Chapter Nine

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Kind of a long chapter but please read and leave a comment. 

It's been four days since I've seen Damien, four whole days since he has told me he was the Devil. It's a Thursday morning and I actually went for a morning run before my work. It was quite refreshing running around Mundy Park, and it allowed me to clear my mind. The scenery was also a good change from the four walls of my bedroom. Even though I had Salem to keep me company, he wasn't quite the company I desired to have around.

At this point in time, I have taken enough time to think about the situation that I have found myself in and I openly want to admit that I am almost certain I want to stay in Damien's life. I at least want to try. If it doesn't work, then I will have to brace myself for the biggest heartbreak of my life.

When I get back from my run, I shower with scorching warm water to allow myself to think that Damien is with me, then I put on my work clothes, a simple black dress cutting off just halfway down my thighs. Before I leave, I look myself in the mirror trying to pin my hair up with a clip into a French bun. I still have some colour in my cheeks from my run and shower. I smile at myself thinking about how today I should give him a call, or text, whichever fits best my confidence level. On that thought, I slip into my trench coat, grab my bag and head out the door.

Work, unfortunately, is proving to go much slower than expected. It's only been an hour since I have been sitting at my desk, proofreading a new book due to be published next month, but thankfully I only had one small chapter left. I kept switching between editing and answering work emails. I knew I had a team meeting at the conference room after lunch and they will expect me to have as much of it done as possible.

Just when I least expect it my boss comes knocking at my door. I look up and see the old wrinkled man dressed in a light grey suit and like some kind of corporate lawyer, comes in with someone I have never seen before. A girl, maybe around my age, 23-24? She was super tall and slender almost ghostly with pale skin, dark hair and coffee coloured eyes. I stand up from my seat and walk around to be standing in front of them.

"Good morning Mr Murphy." I pipe out in surprise.

"Good morning Anna, I have someone to introduce to you." He says looking at her, encouraging her ghostly figure to introduce herself to me.

"The names Nina Nipus." she says holding her hand out for me. I shake her hand and notice just how much of a dark brown her eyes were. She smiles at me, but it doesn't feel genuine. I smile back shily.

"Hi, please call me Anna." I say to her.

"Nina is here on an internship." Says Mr Murphy. He pats her back which seems unprofessional to me causing me to squirm on the inside.

"Oh, from which university?"

"British Columbia." She replies hastily. Her voice sounds quite husky.


I give her a warm smile.

"I hope you two girls will get along well, we will leave you to your work Anna, I'll see you at the team meeting this afternoon." Says Mr Murphy and guides Nina with him out of my office. Thank goodness, gone are the days where I am that mans assistant. He was always so moody, and you could never keep up with his demands.

I sit back down at my desk and attempt to keep working on the novel I'm proof reading, but my mind was subconsciously wondering over whether it was time to text or call Damien. Would he even pick up? I sulk over the pages in front of me when I realise, he is and probably will continue to be too busy for me. For three whole months he has been trying to lead two lives in attempt to appear normal to me, he wouldn't continue doing that now that I know his secret would he?

When lunch hour comes around, I leave my desk and head over to the cafeteria, I was so hungry, but my dense thoughts wouldn't allow me to eat anything heavy. So, I opt for a simple salad and sit at one of the tables on my phone with Damien's contact blooming out on my screen. I want to text him. I need to text him. I missed him. I missed him so much. I try coming up with numerous text messages to send him.

Hi, can you come back?

Hey, so I made up my mind...

I miss you, please come back

I shake my head not knowing what I could possibly say to him that doesn't make me sound desperate, oh but I was desperate. I wanted him beside me. To feel the heat of his body warm me up or stare into his crystal blue eyes. Most importantly, I wanted him to tell me he loves me so I can say it back.

I am so in my thoughts, writing and deleting text messages, I don't realise that someone is tapping me on the shoulder. When I turn around and look up, I see the ghost girl standing beside me. She gives me a cold smile.

"Hi, can I sit with you?"

"Hi, yes of course, make yourself comfortable." I reply quickly locking my phone and placing it face down onto the table. I shift in my seat and tug on my dress.

Nina sits in front of me and starts almost straightaway eating her sandwich. I try my hardest not to look up at her from my food. She was so strikingly pale, paler than me, and her dark hair and eyes weren't doing her any favours.

"Where are you from Anna?" she asks abruptly taking me by surprise. She really is going straight into these personal questions.


"Which university did you graduate from?"

"Ehh, the University of Toronto."

"Impressive." She says but there seems to be something off about the tone of her voice.

I need to divert this conversation back to her.

"What are you studying at British Columbia?" I ask as I start hesitantly eating my salad again.

"I'm in my third year of journalism, when did you move to Vancouver?"

"Shortly after I graduated, how are you finding your course?" I ask back. Damn, she's persistent.

"It's good, really good actually, I'm taking a placement year before I finish next year, which is why I'm here, how long have you been working here?"

"Two years, what made you chose this publishing house?"

She pauses to think. Overeagerly making a thinking face as she drops her sandwich down to her plate. Ha! Did I just find a way to stop her from asking me so many invading questions?

"It's a good publishing house, in a good area." She ends up stating. She takes another bite of her sandwich as I continue eating my salad. A few minutes of silences passes by.

"Do you live far from your place of work?" she abruptly asks.

Wow! Why does she want to know where I live? This seems very off and I don't feel too comfortable talking to her anymore.

"Downtown." I say without revealing too much.

"Not too far, like me." She says with a big smile on her face showing me her teeth.

We don't say anything else while we continue eating our lunch. Nina gives me weird vibes, but I cannot pinpoint to why that is. She's invasive, very invasive actually, but that wasn't it. Then there was her appearance, so strikingly fair. She almost looked like snow white except her lips matched the colour of her face. It made her look sick. No, it made her look like a living corpse.

The more I think about it the more I begin to realise she almost looks like what I thought I saw a few days ago, during my bathtub incident. That thought doesn't make me happy one bit.

"Where are you originally from Nina?" I ask her in hope that I could perhaps get some form of information to calm down my disorganised thoughts.

"Hmm." She hums to herself. Almost like she is trying to come up with an answer to a question she wasn't expected to be asked. "Ireland."

Ireland? Where is your Irish accent then?

"Northern Ireland." She corrects herself.

"Oh." I'm surprised. I wasn't expecting her to say that. Her accent just seems far too off. No hint of Britishness or Irishness at all.

"It's quite the mixed place, everyone has different accents." She explains herself when she notices I'm getting too suspicious.

"Oh, I had no idea." I voice still astonished.

"Not many people do, its' not the brightest of places either."

I smiles at her response and say nothing more. We finish eating our food in silence and when the lunch hour is closing to an end I get up from my seat, with my phone in my hand.

"It was lovely talking to you Nina, I'll see you around, yeah?"

"Yes of course."

I grab the empty plastic box from my salad, throw it in the trash and make my way back into my office. I had a team meeting to prepare for.

WHEN WORK FINALLY COMES to an end, I am relieved. Since it wasn't raining, I decide it is the perfect time for me to visit my sister's grave, after all. I promised my father I would a few days ago and I intend to keep my promise.

I shove all of my stuff into my bag put on my trench coat and grab the big stack of papers I magically managed to finish. I sent my boss the pdf version very quickly for approval before heading out of my office. I walk over to Sophie behind the reception and hand her the pile of papers.

"Could you make sure that Mr Murphy gets these, he's in a meeting I don't want to disturb."

"Yes, of course." she says as she takes the papers from me attaching a sticky note on top.

"I emailed him the pdf version five minutes ago" I add so she could write it on the notes too.

She nods.

"Have a good evening Anna."

"You too Sophie." I smile at her and strut off towards the elevator. I watch as the elevator closes and for a second, I feel like I can see Nina strutting around between the offices, but I shake any negative thoughts out of my head before they even get the chance to fully come through.

I stroll past the main reception desk, gently bowing my head as a goodbye gesture to the girls behind the main reception desk and walk out into the early evening of Vancouver.

WHEN I ARRIVE AT the cemetery it begins to drizzle a little, but not enough for me to need an umbrella. I leave my car locked at the entrance and start walking.

As expected, there is a still atmosphere in the air. Sometimes when I am here, I get the feeling that I can almost imagine, if not hallucinate all the dead corpses rising from their grave and walking around. Almost like ghosts. The silly little girl inside of me makes me think that I have some sneaky superpower.

There isn't really anyone around and the quietness of the place causes me to hear my own footsteps against the pavement and fresh green grass.

I have to walk around a few graves to find my sister. Her grave is of a dark grey marble concreate, with a small picture of her on it. Her name written in cursive. There was a bouquet of lilies, her favourite flowers, somewhat fresh and my mind immediately begins to think that perhaps my mum was here a few days ago. I should have brought her flowers too. Perhaps next time, my mum and I can arrange a schedule around it.

I stand before my sister's grave and pray she was spared and went to heaven. She always deserved nothing but the best. And if she was alive, I would be able to tell her about Damien. I would be able to tell her how much he has always cared for me and how much we love each-other, but that this huge secret of his is just so much. Oh, but I missed him so dearly. I missed her. How she would brush my hair early in the morning for school or help me with my homework. How she would always be willing to look after me despite everything that was happening to her.

The pain of missing her was sometimes just unbearable. It constricts my heart. I crunch down hugging my knees and cry. Very audible cries are coming out of me and I can't stop them. I don't want to stop them. I've been crying so much the past few days I just let the tears flow down the sides of my cheeks. Wrapping my hands around my bent legs I create my own bubble. Shielding myself from the outside word. Forgetting about the stillness of this place, or the sounds of crows lingering around each grave.

"Oh, why, why, why!" I scream out. Why did these things have to happen to my family? Why did he pick her to torture for an entire year? It should've been me. I was younger and wouldn't understand, I would have been able to handle it. She took her own life. And I stabbed the child molester to death. He deserved it, but death was just an easy way out.

The saltwater finds its way to my mouth taking me by surprise.

I choke. I cough. I stop.

I stand back up to my feet and wipe the tears away with a tissue that I fetch from my bag. I'm still shaking from all the crying. My hands trembling.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Lizzie." I say to her. Even though I know she isn't here, I know she is listening to me. She is out there somewhere no longer having to endure any of the assaulting and that is enough to put a slight smile on my face.

I was sad that she was gone from this word and that she had to suffer such horrific things as a fourteen-year-old, but happy that it was all over.

I promise myself to visit her again very soon. Maybe for my weekly crying session if things don't work out with Damien.

Damien! I was supposed to text him. I have completely forgotten about it. I should probably do it when I get back to the car, or when I get back home. Seeing him might make me feel more at ease.

I turn around and start walking, looking down at my feet as I take each step. Fleetingly, I lose my balance and have to support myself on a stranger's grave. The act is demoralising to me. Pressing my hand against stone cold marble, a cross. I peak at it and out of the corner of my eye I see a figure. A very handsome figure. Dark grey trousers and a cream sweater with a brown coat. He is walking towards me. The closer he gets the more familiar I get with the features. It was Damien.

I shake my head in disbelief standing immobilised. How did he know I was here? Did he follow me? This must be a coincidence, but for some reason I was glad. I wanted to see him today anyway. He was just the one that came to me first, in a way I suppose.

I walk around onto the footpath and wait for him to stand before me. A deadly figure gaping deep into me.

"Hi." I say timidly. I suddenly felt awkward and didn't know what to say.

"Hi." His blue eyes are scanning my face, no doubt swollen from all the weeping. "Baby have you been crying?"

His hand darts over to my cheek and I press it into his warm palm. This felt like home. I missed this.

"Just a little."

"What's wrong?"

I sigh.

"I came to visit my sister."

He pulls me into a hug. One of his arms in wrapped around my back, the other in the nape of my neck. I too, wrap my arms around him, taking in his recognisable cinnamon scent. Oh, he felt like home.

I want to cry again. Being held in his arms, pressed against his body, I felt safe. Maybe the safety was partly due to the fact that he was a devil and had some sense of power and authority, or maybe it was just because I missed his usual caring demeanour for me? Either way, the tears are trickling down my cheeks before I know it and I am audibly weeping. I nozzle myself into him and he squeezes me into him even tighter.

"Baby what's wrong? Please don't cry."

His words make me cry even harder.

"I missed you, I've missed you so much Damien." I choke over my sniffles.

"I know." He massages the back of my head with his palm, shooting hot prickles deep into my hair follicles. "I missed you too, more than you can imagine."

I don't reply. I cry and sniffle trying to calm down my hysteria.

"I hate spending time away from you, in hurts being away from you and I'm so sorry for everything and anything I have put you through the past week." He continues. "I hate seeing you cry, it pains me, please Anna, talk to me."

Oh, Damien. My sweet unholy love. The love of my life. My dangerous predator.

My stomach constricts as I try to find my words. I don't ever want to let go of this man again. Even if this is an unholy forbidden sort of love, I am prepared for everything and anything just to spend as much of my time with him as possible.

I gently release myself from his encirclement and look up at up. A vexed and fretful facial expression is what I am able to see. I give him a shy smile.

"I won't leave." I mutter to him and almost immediately his lips are curving into a smile at my words. "I can't leave, I can't imagine myself leaving you, ever! And I missed you so much and there's so much to tell you." His lips are suddenly on mines. Kissing me zealously. I wrap my hands around his neck and let him consume me. My mouth. My body. My soul.

When we pull away, our hands still resting on each-others bodies I ask him, "What are you doing here, at the cemetery?"

"Coincidence." He murk's out shrugging his shoulders and tilting his head to one side.

I give him my I-Know-You're-Lying look.

"I heard you might be here sometime this week, so I came hoping to see you and make sure you were okay."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" I push away holding him at arms lengths. "You heard I'd be here...Heard from who?"

"Salem." He states mater of fatly.

Salem? I was so confused. I'm thinking of the cat he gave me. Is there another Salem I don't know about? I look down, away from his prying eyes as I try to search for a reasonable answer.

"The black cat."

So, I was thinking of the right Salem, but I was still perplexed. Does this mean he can talk to animals or something? I pull away from him completely standing at least three feet from each other, we gaze.

"Salem is a familiar"

"What is that?" I snap quickly.

He runs his hand through his hair in exasperation. He seems awkward. The sweet moment we just shared is no longer lingering in the air around us.

"It's a sort of demon." He is struggling to come up with something to say. "A sort of helper, or slave as others might call them, to protect you. They shift into an animal to seem more friendly to their owners."

I gape at him in disbelief. He just planted a spy cam in my house!

"What! You are stalking me now?" I voice louder than I anticipated. I take a step back from him crossing my arms in front of me. I was angry with him. Why didn't he tell me? I suppose it explains why he was so eminent for me to keep him, but either way, I deserve to know these things now, especially now.

"No, that wasn't my intention Anna." He says as he briefly runs both of his hands at the back of his head. "I just wanted to make sure that you were going to be safe, protected, I didn't want any harm coming your way, especially now that you know my secret."

I purse my lips at him to show my displeasure at his actions. It was so uncalled for. We've managed perfectly fine without a spying cat for the previous three months.

"I know I should have told you; it was wrong of me; I can see that now." He takes a small step towards me. "I can see that this has upset you."

"Damn right it did!" I snap at him and like a small stubborn child turn away from him, standing still and facing the other way, stomping my foot. Not even five seconds pass by and he is standing in front of me again. I sigh rolling my eyes at him.

"I'm sorry."

"Damen you can't just put spying cats in my apartment!" I try to reason with him.

"I know, I know, but he's not a spy, his job is to protect you and give you comfort. I'm sorry I didn't tell you; I won't do it again."

I look away from him, staring down at the far away ground to the right of me. A tiny black concreate grave of a little baby boy. I frown, creasing my eyebrows as I think about this handsome unholy love of mines taking such extra precautions to protect me. I doubt he has done anything like this before, but this was too much. I at least deserve to know.

"You really can't be doing things like this without telling me about them first."

"I know." I hear him say. His voice sounds gloomy. I look back at him and his eyes are down, like he is ashamed of himself and his actions. His hands now in the pockets of his coat.

Deep down I know he had good intentions with this action of his, but deep down were they his?

"Please no more spying cats or I'll have to give him back to you. We've managed perfectly fine without one the past few months. I really don't see why you just had to do it now." I object to his actions and thoughts, waving my hands in the air.

He looks back up at me, his eyes wide with horror. "There is a demon out there on the loose, clearly, one that was trying to get to you in that forest, what if it came back while we were apart? What if it would hurt you? It would've been unwise for me to leave you so unprotected." He says and his whole-body changes. He's ridged and tense. Almost like he is afraid to breathe.

"I told you, I hate seeing you cry, and it would kill me to see you get hurt, Anna please, let's not argue about this, especially not in the middle of the cemetery."

"Why, because the dead ghost are eavesdropping?"

He looks at me quizzical then smirks, he can sense my cynicism. He grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles tenderly.

"Fine, but you have to promise me you won't do ridiculous things like this again." I caution him, holding up one of my fingers as if I am scolding a child.

"Cross my heart. I promise." He says as he creates an x on his chest with his long index finger.

I can't help but kiss him again. I missed kissing him. Our mouths moved so perfectly in sync together.

"Can we go home now? I want to make some food." I ask once we break away from our kiss. He nods smiling at me.

He takes my hand and in sync we walk hand in hand back to my car.

Once we arrive to my car, I let go of his hand and walk around to the driver's seat.

"Did you not drive here yourself?" I ask looking to search for a car that might look like his space grey Audi.

He chuckles, "No, I had my advisor drop me off."

"You must've had the intention of having me drive you home." I banter at him as I open the car door and swiftly get inside.

Seeing Damien here in my car, sitting in the passenger seat beside me felt so good, so natural, almost like we were back to normal. Except, now that I know his big supernatural secret, our relationship won't ever be so normal.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, nothing specific, it just feels really good seeing you again... almost like we are back to normal."


He's regarding me now.

I shift in my seat, twisting and turning my body towards him. I lean over to give him a peck on the lips.

"Damien Morningstar" I begin my eyes blazing back into his, "I love you."

"I love you too." 

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