Atonement II

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"Especially for ya!" Jude pragmatically exclaimed as she played gamely, idly with her fingers on the kitchen table, winking mischievously at the former man of the cloth as his heart raced when she winked at him. "We have a lot of work to do, Timothy!"

"Of course! But first of all, do you want something to drink or else?" The younger man enquired enthusiastically as he wanted to work on his toxic relationship with his right hand by being diplomatic instead of holding grudges, being under the pressure of heating debates and aggravate their relationship which requires more work and diplomacy.

"I'd like some whiskey." She replied plainly as Timothy zinged to the refrigerator by gathering an ordinary bottle of whiskey by closing its refrigerator door and getting from the upper kitchen cabinet a scotch glass, consequently pouring whiskey in her glass until it peaked to the middle of the glass. Afterwards he took one more scotch glass for himself by pouring the same quantity liquor of the sinful, luscious, scrumptious alcoholic beverage, thereafter leaving its bottle on the counterplot by handing the first glass of whiskey to Jude. "Thank you!" The singer said in velvety, serene voice by raising her scotch glass, whereas the former man of the cloth seated against her as her composed, cheerful smile bloomed on her rosy-coloured, plump lips. "Let's raise a toast for taking the first step to clemency!" The both adults raised scotch glasses, seconds before glass colliding glass as it sources clinking sound by looking up into one another's beaming, brutally honest orbs. "Cheers!" They yelled solemnly as their scotch glasses clinked as glass contacted glass temporarily until they sipped their sweet whiskeys which burned the caverns of their mouth and organs.

"This whiskey is a paradise." The former priest fessed as he left the scotch glass on the table as they licked greedily, agreeably their lips as his chocolate brown orbs shifted unintentionally to the bloody red silken slip which she wore under her unbelted peignoir as he swallowed hard once he spotted the sinful garment she had on herself. The red slip was an obvious distraction for his pristine, childishly warm and coy chocolate brown eyes. He recalled the explicit, graphic memories of Jude's fantasy of wearing the piece of lingerie just for him only and drowning in his velvet, soft, virginal caresses of his hands on her silken, milky body. Muffled, soft moans escaping their lips. And one more explicit graphic memory which was more sorely painful and mortifying than pleasant. The young possessed nun wearing Jude's favorite satin red slip by violating him as its slip was an indeed curse.

"Is that what she wore specially for me when we were members of the church?" An inner voice of his echoed in his frozen mind by gawking her slip especially by the way its top hugged her bosom.

"Hey, Tim! Where are you staring at?" The blonde snapped him out of his train of thoughts by catching him to gaze at her red nighttie as it outlined exquisitely, insatiably her curves of her waist and hips.

"Oh! I didn't know the sisters wore such piece of garments." The former Monsignor jeered at her by attempting to not offend her by eyeing bashfully his scotch glass as he sipped a second sip of the whiskey.

"When the priests drank alcohol? Especially whiskeys?" Judy said in teasing manner by arching an elegant eyebrow as she chewed her bottom lip unsettled as a smug, vile smirk danced upon her fresh, pale complexion.

"I just had my first alcoholic beverage when Esther welcomed me in the purgatory. It was cognac." A light, shy giggle emitted from his throat by tipping with his fingers by caressing his scotch glass with liquor. "It tasted undeniably amazing."

"Mmmm! It looks like somebody jazzed ya in the alcohol." The former sister of the Roman Catholic church couldn't repress a punchline as the both adults burst out guffawing as their bellies hurt though they kept their decibels as sufficienty loud as whispers in the kitchen without ruining the beauty coma of Elsie, who yet slumbered on the king-sized bed, wrapped up warmly.

"I'm not actually an alcoholic or addicted. I just had 2 drinks in the last 48 hours."

"By counting this glass of whiskey?" The middle-aged woman winked at him by thrumming melodically as it melted the younger man's heart when she heard her silver-tongued thrumming.

"It makes exactly 3." In the interval as she crossed her legs, one of her feet kicked playfully, lightly his ankle by giggling girlishly, demurely like a schoolgirl in love as he peeped down under the kitchen table as his face flushed. "Have you ever had any problems with the alcohol?"

"I used to have but not anymore."

"Oh!" The former holy man cried out as they sipped another sip of their glasses of whiskey. Little did he know what's her history of her recovering alcoholism was and why she combated it to the end. "If you don't feel comfortable to share your story with me, I'll be okay."

"Well, I fought with boozing when I was perhaps younger as I used it as a medicament by muting the heartbreaks and grimness of my past. It helped to have hazy memories as I couldn't even remember how many beds I have passed with one-night stand lovers. I was just a broken, confused, impulsive and selfish woman, dependant of the alcohol and the sexual pleasure which the one-night stand lovers delivered me." The middle-aged lady commenced with her heartaching, gloomy monologue behind her story of her alcoholism as she slightly lowered her head, due to the fact, she wasn't proud of herself as a younger woman which oozed of delirious grace, immense impulse and irrationality, voracious lust. In this moment, Timothy listen her monologue attentively by assimilating each word of hers, without uttering anything in order to disrespect her.

"I'm truly sorry to hear that. What made you to be addicted to the alcohol as a sin? Let's not forget to mention a broken, confused, impulsive and selfish woman as you called yourself." What the blonde abhorred the most was the feeling of being pitied and considered as a prey of her demons which haunted her yet.

"I was foolishly in love with one fellah when I was 17. I thought he was a decent and understanding man. A man who didn't think I was some kind of human waste. His name was Casey. Yeah! I wasn't a good student at all and I spent more time with him rather than to focus on my textbooks!" In the meanwhile, she swigged a couple of sips her whiskey until scarcely a few inches liquor flooded the scotch glass. "A handful of years later after our relationship escalated even to marriage and we quickly liked one another even more than as friends, he proposed me and I slept with him weeks before our wedding. And," She paused as she lowered her voice, holding her temple with one of her creamy, petite hands as her brittle eyelids were pooled with dew. Bitter, somber tears betrayed to gush down her cheeks at the thought of her ex-boyfriend who not only ruined her life, but also took away the fragment of her life which she has always hankered for. Literally having her own children by teaching and love them. "A day before our wedding, not only he hurt me with his infedility, besides he didn't seem happy with me at all, moreover he infected me with syphilis, taking away the baby I should have been graced back then." Waterfall of tears sprung up in her eyelids by tumbling down her milky, porcelain cheeks as she responded in tearful voice by furthering her monologue, blinking. In the meanwhile, Timothy reached up for one of her free hands by taking it into his larger, smooth as its thumb kneaded the back of her hand gently, featherly.

"Shu, shu, shu, Judy! It's alright. You're lucky this bastard is no longer with you, because he isn't worth at all. He doesn't even deserve such a spectacular woman like you." The former Cardinal tried to reassure Jude by shushing to her in honeyed voice as his British accent accentuated on his utterance. Furthermore, he finally understood why she was actually a recovering alcoholic and fought with her unhallowed addiction for ages as it resembled centuries. Even more Timothy put himself in her shoes by imagining this entire dilemma and dismal experience by being heartbroken and having bad luck with the reprensatitves of the opposite sex in romantic relationships, hence, finding a consolation in boozing insane quantity of alcohol by numbing its endless sorrow, pain and heartbreaks and getting laid with strangers. "Let's not even forget I'm very grateful you graced both of us with a beautiful little girl though I don't deserve to be a father since I took her away from you and I looked after her. Also I didn't give you the opportunity to be a mother by getting you out of the hellhole as I resign from the church by being a family together. I was such a blinded and selfish fool, who's full of shit!"

Silence dispersed its rainbow arch in the kitchen as the both adults sipped their searing alcoholic beverages by cherishing one of the rare moments they shared along. Sitting on a table by sharing a drink and drowning themselves in long, logical and wise discussions as they speak their minds for themselves and for each other's sake.

"At least, ya had the chance to be a father of Elsie. I don't know what kind of a father were you even if you were a Cardinal of New York."

"During my leisure time and whenever I wasn't with the mass, I was spoiling Elsie with toys, chocolate cupcakes which are her favorite desserts as well and taking her on the playgrounds by befriending with other children, who were around her age." The father of the love child began explaining to Jude how he used to live with Elsie even when his exalted reputation of Cardinal of New York encumbered him with daily hectic agenda and having no time for friends, lovers and family with exception of his urgently substantial career. She quietly sniffled as she wiped with a thumb her rolling, crystal tears. "She was a child miracle. One of a kind though she had her own babysitter when I was with the mass in the church."

"Ya weren't actually a horrible father at all, how I think. But ya were an awfully selfish, egomaniacal and stubborn man of the cloth who didn't even deserve this shitty, divine title as I was the main reason why you became a Cardinal with the effortal hardwork we invested in for years." The former holy woman retorted by arching eyebrow reluctantly as her sniffles and sobs subdued in the vacuum.

"You barely understand what I did this to child and how we died in the name of our unwed, small family to be together for eternity." He sighed a sigh of relief after her honeyed words which heated his heart in igniting blaze, keeping its flare lit his ego up. What the former member of the clergy expected was not only the ill-disposed disappointment, further ginormous odium, oozing of her and diminishing the chances of accomplishing a mutual atonement.

"What you did to our little, sweet ray of sunshine?"

"After Lana exposed Briarcliff and its atrocities, hence, I had 2 opportunities though my reputation was already damaged and it wasn't worth to be a Cardinal. The first one was to accept the consequences of my stupidity and deeds or otherwise die. In short, commit suicide." Timothy swigged the rest of the liquor in his glass until he emptied it in a matter of seconds by pausing, a split second before keeping on with his monologue. "I killed Elsie with a razor just before to slit my wrists in the bath. I wanted to save her from the trouble and giving piece of evidence to the police though I didn't know what was your destiny. At least, if she was still alive in the mortal world, she would have either one parent or be an orphan."

Jude didn't know how to feel or how to react. She was peculiarly nonplussed due to the former man of the cloth's words. On one hand, she thought it was the better, wiser decision for the committed suicide decision since their reunion in their afterlife though it exposed his weaker side of his personality of unable to embrace with open arms the consequences as a heinous priest with mutilated reputation. On other hand, she was livid inside, incapable of tolerating him, in fact, he murdered their own daughter and didn't let her live her own life even as an orphan or with a single parent at least.

"I don't know what to say. I'm just so perplexed. I understand ya why ya killed her but I'm wondering why didn't ya keep her alive even to live with the reputation of love child in the orphanages and her school."

"Jude, I wanted to save her from the authorities' paws. I don't want her misery and to live an orphanage with the other kids, who share the same fate as hers even to double suffer."

"Why the love hurts so much for goddamn sake?" In the interim, the blonde slammed her scotch glass of whiskey on the kitchen table by gulping it in a single sip, thereafter getting from the table and fleeing the kitchen though Timothy's mightlessness to stop her.

"Jude, please!"

After the former nun slammed the kitchen's door with her entire physical strength, it woke up Elsie as she came to her senses as its slam rang in her sensitive, elvish ears.

"Elsie, is it true yar father murdered ya with his own hands and razor?" The middle-aged mother questioned her daughter who was currently rubbing with her fists her drowsy eyes, consequently yawning merely.

"It's true. His last words were he loves me and he wanted to save me from the misery of the world and the authorities." It horrified even more the singer as her hazelish-brown eyes widened suddenly, whilst Timothy entered in the bedroom as he earned his right hand's malicious glare with formidable contempt as if he was exactly trapped in a vicious circle. She utterly paid attention to her daughter's words.

"Jude! Elsie!" The younger man burst out by glimpsing the both females as his transfixed chocolate brown eyes with great concern were on Jude's ruddy of vexation face, highlighting her contracted eyelids, furrowed eyebrows and pouted lips, gritted firm, ivory teeth as their grotesquely, metaphorically constrasted her demeanor a couple of minutes ago when she was still beaming with her smile, tears unlike now when her dudgeon was the protagonist, dwelling in her heart.

"Screw you, Timothy! Your daughter said it too. Ya fricking murdered her." Meanwhile the young girl clogged with her palms her ears when her parents' argue took its place in the same room where she was by unwrapping the blanket, sitting on the edge of the king-sized bed and contemplating the bedroom's bathroom door by ignoring the adults' scene which disturbed her as well.

"I wanted to save her from them. Didn't you hear me, did you?" He yelled by attempting to keep his voice's decibels moderately.

In this moment, the little brunette zinged up to the door by escaping her parents' room as she was met with Esther and Mary Eunice, who captured her in a tight, warm, affable hug.

"Awww, Elsie! It looks like you're scared from your parents' yelling." Esther exclaimed in mocking manner by planting a kiss on the little girl's cheek between the embrace.

"They just have a hard time. They will be fine." Elsie explained simply by snuggling in the both young adults' hug.

The increased decibels of the both adults in the room jingled worrisome, horrid tunes in the both young women's ears as if it resembled a couple who have love-hate relationship bewailing at one another for the pettiest things which isn't under one of the partners' control.

"I see." Esther took a deep breath after they broke off the hug altogether by taking their time for a while to admire one another's facial features. "Come on, little cupcake! I will tour you up around the gothic chateau."

"Yayy!" The young girl squaled ecstatically as she held the hostess's hand as they walked away from the former young nun who was beyond worried for her favorite former tutors as she bit her bottom plumpish, berry-coloured lip in anticipation of their heated debate to halt sooner or later.

"Frank!" The young blonde scurried in the long, dim lit hallway of the gothic castle to find the former cop by descending the stairway for the second floor.

"Look what, Timothy Howard!" The middle-aged singer pawed his shoulders by squeezing them as she pushed him aggressively against the wall as she clunched her teeth as she wore a grimaced face. In the meantime, Timothy felt impotent to stop her as it was her right to pour her entire anger on the person, who not only betrayed and took everything away from her, but also murdered their love child and committed suicide afterwards. Their faces even lips were scarcely inches distancing them. "I don't know if I want to fucking kill ya and watch ya suffer for this shit or," She briskly pressed her lips on his as she watched him how his eyelids instantly shut like blinds as her honey brown eyes darkened, alooking like a demon scrutinizing his recent victim of the sin as she moved up one of her hands to his head, runnig her fingers through his chestnut hair. The former holy man felt succumbed by her succulent, lustful, violent kiss. "Making love to ya with burning passion!" She resumed her exclaimation by lowering her voice between the kiss until her other hand drifted down to his bulge by outlining it with an index finger, indicating its size as her fingers teased his crotch his trousers as muffled, mellow moans and groans escaped his lips. Her eyes even darkened, glinted diabolic lust, desire and conflicting emotions between love and hate as a fiendish, enchanting flare, exposing its genuine nuances. A smug, predatorical sadistic grin cracked on her complexion.

"Oh fuck! This is damn good but," His incessant, pleasing groans and moans swam in the room as she squeezed harder his already hard manhood as their kisses grew ferocious as their wet tongues commenced dueling against each other like warriors.

"But what?" Sensual whisper emitted from the top of his lungs as one of his arms was snaked around her waist, whilst the other hand cupped her cheek, whereas after she teased his crotch, she was about to unzip his trousers until his hand which held her slim waist faintly swatted her petite one as her fingers clumsily, hardly reached the zip.

"Jude, I don't want to violate or use you." By the way she caressed even teased his tight crotch, he can still feel her fingers doing wonders to his body as electroshocking climax hit him and he craved to make love to her though sooner or later somebody might enter in their room without their consent and hence, catch them in an intimate act by embarrassing them.

"W-what do you mean with this?" They broke off the kiss as the older lady stuttered in sultry voice as they withdrew their faces as they admired one another's enthralling facial features.

"I did enough atrocious things as I messed your life. I hate to see you hurted."

"It's up to you whatever ya want, Tim! I can't force ya."

"I want it, of course! Despite it's your decision either."

"Well, we will see!" The former sister of the church headed towards the door by leaving their room as she slammed the door, leaving dumbfound and pleased and sufficiently sexually satisified the former Monsignor as his back reclined on the wall.

"Jude!" The younger man muttered out as his lips motioned in the hushing room until a couple of door taps gave him hope it might be his rare bird or not exactly.

"Timothy!" Masculine, sympathetic voice called from the corridor as it was the former police officer, Frank, himself. "May I come?" He continued by trying to be as polite as possible, sheepishly exhaling.

"Of course, Frank!"

"Hey Tim! I know from the former little sister there was turmoil there."

"Ah, Frank! We're fine. Jude has got the right to be angry at me for what I did to her. I even fessed some of the things which she has never heard of." In the interval, the security guard took a seat on the edge of the bed as their eyes met, locking up his gaze.

"I understand. Sooner or later, she will be fine how I think."

"For sure she will be. I'm the core of the mess I did to her." The former priest said in low, ashamed voice though some ounce off his shoulders was diminished after the far-reaching revelations by mildly bowing his head.

"Do not blame yarself, buddy! I'm completely sure there's going to be forgiveness. Ya need to be patient because you know already by what kind of a mess she has been through and she doesn't want to repeat it all over again." The middle-aged man attempted to alleviate Timothy by giving him piece of advice through their journey in the purgatory, in the name of their expiation.

"You mean her mistakes?"

"That's what I'm talking about, Tim. Fellah, you must relax for a while. Come to have a drink or spend some time with Elsie as she's with Esther. She's safe with the hotess."

"Oh! I'm relieved. Before having a drink or something else, I'm planning to have a shower." All of a sudden, the security guard got from the bed by approaching the former holy man by patting faintly, kindly his shoulder, encouraging him.

"Take your time! You don't have to rush and regret later for your impulse just like Judy in her past." Frank advised slyly by winking at Timothy amiably without reluctance, heading towards the room, seconds before walking away. "Be gentle with her!"

"I'm gentle with her, of course! Thank you for the council, Frank!" In this moment, the former cop fled the room by closing the door as Timothy felt better after being receiving piece of advice by Jude's favorite former employee, who wasn't very fond of her former boss at all.

Shortly after the middle-aged widower walked away as the juvenile former man of the cloth was all alone with his own thoughts and prejudices, trapped in the desolated hush, subsequently he gathered his bath towel by entering in the bathroom to take a fresh, hot, streaming shower.

Throughout he shut the bathroom door by locking himself, in case, if somebody sneacks roguely in his room and accidentally without warning by witnessing the awkward nakedness of the former holy man.

He kicked off his shoes and stripped each garment of his which hugged his toned, still appealing body as they peeled his flesh in motion, feeling the ultimate freedom of being naked by hanging them along with his boxers on the hooks He glanced at his own reflexion in the crystal, square mirror that hung over the sink, scrutinizing his yet youthful, unimpeachably handsome face, oozing with juvenileness and lack of wrinkles were naturally inked, indicating his real age. It delighted him. He hasn't even aged after opulent sleepless nights, a lot of efforts and hardwork on his divine, blinding Vatican dream.

Consequently he stepped under the shower by turning the water tap by adjusting its warmness as its warmer temperature dominated, the jet water contacting his stark body by soaking his flesh even his dark chestnut hair.

One of his hands shifted up to his hair, running idly through his hair, whereas his other hand lowered to his hard manhood as he gripped it by giving himself a handjob. His face mildly flushed as he hasn't masturbated though Jude and the possessed Mary Eunice were the sole females who have pleasured him especially Jude, whereas the possessed former young nun rather raped him. He tightly shut his eyes like closed windows by permitting his rich fantasies whirl like a whirlpool in his mind, full of impure thoughts, resurfacing like icebergs. Timothy commenced to tease himself by jerking slowly, sufficiently potent in the beginning, letting his imagination work out on the foul, celestial fantasies conveying him to ultimate, everlasting pleasure and climax which he hasn't peaked unless if it's Jude, herself. Muffled, voluptuous moans and groans were set free from the top of his lungs as he was releasing some tension. His lips motioning like piano keys the unholy, sinful groans and moans as they were the sole sourcing sound with the stream shower water that soaked every inch of his figure.

What he was actually fantasizing for? That wasn't a question. The answers were readily delivered as his long, dexterous fingers worked on his hard rock member, jerking it.

Explicit, graphic images emerged in his reverie as he hankered to be real. If he was actually yet pious member of the church, otherwise he wouldn't be supposed to daydream about such unhallowed fantasies by menacing his saintly career and reputation which used to be his priority back in his mortal life until he arrived in the purgatory and hyperbolically his worldview changed as his crucial priorities to redeem himself in Jude, Mary Eunice and Elsie's names, besides his soul is being saved by the love of his life. The first woman on whom he had laid eyes since their first encounter which was exactly ages ago and he has chosen her as his own right hand, due to her potent, persistent and versatile character who's capable of running an institution with an iron fist and handing the clumsiest patients who have ever being housed in the mental hospital.

What his reverie conveyed him was a dream world or rather in an explicit movie as the protagonists are only two. They were Timothy, himself and Judy. The roller coaster of his film dynamically mounted its spiral in retrospective motion. From the vivid, sultry pictures of Jude giving him a handjob as she teased his member with her genial, agile and experienced fingers squeezed by jerking him as his inescapable moans and groans boated in the thin air, hearing his roar. Roar of the tiger in charge. As he ran delicately his mammoth, warm hand all over his muscular torso, picturing his once favorite former nun's hand as her fingers tipped up and down his toned chest and abs as he swallowed hard.

All he has a yen for was to make love to her and tell her how beautiful she's lastly.

His rugged pride lit up as it loomed on the nigh horizon.

The brisk, nevertheless steamy moment he shared with Jude during their heated debate as she trapped him against the wall not only emanated the zestful boiling blood in his veins, moreover the former clerical member of the clergy has already envisaged in his train of impure thoughts how his length has already filled her core after she has teased him not only with fingers, even more with her damp, luscious tongue the tip of his cock on circles and peppering feather and loving ardent kisses which took it as a given to his climax and spilling his seed in her mouth by savoring his cum, his thrusts were slow and painful until they increased to quicker, diminishing its pain and tantalizing one another's minds and bodies. Even cupping her round, full breast and playing, besides circling with a tongue her erected nipples and nibbling them as her passionate cries' decibels were megawatt louder than savage,predacious beasts' bewails. His hands tracing all over her body especially her boson and abdomen delicately, featherly by admiring its softness, mossiness of her milky flesh.

Shortly after teasing himself, he reached his climax within a few minutes of fantasizing of the first woman he has ever laid eyes on.

"Oh fucking, sweet Jesus!" A lethal groan heaved from the top of his frail lungs as he reluctantly spilled his semen, staining the bath tiles flooring by an accident. The pleasure was indisputably, eminently overwhelming for him until he partly opened his eyes by blinking as his vision appeared blurry, whereas the jet shower water still splashed its waterfall onto him perpetually.

In the meanwhile, his hands reached for the water taps until its jet subdued as its last drop streamed down from the shower head, splashing the marinated in water bath tiled flooring. His mouth was agape for a while as a tad panting motioned. Afterwards he peeped down at the tiled flooring, noting something sticky even in light color as its reeked of his seed, revolting:

"Oh shit! It has been so damn good so that the floor is messed up."

Hence, the former member of the church teared some toilet paper by crouching down to the stained spot by mopping it in swift, ginger motion until it vanished. Leaving it flawlessly clean with no stains. Thereafter he wrapped the bath towel around his pelvis by balling it tightly as he was leaving the bathroom with the hung garments and boxers.

All of a sudden, he unintentionally clicked with a single finger by blinking as the garments and underpants he used were as immaculately clean as he has never worn them ever before. Glistening neatness.

What it mesmerized him was by the way his finger clicked in an instant, single motion. Little did he know what a supernatural spell he possessed in such barren place like this.

Thereafter he dressed up himself in the same garments by shoeing his feet in Oxford black shoes.

"Hey, Jonas! Look at this cutie! Isn't that diva that sung and had an accident the last night?" One of the predatoric men who was strolling in the hallway with his friend Jonas didn't avert their eyes from the middle-aged singer, whose figure was clothed in slip and peignoir which was oblivious to her or rather she didn't care at all.

"Yeah, Nathan! Look at her. She looks damn good in this," The blonde's hazelish brown eyes which glinted peculiar apprehension, murderous dubiety even if in the periphery of her vision noted them by pursing her plumpish, firecracker rosy-coloured lips demurely, bashfully as she paced in the hall of the gothic chateau. The both men darted their orbs, fulfilled with delirious lust and heinous desire to the slightly older lady as they whistled mischievously as her heart raced. "Red slip!"

"She's probably one of the Howard's whores. I mean Timothy Howard's who lifted her, whilst this German emigrant was asking questions instead of helping her." The second man talked under his breath by winking at the former sister of the church.

"You are definitely right, fellah! By judging her lifestyle and in general, we can say Howard is her sugar daddy." The middle-aged men couldn't repress husky, wicked chuckles though Jude noted something specific about them. They seemed much different than Timothy or on the contrary, she was their Achilles' Heel, due to her physical grace only. All they had a yen for was to get laid with her, regardless with or without her consent.

"No wonder he's after her!" Suddenly the former woman of the cloth froze as she felt paralyzed, unable to move any single muscle of her body as the both men were more than ready to assault her with bloodthirsty kisses and nibbles on the silken skin of her neck and boson, sadistically thrust harder in her core.

What the singer detested more than anything was to being paralyzed and her brain to freeze, incapable of functioning moderately by thinking of a rational decision which might save her life or be safe and sound at least. It beared a semblance to a plague epidemy which corrupts every cell and muscle of her body, no matter how tough is her physical and mental stamina. Nonetheless, she felt physically weak against two burly men, who trapped her even with a mere stare.

Fortunately, for their own luck, the hallway was empty as the 3 adults were the sole ones who set a foot on it for this moment. Jonas and Nathan were beyond lucky nobody was around to disturb their daredevil game they have plotted.

"Excuse me, ma'am! Aren't ya this singer, who had an accident the night before?" Jonas posed the question by attempting to be as polite as possible to win the stranger lady's benevolence and attention.

"Excuse me! You were part of the audience the last night just before the accident, right?" Jude asked them with her Boston accent as she looked up into their piercing, ferocious light orbs as if they were fancing her even with an ordinary eye contact.

Jonas was actually man in the beginning of his 30s with short chestnut hair just like Timothy's with piercing, flirtatious green irises. His nails were polished with colorless nail polish by highlighting his neat looks and he had a golden tooth which incarnated his Bohemian, rich lifestyle as a man almost in his midlife stage. He was almost 2 meters tall by wearing grayish and turquoise costumes with ties. His skin tone was fair. At last but not least, his body built was floppy, due to his lack of exercise.

Whilst his friend, Nathan was approximately his age with dirty blonde hair, neck length. He possessed actually olive-tanned skin color, followed by light chestnut eyes, matching ideally with his dirty blonde haircut. In addition to his well-groomed looks, he wore suits and ties in white and emerald green.

"How do you think, ma'am?" Jonas winked at her as his Virginian accent accentuated on his posed question as a smug, vile grin danced on his lips. "You were spectacular, not gonna lie! I was in the audience with my buddy by touching you." He fessed shamelessly as he was slowly but surely approaching the older lady, trapping her against the corridor's wall, while Nathan glimpsed in the both corners of the hall, in case if they incidentally bump into somebody and they are got in trouble, subsequently their goose is cooked.

"You touched," As she was struggling to proceed with her speech, all of a sudden Jonas pawed her shoulders without releasing her from his grip as she was mightless to stop the both men, whose plotted daredevil game began with success and scoring one point against her. "Jesus Christ! No!" She shrieked as Jonas pressed violently his lips on hers though the former devotional member of the church opted to evade his lips touch in disgust as their faces were barely inches from one another. His darkened green irises in the sight of abhorred and defenseless prey they have just captured. In the meanwhile, Nathan grabbed Jude's wrists by cuffing them in his grasp, without releasing them as his fingertips greased with its soft contact her creamy, pale knuckles. "Somebody help me!"

"Don't hurry up so much, beautiful!" In the meantime, the both men licked her both cheeks as her cheeks were greased in clammy salivas, in spite of her desperate cries for call to arms to be rescued. "There's no Prince Charming or sugar daddy to save your skin from us." Nathan whispered in sultry, velvet voice against her ear.

"Timothy! Esther! Elsa! Frank! Mary Eunice! Somebody help me!" The blonde cried out loud as her bewail not only floated on the second floor, moreover it diffused on the third floor as it was sufficiently audible for Timothy, himself.

"Jude? Rara avis! Where are you?" He zinged downstairs within seconds in order to find the feminine wails which emanated from the second floor.

"Stop whining, baby girl! The sugar daddy's baby girls are the best lovers if you didn't know that." The chestnut-haired gentleman evoked by imitating the singer's desperate voice as she spat into their faces.

"Fuck you! Find somebody else to mess with but I'm not going to be your toy for tonight."

"You fucking twat! How dare ya to spit on my face? Is it normal one sweet, spectacular lady like ya to," In the interim, the former man of the cloth stealthily, discreetly snuck up behind the both men by snaking his mammoth, protective hands around his neck as Jude noticed 2 perfectly recognizable hands verging to suffocate one of the predatories.

"T-Timothy?" The former pious holy woman mumbled timidly as her lips almost didn't motion as she was confound, in fact, she expected the worst to happen in this moment as it was oblivious for Nathan there was another man especially the former holy man right in front of his ally.

"Oh fuck!" Jonas whined in pain though his hands were on top of his intruder, incapable of yanking them from his neck. Timothy dragged by pulling as he grasped with his fingers his recent victim as he chocked him until Jonas's head impacted on the wall, collapsing on the floor as his back as he laid on his stomach. Even more Timothy gritted his teeth by casting a glare at the other chestnut-haired gentleman, who was an abettor for Jude's sexual assault.


"Don't you ever dare to touch this innocent, impotent lady! Am I clear, Mister?" The former priest stomped one of the predatories' head with his oxford's sole by pressing it until he gripped by Nathan's shirt collar, pulling him towards him as he unwillingly released Jude's hands as she had her own chance to participate and defend Timothy in the name of her love for him even if it was a conflicting, damned feeling she had still for him.

"Fuck!" The dirty blonde-haired Virginian whimpered in pain when Jude grabbed him by his hair as he craned his neck as he was trapped in his foes' vicious cycle. He opted to punch the British, although his successful eluding cunningly.

"Rare bird, that wasn't necessary at all!"

"Timothy, you need a team player. I don't want this bastard to hurt you." Her concern for Timothy's welfare significantly affected him as it spoke volumes to him at last.

"I don't need to!" In this moment, the former Monsignor pushed the other man against the wall as he collided, flumping on the floor helplessly as he losed not only balance, moreover consciousness. "Judy, are you alright? Let's get out of there in a jiffy." He carried on by inquiring his love interest as they ran away from Nathan and Jonas who were senseless for now until their muscles resurrect.

"Oh, Tim! I couldn't be more ashamed."

"What they did to you these bastards?" They towered the stairway for the third floor as they zinged up to their room.

"I was just walking in the hallway until they asked me something that has to do with the last night show and they trapped me against the wall as I tried to avoid one of the men's lips, while they licked my both cheeks as the other one held my wrists, incapable to punch or slap either of them. I spat on their faces as they cursed, of course! I cried out loud somebody to come and help me." The middle-aged mother sighed a jaded sigh of relief, due to the fact she was being rescued in the least predictable moment even if her whine was as loud as a whisper in the desert.

"Oh! I'm so sorry to hear this. These bastards deserved a punishment for trying to mess with you."

"Don't be sorry! I hate to be pitied!" A hoarse, wry chuckle escaped her rosy-coloured, naturally glossy lips by rolling her eyes dramatically until they reached their room's door as the former Cardinal opened it specially for his right hand, stepping aside to let her first enter as he closed and shut the door behind him, whereas Jude grabbed a bath towel and rushed up to the bathroom to take a shower since she felt foul and mortified, factly, the befall inordinately affected her.

A handful of hours have passed since the accident on the second floor of the gothic chateau's hall. Jude took a hot, relaxing shower after the happened to sponge every inch of her body where the loathsome, noisome claws of the both predators have touched or at least contacted her mossy, silky flesh. Thereafter she was listening to some music via the kitchen's radio and drinking some fresh, hot green tea to soothe her nerves and healing her vitality, whereas Timothy and Elsie were dancing in the kitchen on the vintage songs that played on the radio, regardless if they are pop, romance or even rock ones. The family atmosphere accrued in the kitchen, as a result of gathering the entire, howsoever, compact family altogether.

"So long boy you can take my place, got my papers I've got my pay! So pack my bags and I'll be on my way to yellow river! Put my guns down the war is won! Fill my glass high the time has come!" Christie's song Yellow River was playing on the radio, whereas the whirlpool of 2 jubilantly, convivial dancing figures whirled as they took steps backward and forward, following the music's rhythm.

"So now honey, 1, 2, 3!" Timothy said softly as he instructed his love child how to dance though she ideally followed her father's steps, in spite of it was his first time dancing ever and the music's rhythm gave him a hint how to dance and to enjoy the song in whatever way he desires. Beaming smiles of sunshines were looming on Elsie and Timothy's faces as they didn't take their eyes of each other. In the interval, the young man held one of his daughter's elvish, smooth hands as she was whirling like a natural disaster on the dancefloor. The blonde watched them with immense enthusiasm, oozing from her fixed honey brown eyes on her daughter and love interest with a radiant, charming smile, honed up in the corner of her lips.

"Aren't we amazing, Mommy?" The little girl enquired her mother blissfully.

"Of course, my little princess! You dance wonderful with your father. He's an excellent teacher."

"I'm going back to the place that I love yellow river! Yellow river, yellow river is in my mind and in my eyes! Yellow river, yellow river is in my blood, it's the place I love! Got no time for explanations, got no time to lose!" Christie's guitars yet played in the background as they interweaved the vocalist's eloquent, mellifluous voice strings.

"Have you ever danced, Daddy?"

"Not really!" Timothy admitted through a light, humble giggle as he spun Elsie, hence, clasping an arm circa her shoulders to poise her. "I have never danced in my life, to be honest." He bluntly kept on as they both giggled as one. In the interim, the former sister of the Roman Catholic church sipped her tea without averting her gaze in awe of them.

"Huh?" Elsie questioned quizzically as she was mesmerized by her father's dancing skills even if his lack of experience wasn't apparent at all.

"At least, the music's rhythm is important to get you in the jazz. I mean, relax and just have fun!"

"Tomorrow night you'll find me! Sleeping underneath the moon at yellow river! Cannon fire lingers in my mind, I'm so glad that I'm still alive and I've been gone for such a long time from yellow river! I remember the nights were cool I can still see the water pool and I remember the girl that I knew from yellow river!"

"Hey, Tim! May I dance with ya?" The singer asked merrily as she got from the kitchen table, whereas Timothy spun for final time the young brunette until she whirled like a whirlpool in the kitchen as he offered his hand as the former nun accepted it by taking his larger, secure one into her, perfectly fitting.

"Of course, my rara avis! C'mere!" The former Monsignor spun for first time the blonde as she grasped his hand without releasing it from her grip, cackling joyously as her laughter mingled with the guitars and the vocalist's silver-tongued singing voice.

"Mommy and Daddy!" Elsie jumped in jittery manner by clapping her hands, applauding them as if she was their sole fan of their show as a content, childish grin was imprinted upon her juvenile complexion, glinting her evident felicity of witnessing her parents' reunion especially dancing together in the kitchen. "Mommy and Daddy! I love you!"

"We love you too, sweetheart!" They said as one by hoofing up to the little girl, bending down as they pecked an affectionate, tender kiss on her temple, consequently continuning with their dance by following the music's cheerful rhythm.

"Yellow river, yellow river is in my mind and in my eyes! Yellow river, yellow river is in my blood it's the place I love!"

"Look at yourselves! Ya are splendid couple. Why aren't you married?" What the infant wondered was why her parents weren't eventually wed, besides she was in awe in the reunited unwed couple's dancing.

No response was followed by her parents as they were utterly focused on the dance, devoting on the prominent, romantic moment they shared together.

"I didn't know you were a wonderful dancer, Tim! Your legs prove it!" Meantime she winked gamely at him as he spun her once again, seconds before taking steps backward and forward, smirking smugly, seductively.

"Oh, really?" He arched an eyebrow as their faces were scarcely inches away as his face flushed, sunk in sanguine tinges, airbrushing his searing cheeks. "To be honest, I have never danced in my life."

"Are you really?" The middle-aged lady was beyond shocked by his response, in fact, she has seen hypnotizing results of his dancing.

"Got no time for explanations, got no time to lose! Tomorrow night you'll find me! Sleeping underneath the moon at yellow river!"

"Where's the photo camera to snap a photo of you?" Elsie rummaged in the kitchen drawers, in order to find the Polaroid photo camera and take a few remarkable photographs of her parents having a great time.

"Judy, rare bird," The younger man mellowly stammered as they danced, holding her petite, pale and silken as vanilla hand into his larger, surprisingly warm and smooth hand. "Would you want a family photo with 3 of us or at least dancing together?"

"It would be a lovely piece of memory which we shall share it until we disappear."

"Mommy! Daddy! Are you ready for a photo?" In this moment, the young girl lastly found the Polaroid photo camera after rummaging in one of the kitchen drawers by holding the camera by the both sides, aiming its camera up to them. "Say cheese!"

"Cheese!" The both adults yelled euphorically as they grinned, whereas following properly their horeography for the song.

"Yellow river, yellow river is in my mind and in my eyes! Yellow river, yellow river is in my blood it's the place I love!" The song ended as the infant snapped a handful of Polaroid photographs within seconds as the blonde turned off the radio before switching on the impending song by approaching her daughter with Timothy, watching the snapped Polaroid photos.

"Look at yourselves! Aren't you wonderful together, Mommy and Daddy, are you?"

"Awww, thank you, sweetheart! It's so sweet for taking this photo of I and yar Daddy dancing together."

"Can't we take a photo of our small, beautiful family, gathered altogether?" The former Cardinal suggested optimistically as a beaming smile loomed on his young-looking yet, fresh complexion.

"What a great idea! Why don't we just do it right now?" Judy promptly accepted her love interest's idea which inspired her to take a Polaroid photograph along. She jerked the camera from her love child's hands in swift motion as she didn't complain, nor whined any pleas.

"H-How we are supposed to take photographs by ourselves? I'm wondering if there are still any sticks for the camera." Jude headed towards the drawers by inspecting them for any camera sticks as her fingers briskly rummaged every item until she found it by herself and closing its drawer, readjusting the camera, a couple of minutes before the family photograph. "We will be ready in 5,4," The former sister of the church commenced counting the numbers until the photo camera snapped another Polaroid photograph of the entire family as Timothy dangled an arm around Elsie's shoulder, whilst Jude stood alongside her lover by exclaiming out loud in unison "Cheese!" as their gawks were fixed on the camera.

An hour later after they spent some time along as a family in the kitchen, thereafter Elsie was with Esther as the hostess toured her around the gothic castle, whilst the both lovers were in the room.

In the meanwhile, the singer laid in the middle of her king-sized bed as she wore her mere, white as snow cotton nightgown with long sleeves, ankle length as she resembled a true angel even when her ringlet of golden curls was tied in a messy, casual updo, framing ideally her palish, angelic face. While Timothy was sorting some of the unsorted books on the grand bookshelf by sorting them by their authors' names, his attention was utterly focused on his recent task.

"Elsie is a fantastic girl. I'm so proud of her not only she took photographs of us together dancing, but also for being always next to her in tough times."

"I can't agree more about his sweet little ray of sunshine but thanks to her, we're a family along." The former pious member of the clergy clarified, huffing in her mid-sentence without averting her hazelish-brown eyes from the former Monsignor. "If you exactly remember what I've told ya."

"We're family, of course, rara avis! It's thanks to the afterlife and Elsie who united us again. Doubtlessly!" Meantime the younger man sorted Dante's Literature by judging his books' alphabet order by beginning from A to Z, inhaling calmly. Then he glanced in front of him as Jude was no longer laying on the king-sized bed as he was frantic behind her sudden disappearance. "Jude? Are you playing a revenge game for what I," She cut him off as she wrapped her fingers around the sensitive, silken skin of his neck by choking him, her piercing honey brown pools glued on his chocolate brown eyes. Blood vehemently boiled in her veins as if a dragonbreath flared her nostrils. Her muffled, warm breath tickled his as pale as a lucid cloud complexion. Clunched ivory teeth gleamed past him as the brightest teeth shone in the darkest ebon room. "W-what are you,"

"Shu shu shu, Tim! Do you really consider yourself as a part of our small family with Elsie? Huh?" The singer enquired dramatically as their lips were barely inches away as their distance hasn't diminished yet. "Who's actually the murderah of our little, sweet girl, in order to save yar ass from the cops and Briarcliff's investigation, besides you took one more soul into the purgatory with yourself, besides your previous 2 victims?"

What dumbfounded him was her direct, reckless speech which she aimed as an arrow right into the target, marking a bullseye at last as she drummed his toned chest with her balled fists, although he did nothing about the question since he has been a well disciplined gentleman, taught to not hurt representatives of the opposite sex as they were fragile, potentless compared to the males.

"Little did you know how crazy do you drive me!" The former devotional member of the church furthered with her utterance by hissing her snake tongue by silencing Timothy in a sultry, harder kiss.than the last time as she cupped his cheek, tracing with her fingers his well-defined cheekbone, whereas her other petite, tepid hand drifted up to his dark hair, running her fingers through it. His hands lowered to her waist by squeezing it in grasp. "Even if I was angry with ya, I couldn't get you out of my mind because you're a special man, Timothy!"

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