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"Hey Tim! Isn't that yar," Esther transfixed her aqua blue eyes as Timothy's chocolate brown orbs on the approaching blonde who overlooked them by taking a seat alongside the black-haired lady, surveying each action of hers. Literally her body language. Her manners. Mischievous, subtle smirk danced across her ruby-coloured lips of the hostess. The ex-priest felt pulsation in his ears as if he verged to have a heart attack once he recognized actually who's the blonde who recently entered in the gothic bar as the music changed in the background.

"Let's swim to the moon, uh huh! Let's climb through the tide! Penetrate the evenin' that the city sleeps to hide! Let's swim out tonight, love! It's our turn to try!" The Doors' song just played in the background, floating in the bar as its sole inhabitants were Jude, Timothy, Esther and the French bartender. Jingling serene, melodious tunes in their ears.

"Tim, that's your Jude!" Esther teased the former man of the cloth by swatting heedlessly his broad, muscular shoulder as he couldn't avert his chocolate brown orbs from the magnetizing blonde who sat next to Esther, ordering the French bartender for herself some bourbon in a scotch glass.

"It's not exactly mine since," The young man stuttered as he struggled to utter each syllable, due to the fact Jude was in the same room where he was especially with another female company. Suddenly he lowered his head in shame as his dexterous, elegant fingers caressed idly his scotch glass with its almost emptied liquor. "I'm sorry but I hurt her as much as I don't deserve her forgiveness." At last but not least, his abrupt lowered voice signalized the hostess that something was out of control. Something didn't seem okay at first sight and in general at all. Something urging her to alleviate her new friend, who seemed peculiarly, immensely disquieted. On one hand, Timothy hankered for to speak in person with the blonde and promptly apologise her, regardless what she thinks of him and what might be her reaction as well. On other hand, the former Monsignor little did he know his apprehension has escalated to celestial borderlines and how she might react even on his first exclaimation towards her after the labyrinthine dilemma and disaster which conflicted them even more especially him for now.

"One Elijah Craig bourbon for me, please!" The lady in red ordered boldly as she winked at the French barkeeper as he docilely, obediently took a medium sized bottle of Elijah Craig bourbon by preparing an empty, clean scotch glass by grasping its bottle as her hazelish-brown eyes were darted down to the mammoth, calloused hand as its liquor motion of amber waterfall filled the glass.

"Parked beside the ocean on our moonlight drive! Let's swim to the moon, uh huh! Let's climb through the tide surrender to the waiting worlds!That lap against our side!"

The middle-aged woman's ringlet of silken old Hollywood honey curls lour down to her upper back, framing ideally her porcelain, pale as sheer angel complexion with its ravishing red as remorseless gore, layering her bottom and upper lips, highlighting her velvet, vanilla face. Her piercing honey brown eyes were fixed on her scotch glass of sweet, sinful, mouth-watering bourbon as its liquor will gush down inside her body and organs exceedingly soon, watering her body. A knee length with V neckline and spaghetti straps silken scarlet red dress hugged her curvy, slender, still attractive body as its bright, ravishing color was as provocative as a traffic light, catching its eye within seconds by signalizing. Not just a mere traffic light. She was literally an inordinate firecracker not just for the men, who get laid with her for the one-night stands events in the over the hill, muddy motel rooms, moreover for Timothy himself, who did want her as more than a mere woman. Silver, thin, glittering bracelets on cuffed her wrists, whilst stud luxurious, shimmering ruby earrings were pierced in her earlobes as if she was more shining and beautiful than an embellished Christmas tree. Perhaps 2 ruby and diamond rings braced her fingers on her both hands.

The lady in red, known as Patron Saint of Lost Causes wasn't actually a saint either just like Timothy. Her current exquisite looks embodied the unsacred and wanton fragments of the ordinary sin, gathered in unsolved pieces of a puzzle. Even more the fragrance of jasmine, emanating as aroma of her hair and essence reached promptly Timothy's and Esther's nostrils altogether.

"Thank ya for the bourbon!"

"You really need to talk to her." Esther played idly with her already emptied glass of cognac by licking greedily, gamely her lips in front of the former man of the cloth. Further, she opted to persuade him to talk in person with Judy without even being afraid of the consequences.

"I might try though who knows?"

"Give a try, Tim! I bet she would be keen speaking to you."

"As you say!" All of a sudden, the owner of the gothic chateau vanished as if dust was sprinkled in the air like rain of wee sparks which astonished the young man to bones as his distance with the woman he eerily recognized was just almost a feet.

Then he sipped one last sip of his Remy Martin cognac by swallowing it in a swift motion as he held his glass, slamming it on the cherry wood bar desk, drawing instantly the flirtatious blonde as she once turned, she couldn't take her honey brown eyes which glinted twinkling stars, offering him a seductive, amiable smile, shaped on her bloody red as gore lips. The former member of the clergy couldn't refrain a sympathetic smile, cradling his lips by gazing hypnotized at the slightly older woman than him.

By the way he stared at her was much different. His rare bird wasn't the austere, cold-blooded and revered nun he remembered her once, dressed up in dark wool conservative wimple and habit, concealing the darkness of her past and iniquitous manners she get used to when she was much younger, inexperienced in the life as if she was a lost kid in the grim forest of the life with tracks, guiding her to the right path. Hyperbolical contrast was between her nun outfit she wore in her moral life and the modish, glimmering of glamour dress she currently had on herself. It mesmerized even stumped the former holy man as if he saw the same person in 2 different lights.

"Nothin' left open and no time to decide! We've stepped into a river on our moonlight drive! Let's swim to the moon
Let's climb through the tide


"It's not Jude, Mister! I'm just Judy. Judy Martin!" A bold, emboldened smirk slightly startled him by causing him to blush a bit as she moved audaciously on the next bar stool by seating alongside him. An embarrassing silence arched between them as she took her time to inspect the mildly younger man's facial features by wandering her eyes up and down until Judy studied him completely like a readen book. A husky chuckle escaped her caverns just seconds before breaking the ice as bourbon stained breath lightly punched his face. He felt the warmth of the alcohol a tad pinch on his cheeks. "You don't look familiar to me. Aren't ya a new fellah in the purgatory?"

"For sure, yes! Esther owns this chateau."

"She owns it, of course!"

"Jude, you look so familiar. Why you seem," As Timothy verged to resume his sentence by sipping his cognac once again, unfortunately, for his sake, it was Jude who cut him off in curt manner as she was beyond, apparently a tad livid for being addressed with her ecclesiastical name which she wore after joining the church and becoming a devotional woman of the cloth.

"Sir, I told ya I'm not Jude. Stop calling me like that! I'm just Judy, okay?" The blonde nagged by attempting to control her voice though her exasperation didn't hurt Timothy, himself, at all.

"Judy?" She nodded, thrumming softly, silver-tongued to themselves as it was solely audible for them. Then he exhaled sharply as the blonde maneuvered him to raise up a toast together.

"Let's raise up a toast together. For your arrival, of course! Cheers!" As they spelled as one Cheers, they already rose a toast along. Their scotch glasses were grasped as they collided. Glass against glass lightly contacted in the clink, without averting their gazes until they sipped their beverages, thereafter leaving their glasses aside on the bar.

"You reach your hand to hold me but I can't be your guide! Easy, I love you as I watch you glide! Falling through wet forests on our moonlight drive, baby!" The Doors' song yet played in the background, vapouring its adventurous ambience in the bar.

"I know this might be embarrassing but may I know yar name, gentleman?"

"Timothy Howard!" The juvenile, aspiring man replied bashfully, incapable of breaking the intense, alluring eye contact as they linked along.

"Oooh! Sir Timothy Howard!" She uttered each word in teasing manner through a raspy chuckle, emitted as a flame of a dragon. "A British, if I'm trying to guess where are you actually coming from."

"I'm indeed British! A wealthy one."

"Well, good for ya, Tim!" The blonde in ease got comfortable in the former priest's company as she couldn't help but guffaw, patting her knee with a palm as Timothy half-heartedly chuckled either, biting his bottom, plumpish lip. "You will be an excellent sugar daddy for tonight if ya don't mind to convey me to my room after the tonight's show."

"Judy, believe me! I'm not a sugar daddy! I'm not this kind of a man, who lives with women just because they yearn for money only."

"You are another two-goody shoes one but you're still fine. You're alook like my type, not gonna lie!" In the interval, her firm, glassy white teeth chewed her bottom lip seductively as if she was an innocent teenager, who's with her crush and she's just confessed something which is urgently awkward for the both sides especially Timothy. Little did he know what this woman especially the love of his life, who didn't even realize it was actually the man she once loved was sitting in the same bar and sharing the same poison along, was capable of. The suddenness of rouging face as his cheeks heated beneath his flesh caused him disquieting uneasiness as his heart peaked to leap.

"Moonlight drive! Come on, baby, gonna take a little ride!
Down, down by the ocean side
! Gonna get real close!"

In the meanwhile, he swallowed hard as it expressed his inexperience in the flirts and provocative compliments made by representative of the opposite sex. At last but not least, Jude gulped in a single sip her bourbon, finishing it as quickly as possible as the tonight show, which she's going to hold tonight with the former freak show owner, Elsa Mars, was in a matter of minutes only. Having limited time as if it's hourglass time lapsed slowly, gradually.

The contrast between the singer and the former pious member of the church was inescapably immense as if they were living on different planets with their own visions. What Timothy wanted to achieve by progressing with his purgatory quest was redeeming himself and confess to Jude his damned, nonetheless bewitching feelings he had for her even when his divine, blinding Vatican dream blinded him and tried to deprive him from real, perfectly normal human feelings and emotions of feeling love and falling in love once in his life. Whereas Judy craved for love, attention, affection by seeking it from stranger men, who delivered nothing, howsoever, temporal sexual and physical pleasure by intoxicating her mind and body as its sinful pleasures commanded it with an iron fist.

"Holy shit! The tonight show which I'm going to hold extremely soon is in a matter of few minutes. We need ta hurry up, Tim!" As soon as she got from the bar stools, Timothy did either by extending his mammoth, surprisingly smooth one to hold her petite, creamy one by escorting her to the dressing room which was located on the second floor of the gothic mansion. "Thank you for being such a gentleman!" They headed towards the double door of the bar, exiting it by pacing in the hall as they began towering the stairs, holding one another's hands.

"No need to!" He felt smug with himself by reheating his frail heart which hammered in his chest. "I'm trying to be as nice as possible and forget about the past when I wasn't as saint as I look like into your eyes."

"Oh Tim! You're so sweet! Stop belittling yourself!" It slightly exasperated her the relentless circumstance when he expressed his self-criticism in general. Perhaps a faint drum on his broad, muscular shoulder distracted him as he glanced shyly, returning his chocolate brown eyes on their way to the dressing room. "What makes you thinking I look familiar to you? Just spit it out." She furthered in honeyed, low voice by biting her bottom lip, eagerly, attentively adjusting herself to listen to him.

"Well, you were a nun. A special nun who I had actually feelings for her and loved her though I wasn't supposed to be since I were a man of the cloth. Romance and sex were impossible criminal combinations. She was actually the chosen one. I called her a rare bird proudly, happily. Since she's my right hand." Shortly before commencing with his dramatic monologue, the former member of the church took a deep breath by grasping the blonde's hand, feeling the absorbed warmth they mutually shared with one another via their hands and skins connection contact. Meantime Judy listened with humongous enthusiasm, oozing from her silence without peeling a word.

"I-I used to be a nun as I remind you of her. In your vision?"

"You used to be not only a nun, seriously. But also, urm, I didn't do amazing things to her. I think you can recall if I'm not lying myself and I'm gravely regretting them."

"Ah! Ya murdered her or something?" The middle-aged woman who looked ethereal eternally youthful wondered by understanding the remorses which the former holy man experienced by recalling during his mortal life what he did not only to himself, but the most to his secret love interest. Once Timothy thought of what he eventually did to Jude when he literally took away anything she once possessed such as clerical title, job and her home inside the dull, grayish walls of Briarcliff as she was the guest of the asylum and trapped by the destiny and authorities for escaping it safe and sound, besides destined to rot for the rest of her days and no longer wearing her clerical title, and even working as a sister.

"Even worse," Timothy indeed swallowed hard at the thought of his wrongdoings and heinous deeds towards Jude by faintly bowing his head. "I believed blindly in her enemies as I took away everything she once possessed. Her clerical title, the job she loved even if she didn't have a lot of opportunities and most of all, I lost not only her trust and respect, moreover even her sober and real herself as she transformed into a madwoman. It was my fault for letting myself being corrupted with pretty, sweet lies unlike to listen to her earlier as the truth was already on the horizon. Right in front of me."

"Oh! That's not very gentleman of yars, Tim! It's all in the past, believe me." She slapped lightly his shoulder by attempting to reassure him gamely. "We live for today and tomorrow, the eventual future."

"As I said, I truly regret the shit I did to her! My ambition and Rome were my priorities after she lost everything. It still haunts me and tortures me. I can remember her words."

"Tim, you will always find a way to redeem yourself if you just want it."

"I want it, however, it's not as easy as it looks like at first sight." Once they halted beside the dressing room's door, it resembled as if they're going to have a farewell. He hesitated between entering inside her dressing room together or otherwise leave her at peace and watch her in the crowded audience, while she holds the show with one more singer. He inhaled in distraught manner as his heart vigorously pulsated in his ribs.

"It was a pleasure for spending some time together in the bar. You were nice as well. I think we should see each other more often or," All of a sudden, an echo drew the both adults' attention which emanated from the dressing room as their faces sunk in sanguine tinges. "Do ya want to enter in the dressing room with me? Just to accompany me for a few more minutes until the show's beginning?" She furthered as she offered him hospitably. What the former member of the clergy didn't sincerely deserve was Judy's courtesy at all. Why she didn't yell at him earlier in the bar? Why she didn't just walk away and never return in front of his handsome, doting and sheer innocent face ever again as if her existence was dubiously acknowledged?

"Urm, I-I don't feel very comfortable and we just met in the bar and I don't want to intrude you!"

"Don't be such a virgin baby, Tim! Nothing detrimental would happen to you if you just stay with me for a while in the dressing room. Just for 2 minutes." The blonde's stubbornness escalated as she readily recognized the man in front of her wasn't as experienced and harsh as her one-night stand lovers who just used her to benefit of her young-looking, extraordinarily gorgeous body, stimulating their essential needs. Indeed, a much different man was part of her company. Sweet, concerned, doting, bashful and showed signs of crystallines of innocence, purity as if he was actually the male version of Jude's daughter role, her once favorite nun Mary Eunice.

"Alright, alright, Judy! Just for 2 minutes only." This time, he accepted her offer at last by sighing in jaded way as he opened the dressing room's door for the sole lady who was with him, wearing a boyish, sheepish smile, flashed upon his juvenile yet, milky as ghost complexion. "Ladies first!"

"Thank you!" Shortly after she set a foot inside her dressing room, Timothy joined her by shutting the door and taking a seat on one of the chairs, whereas the middle-aged lady approached the dressing table by leaning forward to check herself and her untouched, smudged bright red lips by scrutinizing her double herself which was reflected on the crystal, medium-sized mirror. "Oh perfect! My make-up isn't smudged even ruined. That's fine!"

Silence fell in the dressing room as there were all alone with their thoughts and prejudices. Little did Jude know why the man who introduced himself as a former man of the cloth was as quiet as the death itself.

"You look wonderful for tonight's show. You mustn't underestimate yourself!" Timothy benevolently complimented her as he was beyond dumbfound by the choice of vocabulary adjectives he used in his recent sentence instead of the most common words which are used as compliments for women such as pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, stunning and drop-dead gorgeous. Furthermore, he tried to encourage her by not being concerned for her looks since she was perfect into his eyes.

"Why thank you, Tim! You're handsome too."

Then his face flushed as he felt his cheeks heating, whereas his clammy palms were wiped in his pant's knees. He has never being complimented graciously especially by a representative of the opposite sex especially coming from the love of his life. These words were as shoot accurately as marked bullseye in his heart.

"Thank you!" He modestly expressed his gratitude as if it was his first time to being called handsome as he got from the chair, whilst the blonde walked up towards the stage, glittering more than any other star, syruped in shimmering glitter. "We will see within seconds." He left the dressing room.

As soon as he left the dressing room of the singer, all of a sudden Ester appeared before him by startling him.

"Timothy, are you ready for Judy's show tonight?"

"Of course! More than anything just to be for her."

"Excellent! Let's go, buddy!" The black-haired hostess guided him to the room where the show is going to be held which was on the same floor, pacing in the dim light hallway of the gothic castle until a security guard of the club looked so similar to Timothy, himself.

"Good evening! It seems you're for Judy and Elsa's tonight show if I'm not particularly mistaking." The former cop said seriously as he was eyeing the goth hostess and the man, who accompanied her. They resembled best friends as well thought it was a question of worldview. Sinisterly he recognized the former man of the cloth of whom he wasn't quite fond of, in fact, Frank was the sole genuine ally of the former sister of the Roman Catholic church and has always treated her with respect, fondness unlike the other men.

"Definitely! Is the entrance free?" The younger man enquired politely by chewing his plumpish, berry-coloured lip as its cognac stained breath slightly pinched the security guard of the club's face, pretending to not knowing him at all.

"Of course! Wait a sec," Frank removed his cap by scratching nervously his head as he pursed his lips, thereafter popping them up as exploding dynamites and putting the cap on his head again by studying the juvenile man's facial features, eyeing up and down his tall, muscular figure. "I think I know ya!"

"Oh! It's you, Frank McCann! Jude's favorite employee." He released an ironic, blissful chuckle by wiping his sweaty eyebrow with the back of his mammoth, veiny hand. "I saw her in the bar though she didn't recognize me."

"Ah, it's okay, fellah! You're just a new in this place called purgatory. At least, you're lucky for recognizing her and remembering her." Frank swatted amiably, lightly Timothy's shoulder as the both men couldn't suppress inward, jubilant chuckles as if they were best friends for long time. What it overwhelmed Timothy, himself, was the former police officer's goodwill which sent shivers down his spine and body of chilling electroshocks. "But it amuses me why are ya looking for her since you betrayed her back in our mortal lives, Tim!"

"I did a plenty of mistakes, Frank! All I want is her forgiveness and to confess something to her which I've never done back then." The younger man stuttered, struggling to utter each syllable, in fact, he was beyond ashamed of his actions and the mess, he did after himself and messing the blonde's life.

"Just relax and ponder on it! Just give her some time and she's will be fine. Now you can enter with Esther and wishing you happy watching of the tonight's show."

"Thank you for your piece of advice, Frank! You deserve some credit for your hospitality even if I don't deserve it after hurting her."

"Do not overthink it!" The middle-aged man ushered him to enter inside the club as Timothy and Esther finally entered inside as her stilettos clicked against the carpeted floor as the aroma of sinful, luscious alcohol and expensive perfumes reached the both spectrals' tender nostrils as the club sank in ebon darkness though it was crowded with people, seating and awaiting for the both singers to make their own way on the stage. The audience's chatters floated in the sufficiently spacious club as their agitated eyes were glued on the cabaret.

"So did you both just talk?" Esther found free seats just for both of them as they sat alongside one another by fixing their stares on the cabaret.

"Yes, I did. I didn't expect her kindness and enciting demeanor." Timothy replied as crossing his arms reluctantly. In the meantime, the hostess arched her thin, elegant dark eyebrow.

"That's marvelous. At least, it doesn't encumber you anymore for not having the opportunity to speak to her in person."

"Definitely! I don't feel this ounce that burdens my heart any longer. But I hope she has any kind of an idea who I'm and what I'm willing to achieve via that." In this moment, the projector lights illuminated fully the stage as two feminine shadows were reflexed on the stage's walls from the both sides.

Meantime, the lady in red came as her ravishing red stilettos clicked against the polished, hardwood wooden flooring, whereas the other woman in blue joined her either of the east side as her obsidian black pumps frequently, recurringly clicked and clicked, earning the audience's prompt attention within seconds as ecstatic, perky applauds levitated . Even Esther and Timothy clapped their hands, rejoicing for the both women's arrival on the stage especially Jude's.

The both blondes earned the peculiar inquiring looks which were inked on the younger adults in the end of the club though they overlooked them. In the interim, Timothy darted his chocolate brown eyes, fulfilled with childish inquisitiveness to his love interest, who was actually dressed up in red, then shifting momentarily his gaze to the other woman, who wore luxurious, sparkling sky blue costume with an aqua tie, matching ideally with her evening outfit. He noticed oddly the both ladies shared something in common or not exactly. Elsa blood-curlingly resembled Judy in appearance. What it rendered him to cogitate profoundly was if they were actually family members to each other even relatives or on the contrary, twins.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! It has been a handful of nights since we've been on the stage and satisfied you with songs." The both women's lisps were alluring the most for Timothy and some of the men who were in the audience, cheering them up with incessant applauds and whistling at the native Bostonian, who received more attention by the men due to her indisputable grace, whilst Elsa for her bizarre charisma. "Well, we will find a solution to this problem with lack of laughs and smiles as we start first with something more entertaining until we marry the night and continue the show with more depressing ones."

"We're ready!" Abounding interweaved high-pitched yells swam in the club by emboldening the both singers to commence with their show at last without hesitation.

"Oh the games people play now! Every night and every day now! Never meaning what they say now! Never saying what they mean and they wile away the hours in their ivory towers!" Elsa started singing the first lines as they took turns by meandering on the stage in slow, elegant gaits as they gracefully highlighted their rumbling, rejoiced spirits they possessed for tonight's show.

"They're brilliant but Jude is playing a major part of your arrival there! Ha, Tim!" In the interim, the black-haired lady poked teasingly, cheerfully the former holy man's shoulder as he glimpsed at her by giggling lightly, whilst the song's instrumental and the lyrics were hand in hand, interlacing toppingly.

"Till they're covered up with flowers in the back of a black limousine! La-da da da da da da da! La-da da da da da de! Talking 'bout you and me and the games people play!" It was high time Jude to chanter out loud, swaying gently her hips, following its music's rejoicing, even-tempered rhythm.

"Oh we make one another cry! Break a heart then we say goodbye! Cross our hearts and we hope to die that the other was to blame! Neither one will give in so we gaze at our eight by ten!" Then the both women stepped out of the cabaret by marching in the audience as the men's incessant, predatory pats whether on her thigh, waist or arm weren't overlooked by Esther and Timothy, themselves. They were mystifyingly observant especially Timothy over Jude and what the other men were doing to her, horrifying him to bones. She was as vulnerable as a naïve schoolgirl, who seeks nothing than specific and plain attention from the boys that are capable of ruining her life and subsequently starting to loathe them.

"Thinking 'bout the things that might have been! It's a dirty rotten shame people walking up to you, singing glory hallelulia and they're tryin to sock it to you in the name of the Lord!"

"They're gonna teach you how to meditate! Read your horoscope, cheat your fate and further more to hell with hate! Come on and get on board look around tell me what you see what's happening to you and me!' All of a sudden as Jude strolled up in seductive, cocky gait up to the younger man who was accompanied by the hostess as she vocalized certain song lines, their eyes met as she locked up his stare by cupping jawline by leaning down as their foreheads rested on each other. The suddenness of her soft, alleviating touch was sending shivers down his body and spine of delirious sweetness, pleasure and whit embarrassment as well, oozing from his body language.

"God grant me the serenity to remember who I am! 'Cause you've given up your sanity for your pride and your vanity! Turns your back on humanity and you don't give a da da da da da!" The both singers sung in unison after roaming around the audience by returning back to the stage as ivory, megawatt smiles crawled on their sparkling faces, layered in make-up especially Elsa's one with sky blue eyeshadows, inked on her eyelids, bloody red lips motioning in unabating way. Fortunately, the German emigrant towered the cabaret stairs until her duet company stumbled unintentionally as she thumped on the floor by crying out loud in pain as her knees hurt once they contacted the exquisitely polished wooden stairs, leading to the stage, followed by her palms especially the one that hit momentarily the floor too.

In the interval, the audience watched staggered the injured singer who couldn't move her lower muscles, in fact, the injury opened next chapter of its unbearable, sore pain. The native Bostonian just gritted her teeth as she abided stoic, whilst Timothy got from his seat by scudding without catching his breath as Esther got from her chair either as she escorted the gentleman in order to help the lead vocalist, whereas Elsa crouched down to Jude by inspecting her immobile body, luckily, she was alive yet which was murderously evident.

"J-Judy, are you okay, my darling?" The German woman posed the question concerned as she stuttered by caressing gingerly her cheek, thereafter extending her hand to help her to get from the ground until it was the former man of the cloth and the hostess helping the other blonde.

"Judy, you deserve a peaceful rest! I'm going to take you to your room to get you laid." Timothy lifted her in a bridal lift her weightless body, whilst Esther gasped shocked.

"The tonight's show is ruined without me." The lady in red whispered softly as she let the younger man have an ultimate control over her body by getting her out of the club, while Elsa was assuring the audience she can carry on with the show.

"She'll be fine. She really deserves some rest and she will return another time." The black-haired lady retorted by following the other 2 adults who were leaving the expansive, glowing room.

"Judy, you deserve some rest! The show won't end even if you don't star in it now."

"Tim is right, Judy! Elsa can do by herself the show. Your health and welfare are much more important than anything else. Even than ours." Esther opted to reassure the injured singer as the blonde's frail, bony arms snaked around the former man of the cloth's neck by poising her balance.

"I'm living on the third floor in the second room which is my bedroom with en-suite kitchen and bathroom, instead of going downstairs."

"It's not only yours. Guess who's going to share it with you until you pass the post-purgatory stage. I mean after seeking peace with yourselves." The gothic hostess winked at the middle-aged lady as a smug, felonious grin distorted across her ruby-coloured lips as the both former members of the clergy's hearts raced at Esther's words which literally meant they should live along. First and foremost, Timothy was readily satisfied for sharing with his love interest something together even if she disagrees. Nonetheless, he doesn't want to rush up in the beginning and mess up the things all over again just like in his mortal life. Further, he doesn't want to violate Jude's private space by ruthlessly invading it without her credit. It was his second nature to be tolerant, patient and seek her answer as they mutually implement it by affecting their relationship.


"Indeed! Unfortunately, we aren't capable of changing this policy! You deserve some peace together. You're exactly for each other made, not gonna lie!" They were imposing the stairway to the third floor of the grand gothic chateau.

"If you say so," The both adults exclaimed as one as their looks significantly changed on their faces by gawking astounded at the hostess as they chewed their bottom lips in disquiet manner. Once Timothy orientated in the dark hallway of the third floor by finding Jude's bedroom which also belongs to him, Esther vanished as he sighed a sigh of relief.

"W-what did she mean with this? Sharing a room together since we're in purgatory?" The blonde stammered by struggling sluggishly to utter the other syllables of almost each word like a functioning car engine, meantime the former Monsignor opened the room by shutting the door with a back kick until he dropped Jude on the king-sized bed which was decorated with scarlet velveteen blanket, blanketing the bed itself as her back felt something velvet even soft underneath.

"Judy, she's right! Until we don't pass this purgatory quest by succeeding, throughout we are supposed to live there, besides as ordinary roommates." The younger man was taking off the singer's stilettos out of her feet by setting them past the bed by maneuvering her to move somewhere else. Perhaps in other corner of the king-sized bed by persuading her to be blanketed after he uses some ice cubes by clogging them on her wounded, bruised knees after the show's incident as he found ice cubes in the refrigerator by heading towards the kitchen for a split second by grasping them and mildly pushing her dress's hem, revealing her lovely, round-shaped knees as pinkish and bluish tints were imprinted on her flesh.

"Ugh! How long it might last this?" She sighed dramatically by pushing a couple of tresses of her face as she fanned it.

"It depends. It can be for a week or much longer. It's up to us, Judy!" Afterwards he wrapped up her warmly under the velveteen blanket by covering almost every inch of her body below the shoulders as the singer looked up at him anxiously with blushed complexion. At last but not least, the middle-aged lady was beyond touched by the former Monsignor's gentleman demeanor though she couldn't recall anything about him. "Good night!" He said to her by pecking a kiss on her lukewarm forehead as she closed her heavy eyelids as its ounce pressured her to fall asleep within seconds. "My rara avis!" He whispered in honeyed voice as he felt immense pride, dwelling in his heart, due to the fact he helped her a lot by rescuing her shortly after the occurred accident which took its place on the cabaret with the other lead vocalist. An innocent, peaceful smile bloomed on his berry-coloured, dry lips. 

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