90: He Returns

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"Is he in this room? Is he in this room?" The imposter nodded and his eyes flicked towards the chest near you and Harry. "Esmeralda, Harry, get away from there!" Dumbledore approached the chest. With a wave of his wand, it opened and showed that it contained a series of smaller chests. When the final chest opened everyone looked in to see that there was a pit  within holding a man. He had to be the real Alastor Moody. "Are you  alright, Alastor?"

"I'm sorry, Albus." You felt bad for the man. When you and Severus had briefly broken up, you too felt that you had let Dumbledore down.

"If that's Moody, but then who's...?" Harry turned to you as Dumbledore held up one of his bottles to the potion master.

"Polyjuice potion." He deduced from the smell alone.

"Now we know who's been stealing from your stores, Severus."  Dumbledore looked back into the pit. "We'll get you up in a minute." The real Moody groaned. The man you had captive in a chair began to  twitch about restlessly making strange noises. He appeared to be  transforming. Quickly, he ripped off his fake eyepiece and threw it to  the floor. You had no idea who this strange, dark, tongue-flicking man  was, but everyone else seemed to. "Barty Crouch Junior."

The newly named man spoke as he rolled up his sleeve, which showed a very clear and moving dark mark. "You know what this means don't you? He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned!"

"Send an owl to Azkaban, Esmeralda. I think they'll find they're missing a prisoner." Dumbledore's eyes were wide and you were sure if he could show emotion like you, he too would be grey as a statue.

"I'll be welcomed back like a hero!" Barty cheered.

"Perhaps. Personally, I've never had much time for heroes. I much prefer those who are underrated." He turned to look at you and Severus. "You two, escort Mr. Potter to Madame Pomfrey and then see yourselves to my office. We must discuss. I will wait here until the garbage collection arrives."

With a nod, all three of you were off.

It began quietly, everyone shocked from the events, but eventually Harry broke the ice. "Um, Professor Tonks... I have a question."

"Yes, Harry?" You turned and look at him as you sent your owl off with a screech.

"Why do you like Professor Snape? He's..." He whispered to you. "Evil."

You laughed. Was that all? "I think he's rather misunderstood, Harry. Besides, evil people can't love. That's a fact that's saved your life."

"Draco says you only like him because--"

"Draco is my puny, pathetic cousin, Harry. Nothing he says, my aunts say or what really anyone says, will change how I feel." You looked lovingly at a determined to ignore the conversation Severus. "I loooooove Professor Snape." You teased. "You'll understand one day, Harry. But for now, we all have something even more important to focus on."

"Potter, as of this moment I regard you with an indifference bordering on aversion. A sharp tongue is no indication of a keen mind, especially when you spew hatred and lies just as your lousy father did." Severus' eyes changed.

"You will keep my father out of your mouth!" Harry retaliated quickly.

"Severus! Enough! Harry has been through enough for today. Be the adult." You scolded him. "Why do you hate him so?" Your voice whispered in his ear.

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