92: Memories Part Two

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You gasp and pull your head out of the pensieve. Babbling you turn to Severus. "I can't, Severus, I can't watch anymore! I know where this is going and I--I--" He holds you briefly but then pushes you out to look you in the eyes.

"You must! You must know all of it! Every piece of me!" He begged you. "You must know, my love."

With a shallow, wavering breath, you look at him not with pity, but something close. You saw the raw pain. You would do this: for him.

You dip your head back in and then, you're back to the house. Severus mounts the stairs, peering  upward in the darkness to the landing above and the open bedroom door  beyond.  As his eyes become level with the next floor, he sees a wand lying there.  As he reaches the top and turns, he sees James lying dead in the middle of the hallway.

But you were hardly there for a minute When you are pulled to another memory. Lily walks, hugging her books, as Severus  harangues her.  He looks driven by desperation and perhaps because of it, says something too sharp.  She looks up at him, eyes stinging with  tears, then turns away. He starts to call after her, regret in his  eyes, then sees James waiting on the other side of the courtyard.  As  she reaches him, they turn and together, exit the courtyard.  The boy turns away, his own eyes stinging with tears, then closes his eyes.

Suddenly, you're looking at a black sky dotted by stars.  A windswept hilltop comes into view, desolate but for a few leafless trees.  The adult Severus turns on the spot, breathing heavily, his expression haunted and cheerless as his gaze sweeps the darkness.  The wind rises suddenly and a jagged jet of white light stitches the night, sending Severus' wand flying and dropping him to his knees. "No!  Don't kill me!" He begs.

Dumbledore as apparates into view. "That wasn't my intention." He responds as Severus stares fearfully at him. "Stand up, Severus.  I haven't much time.  What message do you bring from Lord Voldemort this time?"

He stood. "None.  I come on my own account.  I come with a... request." Dumbledore's eyes flicker briefly with interest.  He studies Severus' fearful face.

"Is this about the Prophecy?" Referring to the prophecy of Harry, you assume.


"How much did you relay?"

"Only what I heard.  But now... he thinks it refers to her."

"The Prophecy did not refer to a woman.  It spoke of a boy born at the end of July--"

"Yes!  But he thinks it's her son!  He intends to hunt them down now!  To kill them!" Dumbledore eyes Snape craftily. You know he sees his chance.

"If she means so much to you, surely Lord Voldemort would spare her in exchange for the boy.

"I have asked." Severus hangs his head; ashamed.

"You disgust me.  You would sacrifice the life of an innocent child over a schoolboy crush?"

"She's more than that!  She's different!  Beautiful.  Kind." It's hard for you to watch. "Hide them all.  I beg you."

"And should I do so, what will you give me in return, Severus?"

"Anything." And you know where that lead him to.

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