your head back on the table. "And here I am, just a child, broken-hearted over the first relationship I ever really got close to having!"

"You don't bloody need him, love!" Rolanda gathered you into a hug. "He can go about his bloody sad ways and let the rest of 'em fear him! Witches stick together."

"That they do, Esmeralda." Minerva patted your back. "You shan't worry about him any longer. Merely focus on your excellent teaching."

"If only it were so easy..." You muttered. You'd have to speak to Dumbledore. And you weren't looking forward to telling him that you failed.

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