Chapter One

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I wake up in my bed all sluggish and dazed. I roll over to my side and pat on the bed to check for Damien, but the other side of my iron board bed was empty. Slowly opening my eyes, I see that its unoccupied and only then do I realise that I can hear the shower. It's still dark and my bedside lamp is on. I check for the time, its 7 am. The sun won't be rising for at least another half hour. The room is uncomfortably warm, though I am always surprisingly warm when I am around Damien.

I sit up in bed running my hand through my hair. I pull the covers off of my body. Sitting in my panties and my oversized white shirt I suddenly feel too exposed.

Damien then appears through the doorway of my bedroom. His hair all damp and a towel wrapped around his hips. I have a sudden urge to bite on my lip. He smiles down at me, lifting my chin up to kiss my morning swollen lips.

"Good Morning Annabelle," he says softly. His morning voice has my insides melting.

"Good Morning Damien," I say formally and watch as he runs his hand through his damp hair.

"How did you sleep?" he asks. The usual morning inquisition begins. I watch as he drops the towel to the floor, my eyes darting to his naked ass before quickly up to his eyes as he turns around pulling on a black wool sweater over his head, then his boxers and black jeans.

"I slept okay, with a very disturbing dream," I reply with a big sigh. My nightmares really need to stop. I don't think it's normal to be repeatedly dreaming about running away from something in the woods barefoot and finding a pile of dead bodies stacked on top of each other, my feet getting soaked in thick, hot, sticky blood. I make a disturbing face at the thought of it.

"I could've guessed, you were panting and sleep talking again," he says as he lays down in bed beside me. I flush before snuggling up to him, resting my head on his chest.

"What time was that at? And what was I saying?" I ask him while getting a good whiff of his smell. Fresh soap and a hint a cinnamon. His aphrodisiac scent is irresistible.

"Around 3 am," I hear him say as I groan wanting to nuzzle my face in the crook of his neck to really smell him.

I hear him chuckle as his fingers run through my hair.

"You really have some kind of sniffing addiction don't you," he jokes. I grunt again, displeased.

"You always just smell so good, it's intoxicating," I say taking in another whiff of the freshness of his skin.

Pulling away to look at him, I feel my cheeks coloured bright pink and my bed hair all messy with hair strands in all the wrong places.

"I know you don't like Hallowe'en," I begin pausing to lick my lips, "but my friends really want you to join us tonight."

"I'll see what I can do then," he says but there is a hint of apology in his tone of voice.

"You know, you still haven't told me why you dislike this day so much," I mention hesitantly. Afraid to look in his eyes, I'm anxious I've exasperated him with such questions this early in the morning.

"It's a day to celebrate the dead, a Christian holiday, I don't do Christianity."

"Are you sure you're not an atheist?" I ask and he chuckles at me.

"I'm sure," he says pulling my hair in order. "You should rest for a little while longer, when I come back, we can go and have some breakfast."

"Where are you going?" I ask desperate for him to stay. He lightly pushes me off of his body and stands before me. Staring down at me on my bed, so authoritatively, as if he was a Greek God of some sort.

"I'll be back before you even know it," he says as I jump off my bed and stand before him.

He cups my face with both of his hands and kisses my forehead. I watch as he puts on his shoes and follow him out of my room and out into the dark and empty apartment. Opening the front door for him I lean on it, waiting for him to leave, on the inside hoping he will be back within the hour. He kisses me goodbye and as soon as he is out the door my apartment gets chilly. I feel the goose bumps on my legs and arms. Quickly, I jump into bed pulling the covers up to my chin.

I wake up an hour or so later, feeling much more refreshed. I get up and off my bed and wonder into the living room to see if Damien is back. Much to my disappointment, he isn't. To take my mind off of missing him already I decide to get ready. I take my morning shower to wash off the sweat from my nightmare and I slip into some jeans and a burgundy turtleneck. I look myself in the mirror trying to bring my hair into order, brushing out the knots and smile. An evil disobedient smile. Damien didn't like it when I wore things which covered my neck because it made it more difficult for him to access it.

When I'm done getting ready, I look around my room to see if there is anything else, I could possibly do to kill my time while I wait for my ever so handsome boyfriend. My heart flutters at the very thought of him.

As I am making my bed I keep wondering where he went to. He had a habit of disappearing for hours at a time without telling me exactly what and where he was going. Sometimes I'm not able to see him for days at a time making me feel unbelievably lonely in a cold and empty apartment like mines.

When I am done, I hear the door creaking open and his footsteps against the old wooden floors. I head outside my room and see Damien standing by the kitchen counter, connected to the living room.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks before I can even greet him back.

"Yeah let me just grab my coat" I say as I clumsily put on my boots. He is staring at me while I scuffle around the room to grab my bag and put on my coat.

"Okay, let's go" I say when I'm fully ready.

We walk hand in hand a few blocks down the streets to a small and intimate little restaurant. We don't really talk during this walk, but he would occasionally squeeze my hand a little tighter as he does when we take our walks. The ground is wet from the overnight rain and the air is a little chilly sending a small shiver down my body at first contact.

When we arrive, I see how the restaurant is decorated for autumn. All browns and oranges and fake leaves kind of thing. When he opens the door, allowing me to walk through first, the little doorbell rings. Damien's hand wraps around my waist and he guides me to a secluded table for two in a little corner. There are a few people there already, but the chatter is very much limited.

I take my seat opposite Damien, resting my coat on the back of the chair. I could feel how empty my stomach was, it was on the verge of growling telling me to eat something. A waitress with striking auburn hair comes around and he orders for us. I stare at him as he does, the menu held in his hands. When he is finished, and the waitress walks away he looks back at me. His eyes burning into my soul making me feel slightly intimidated.

"You always order for the both of us, ever since we started dating," I say, my hands fidgeting under the table.

"I like doing it, besides your far too shy to do it yourself," he says. He shuffles his legs and startles me when our knees touch. It's been three months since we have been together, yet his touch still has an effect on my body that is just as intense as it was in the beginning.

Just then the same waitress comes back with our beverages, hot tea.

"Which tea did you get me?" I ask wrapping my fingers around my teacup.

"Ginger, you'll need to stay energised and focused today."

"Focused on what?" I ask confused.

"You you don't run into any demons at the forest with your friends," he says putting such emphasis on the word demons. Whatever could he mean by that?

"Are you still contemplating on coming?" I ask taking a sip of my tea. Its spicy as expected and warm, I can feel the warmth all the way down to my stomach.

"If it means that much to you, I'll come along, what time should I pick you up at?"

A warm smile appears on his face as he looks at me.

"7pm?" I ask and just then our food arrives. He ordered us some blueberry muffins and some kind of eggs on toast delicacy. My stomach growls at the sight of the food.

"Hungry I hear."

"Famished," I say as I start digging into my egg on toast.

We eat in silence for a while. We both must be too hungry to make much of a conversation as we stuff our faces with food. Throughout the entire time, I feel him occasionally glancing up at me. I can tell that his presence is radiating, and not just onto me, but the entire room, causing the waitress to keep coming up to us asking if everything is okay with the food. Talk about attentive service.

Not even halfway done with my food, I feel a boiling inquisitiveness to ask him more questions about his whole views on religion. They were always so controversial and odd, always making me want to know more.

"What did you mean when you said you don't do Christianity?" I ask my voice faint. I put my fork and knife down onto my plate and take a few sips of my tea.

He stops eating, chewing on his food moving his jaw in a way that reminds me of what we were doing last night, the thought makes me blush a little.

He takes his time, looking like he is enjoying making me wait for his answer. When he's done chewing, he takes a sip of his coffee and gawks at me.

"Do you not believe in God?" I blurt out. This seems inappropriate to talk about in such an open space, especially since we have never delved into this topic much before.

"Oh, I know that there is a God," he says leaning onto the table.

"Then what is it?" I ask intrigued to hear his answer.

"Let me put it like this... God and I don't see eye to eye when it comes to certain matters."

"What does that even mean?" I ask even more perplexed.

"Eat" he commands.

"I'm not hungry anymore and please don't change the subject," I lie, but his body tenses almost as if he can tell that I am lying.

"Annabelle, eat! I don't want to talk about this anymore," he says, and he continues to eat.

I sit there crossing my arms in front of me. My bratty disobedient self is coming out. I look at him as I think about how I disliked when he wouldn't explain things to me. And what could he possibly mean with what he said? That they don't see eye to eye? He made it sound like he knows him personally, but perhaps I'm overanalysing this and he just has a very personal relationship with his faith.

He looks up at me when he realises, I'm not eating. He doesn't look happy one bit. Aggravated even, perhaps.

"If you don't start eating right now, I'm going to fuck you over this table and I won't care who watches," he says sternly, harsh and cold.

I gasp for air, gulping loudly. He's never been so direct with me like this before. My heart starts pounding in my ears. He doesn't take his eyes off of me, watching me, feeling how my thighs are being squeezed together. I flush scarlet red at the thought of it.

I jump in my seat when a rush of heavy rain suddenly hits the big windows of the restaurant.

"Don't worry, I brought an umbrella with me," he says causing me to look at him again.

I am still stunned with everything he has said to me and the only thing I manage to say is a husky "Okay."

I look down at my food, my tea no longer steaming hot as I take a sip of it again. Hesitantly, I eat the rest of my food and we wait for the rain to die down before we walk back to my apartment.

When 7 pm rolls around, I can hear Damien's car pull over outside my apartment. I look out my bedroom window and watch as he climbs out. He's wearing a black leather jacket and I suddenly get an urge to lick his body.

In a matter of seconds, he knocks on my door and I open it graciously smiling at him. Up close the jacket looks even better on him, so much so I can almost smell the leather mixed with cinnamon tingling my nose.

"All ready to go baby?" he asks throwing his car keys in the air to hold in the other hand. I roll my eyes at him. Damien and his tricks.

"I think so," I say as I see him looking me up and down. I'm wearing the same black jeans but changed into a navy light sweater and a rain jacket. The loose curls in my hair are slowly coming undone.

"You look wonderful as ever Anna," he says, and I smirk leaping myself into his arms and latching my lips onto him. God, I wanted him! He kisses me back wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. When he pulls away, I am panting, eager for more, ready to take off our clothes and fuck in my bed again. He gives me a wicked smile, almost as if he can read my mind.

"We should go, don't want to keep your friends waiting, and we've quite the drive to the forest."

"Okay" I say exasperatingly, pulling away from his embrace.

The drive down to the forest is quite calming, there is a slight drizzle and I watch as the raindrops hit against the window, my finger tracing their trials down. I think about how Damien once told me that he finds comfort in rain and thunder because it means that God is angry at the devil. But why would he find that comforting?

Each time I take a peek at Damien he is solely focused on the road, occasionally speeding in his flashy new space grey car. I'm feeling hot but the heating in the car is off. I grunt feeling uncomfortable as I take off my jacket.

"What's wrong?" asks Damien taking a quick glance at me.

"I'm too warm," I fan myself with my hands. "Why is it so warm in here?"

"I take it you want me to switch the air to something a little colder."

"Please," I say slouching in my seat as I put my hair to one side, jerking on my sleeves and rolling them up to my elbows.

The rest of the drive is quiet and I'm finally able to cool down to a much more comfortable temperature. He parks outside the forest with a few other cars all aliened perfectly. He turns off the engine and gets out of the car walking around and opening my door. I climb out and he helps me put my jacket back on. His thumb grazing the back of my neck sending a sizzling electric current down my spine.

Just then I hear my two friends, Hardy and Lily running towards us.

"Anna you made it!" I hear them say as they embrace me into a big hug. They exchange a look and a smile with Damien and grab me by the arms luring me into a small group of people standing at the entrance of the forest.

"Come, it's about to start," says Lily cheerfully.

I take a look at my boyfriend who is strutting like some kind of Greek God behind us. We join the group of people and some man and woman appear and start explaining what we are supposed to do to find some kind of object in the forest, but I don't listen. I am too distracted as I feel his presence behind me. His warmth emitting towards me. I push me behind against him causing an inaudible grunt to escape his mouth. I smile at myself thinking about the effect I can have on him.

Once the man and woman are done talking Lily turns to me and says, "Since we are supposed to do this in pairs, we should let you and Damien do this together."

She smiles at me before latching onto Hardy's arm and they disappear in the fog of the dense forest.

"Lead the way Anna," I hear Damien say as he wraps his arm around my waist.

I look up at him and grin, he's letting me lead, for once. I kiss his warm cheek and start walking towards the forest. 

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