Chapter Eleven

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I'M dreaming of being back at the graveyard. Staring down at my sister's grave which was cracked opened. The flowers are dead and when I look up, I see her. My fifteen-year-old sister. She stands before me, almost floating in the air. She's angry, screaming at me, why didn't you do it? Why didn't you finish the job? Why didn't you kill him? I'm yelling out her name, screaming a big no, but she's not listening to me.

"Anna! Anna wake up!" I hear as I groggily wake up from my dream.

I shoot my eyes open and can feel my body drenched in sweat.

Damien is right beside me, his hands on my arms, he must have been shaking me awake.

"Did you have another nightmare?"

"It was awful, my sister rose from her grave and was mad at me." I roll over to my side and press myself into him. I'm uncomfortable with all the sweat and heat from his body, but I don't care. He was here and able to comfort me.

"Why was she mad at you?"

He caresses the back of my cranium with his palm, kissing the top of my head.

"I don't know...I-I didn't quite hear," I lie, and for a moment I feel like he can tell that I am not being honest. I could not bring myself to tell him what she was saying because then I would have to tell him about what I did when I was a child. I myself didn't fully understand what she was saying to me.

"It'll be okay baby."

For a few moments we lay in my bed not doing anything but comforting each-other. When I finally try to look up at him, he kisses my forehead then my lips.

"What time is it?"

"It's half two in the morning."

I shift in my bed to turn around and look at the tiny ticking clock on my nightstand. Shit, it was half two in the morning. I sit up in bed looking around. The curtains are still opened so there's an orange light faintly cast onto the edge of my bed and the floors.

"Are you not tired?"

Damien props himself up on his hand, his hair all messy from sleeping and he looks all the more handsome in the nightlight.

"Just a little, I might make myself some tea, do you want some tea?"

His hand begins to caress my thigh through my satin trousers. Involuntarily, my hands goes to rest on his.



I smile and lean over to give him a kiss on his warm cheek having the full intention of going to make myself that tea but instead he scoops me down and lays on top of me, his head resting on my chest, arms wrapped around me like he doesn't want me to leave.

I try to push his body weight off of me, tittering until he latches his mouth to my breasts through the satin material. His wet tongue creating wet patches on the fabric and making my nipples harden as he bites down.

"Ahh!" I scream out from the sharp pleasure. My hands wonder and grip onto his hair.

"I think this might tire you out," he says, and I can feel his warm breath cooling down the stinging sensation left behind from his teeth biting down on my nipples.

I can feel his growing erection against my thigh as he moves to kiss my neck while slowly unbuttoning each button of my shirt.

I sit up to let the satin material droop off my shoulders, then Damien pushes me back down onto the bed, trailing kisses down my body, all the way from my neck to my belly. He gives my skin a one last kiss just above the trim of my trousers before he tugs them off me.

Effectively forthwith, he spreads my legs open and shoves his face between them, tasting the wetness.

"You're always so wet for me Anna."

He kisses the area where I'd normally have pubic hair.

"Always so ready for me."

He inserts a finger inside of me. I moan pushing my head back sinking it further into the bed sheets. His tongue circling my clit. The pleasure is just building me higher and higher to an oh so sweet finish as he massages the walls inside of me.

I grasp onto his hair again tugging it as he does his magic, moaning his name as my body continues climbing.

He grabs a hold of my arms and moves up to my face holding them still, together above my head and slowly he inserts another finger inside of me.

"Ahh!" I moan as I try to free my hands.

"Tell me Annabelle, should I make you cum on my fingers instead?" I open my eyes and see him looking down at me with a big smirk.


I wanted him to fuck me. Now.

"Why not?"

He kisses the sweet spot on my neck and his fingers moves at a ruthless rhythm, causing me to clench myself tighter around them.

"Wouldn't making you cum for me more than once. Really. Really. Tire you out. Huh."

"Please," I beg breathless. "Damien, please, I want you inside me."

With that he stops and before I can open my eyes, he is inside, moving himself in and out of me. My juices covering his erection.

He is bashing his hips into my pelvis, still holding my arms in place above my head. My legs are bent, my hips pursing upward allowing him easier and deeper access into me.

Eventually, I allow myself to surrender my body to him and I scream out my orgasm, Damien following suit gently moaning my name.

Breathless, I giggle.

"Do you think my neighbours heard us?"

"With your screams, very likely."

He eases himself out of me and we fall asleep naked in my bed sheets. The last thing I remember before dozing off is Damien's cinnamon scent tickling my nose. 

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