Chapter Sixteen

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When I walk out into the living room, I am greeted by a beautiful looking female. Her black long locks are perfectly curled and hang so seamlessly down her back. She looks younger that I expected. I don't know why I would think that she would look older.

The muscles in my stomach twist as I start to feel a little jealous again. She gets to work with my boyfriend all the time and I get a feeling that she is much more than just the mother of demons. Their interaction appears to be far too intimate for my liking.

I want to snort, rolling my eyes but instead I clear my throat as I make my way towards them. They both turn around to face me at the same time. Completely in sync together.

"I assume this is Lilith," I say showing my complete displeasure as I raise my eyebrow at Damien who walks around to me.

He leans trying to kiss me, but I twist my face which forces him to kiss my cheek instead. When I peek up at him, he looks somewhat confused and is giving me his facial expression that is asking what-have-I-done-wrong?

"It's a pleasure to meet you finally Ana, Lucifer has told me a lot about you." She holds out her hand for me to shake but I refuse. Instead, I just give her a small smile.

"Lilith is here to help you get ready, I have to go and attend to a few things, but I'll see you again at the ball."

I groan, "Okay."

I allow him to kiss my lips this time and watch as he leaves through the mysterious doors, shutting them, loudly.

When I turn back to Lilith, she is looking me up and down with her bright green eyes. I am back in Damien's bathrobe and barefooted. Only now do I also notice that the scattered porcelain has been cleaned.

"Shall we start?" she asks me, startling me and causing me to look at her again.


"To get you ready for the ball." She reels her eyes at me.

"Oh, yeah, yes sure."

My, why is she making me feel so intimidated now that we are left alone. Is it because of her relationship with Damien, or shall I call him Lucifer? That is what everyone else seems to be calling him.  I wonder if he wants me to start calling him that, maybe I should ask him that later tonight?

Much to my surprise, I follow her through the big mysterious doors that I have always been curious about. I don't have time to take everything in besides getting a small glimpse at a massive portrait which hangs on a wall between some bookshelves behind a huge dark wooden desk and a dark red leather chair. There is a matching sofa and the next minute I am walking down flights of stairs to a small elevator. If I knew that Damien didn't trust Lilith as much as he does, I would think that she is taking me to get slaughtered.

Once the elevator doors open it is like we are in another world. Everything looks like we have found ourselves in a castle from the middle Victorian era. There are candles attached to the hallway walls as our footsteps echo. This place looks like a maze to my eyes.

Lilith guides me into a bedroom that is all morose with gold everywhere. Red roses in clear elaborated crystal vases standing on top of the fireplace remind me of the roses I saw back in Damien's cottage.

I'm sitting down at the vanity in front of a huge mirror and stare at myself. I look well rested but damn jealousy is written all over me as I see Lilith looking at me in the mirror.

I want to ask her a few questions, especially if it is true that she and Damien have never been together, but how do I go about that?

"You seem awfully quiet, I would've thought you'd be a chatty little human." She comments as she begins to brush through my hair.

"Excuse me?"

She audibly smiles at me as she starts separating my hair.

"I thought you'd be different, but I assume Lucifer still prefers the quiet dutiful little girls."

"And what makes you think that?" I ask. She seems very upfront, perhaps I should use that to my advantage.

"You reek of innocence." She pauses tugging on my hair as if she done that on purpose. "Innocence and sex."

I feel myself blush. Why is it that every demonic creature I have met so far has the ability to smell sex off of me?

"I know Lucifer the best," She bends down to my levels almost pressing the side of her face to mines as she stares into my eyes through the mirror. "But you will never be able to satisfy him the way he needs to be."

"And you think you can?" I ask as I get a swing of confidence.

"I have known him since the beginning of time, I know what he likes, what he doesn't like," She tugs on my hair again. "I know that my master has somehow fallen in love with you."

"What do you mean your master?" I ask when she starts being gentler with my hair, pulling it into some kind of bun.

"He is everybody's master in hell, everyone loves and adores him."

"Do you love him?"

I don't know if I am ready to hear the answer from her, so I hold my breath as I wait.

"Of-course I love him, I would do anything he asks me, even this." She sharply inserts a pin into my hair making me wince in discomfort.

"Does it bother you?" I ask absorbed to keep this conversation going.

"What? Helping Lucifer's human girlfriend attend a ball where she will become everyone's meat to talk about?"

I raise my eyebrow at her.

"No, it does not bother me Anna. As much as every demon would want him to themselves, we hold too much respect for our king to question him or his choices."

She leans forward a little as she works on framing the hair around my face.

"Besides, he'd have us tortured for eternity if anyone ever even thought of hurting a single strand of hair on your head," She looks strong, holding herself up well as her tone of voice has a hint of sarcasm behind it. Unexpectedly, she plucks a single strand of hair from my head.

"Ouch!" I can't help my reaction. I grab a hold of my hair and pull it away from her.

"Hmm a grey hair," she examines the strand of hair that looks like it's turning white. She blows it away from her fingers as if she is disgusted by it before swinging me around in my chair to face her.

"You might want to ask the witches to slow down your ageing, I don't think it would suit the king of hell to be dating someone who looks so old."

Old? I am not old! And witches? What witches?

"What do you mean witches?"

"All sorts of creatures are walking the earth, not just angels and demons...the devil himself, but also witches."

Somehow, I am not surprised by this, but why has Damien not told me about this before.

This entire conversation with Lilith is messing with my head. She is making him out to be ruthless, but surely, he isn't. Well, perhaps not with me but how bad can his torture techniques get?

Lilith simply seems cold and uncaring. She is an absolutely beautiful and attractive looking woman but what is her problem? She claims she would do anything for Damien yet doesn't seem to treat me the way Damien would want her to.

"You must stop frowning that forehead if you want the makeup to look alright," She says annoyed at me as she continues.

"Were you and Damien, I mean Lucifer, ever in some kind of relationship?" I ask wanting to settle this once and for all.

She mockingly laughs in my face.

"Why would you think that?"

I blush, I am not quite sure myself. I think it is just my jealousy of her beauty getting in the way of my irrational thinking.

"You seem very close," My voice is just a whisper now.

"We are, we are very close, intimate on a level but never in the way you and he are," she sounds sympathetic now.

I don't speak hoping that she will continue speaking, allowing me further insight into her relationship with him.

"He saved me from God's punishment, I owed him everything for that. In return for his mercy on me, I became his maid in a way, I'd bathe him, dress him, I'd do anything he ordered me to do."

"What do you mean he saved you from God's punishment?" I ask puzzled.

"Hasn't he told you that I am Eve?" she stands straight crossing her arms in front of her and letting  her fingers press against her lips.

I shake my head not knowing what to say.

"Well, I am Eve from the Garden of Eden."

I gulp loudly. This is news to me. It is definitely not something that they teach you in religion classes. What do I say to her now though?

"What happened to Adam?"

She gives me a wicked grin.

"He tore him to pieces. Used his organs to create more demons."


I was not expecting this at all. She looks so relaxed talking and thinking about this gory stuff. Is this something my stomach can take, staying in this relationship?

"Now come, it's time to put on your dress."

I fidget in my seat a little while she disappears into the walk-in closet behind a wall. Do I want to go to this ball anymore? I will be standing out like a sore thumb and I have no idea what to expect from it. Will I be able to see Damien embracing his role as the king of hell?

"Are you coming or are all humans this slow?" she teases quizzically as she peeks her head out the wall.

"Coming!" I voice out but is sounds lower than I aimed it to be.

When I walk through to the walk- in closet everything is empty apart from a beautiful big ball gown right in the middle. I'm not even sure how to describe the beauty of this dress.

"Wow," I let out under my breath as I walk closer to it, inspecting the details.

Its off the shoulder with a lacey gold trim and a dark green with more V shaped gold trims around the waist. The top has all sorts of crystals dazzling, even tainting off of the small fabrics on the shoulder. The bottom half is all puffy with green and gold stripes going down it with some delicate flower mesh details. It's a gown that would wear me rather than I her.

"It's beautiful but very extra," I say to Lilith as I walk around the dress and trace the strings on the back. I didn't think the top would be a corset.

"Think of it as an 1800's ball."

"If you say so."

I let her walk around to me and undo the laces on the corset, helping me step into the dress. I rouge as I am basically naked bar my panties stepping into the dress. Pushing the material into my chest as a form of protection from her.

Lilith starts pulling and tugging on the strands, seeping it through the loops and compressing it with all her strength making me gasp as she constricts me to the point I can barely breathe.

"Do you love him?" she asks unexpectedly, pulling and jerking on the strings again so firmly I let out an audible gasp.

"Yes," I breath out with a weak voice.

"Good," She continues to tighten the stress shrinking my waist tighter and tighter. "If you don't, I will personally make sure my demons taunt you till the depths of your despair."

For a second I think that she is joking, but since I can't see her and from her belligerent tone of voice, I can tell she is every bit serious about what she has just threatened me with.

She tugs one last time before she fastens the strings and runs her hands on my shoulders as if in some kind of support. Why would Damien leave me with her? She is crazy about him and obviously doesn't like me.

She walks around me and holds out her hand for me to take as I step into my shoes. She fixes up my hair and looks me up and down. I feel self-conscious being around her right now.

"I think you are all ready for him?"

For him?

We hear some footsteps coming out of the hallway and as we walk out, I see Aba standing and leaning against the doorway. What is he doing here? He is wearing a masquerade mask across his face. Its black matching his raven hair with a few barely noticeable embellishments and two horns twisting around in a half circle. This must be a masquerade ball of some sort.

"Here to usher my ladies."

I raise my eyebrow at him as I watch him tuck his hair. I feel Lilith approaching us behind me.

"Abaddon, you're here, give me a moment."

She turns back into the walk-in closet and I stand silently with Aba. I try to sit on the bed, but the corset has me constricted so much I can-not make sitting comfortable. Reluctantly, I stand to my feet and haze at the blazing fireplace in the room.

"Ah! Before I forget, Lucifer has asked me to give you this," I turn to face him and see that he is holding a golden mask with a shimmery matching ribbon. I walk up to him and take it with both of my hands. I stare down at the details of it, lace and crystals with small matching golden feathers on the side.

"I assume it's a masquerade ball," I comment with a sarcastic undertone walking over to the big mirror in the room getting suddenly startled when I get a glimpse of myself. I look like I just walked out of a fairy-tale movie.

"He has that effect on people," I hear Aba say as he walks behind me staring at himself into the mirror.

"Changing you so that you fit his ideals, but with you," he pauses to take in a deep breath. "It seems that you are changing each-other."

"I think it's just the dress," I say, my voice husky and brittle.

"It's written all over your face."

His eyes meet mines as my shallow breathing intensifies thinking about Damien. He has a way with people, he can control them because of his powers, that's his effect on people. He ushers me to put on my mask and helps me tie the ribbon into a perfect bow at the back of my head.

"Who knows, if things keep climbing, you might just become..."

"Abaddon," we hear Lilith judder.

We both turn around and Aba's eyes begin to sparkle at the sight of her. She looked magnificent in a plum coloured ball gown with gold trims. She turns around and asks Aba to lace up her corset. I feel like I am intruding on an intimate moment, so I force myself to turn around and look at a painting above the bed.

It's of a building on fire and the man standing in front of it is smiling as behind him numerous amounts of people are seen in agony as their skin melts of from the high temperature. How come I haven't had many nightmares after seeing all of these images since finding out who Damien really is.

"Are you ready to go?" I hear Aba ask settling me back to reality.

I give him a reassuring smile and a nod before he ushers me to hook my arm around his.

We walk through ginormous double doors completely made of shiny gold materials, embroidered with some shapes and bodies I cannot make out. As soon as we walk in, we are greeted with loud and dark waltz sounding music with a cello and other strings. The room is very big and packed with people, or demons, it's hard to tell behind everyone's masks and they all look human anyway.

There are long tables of food and other kind of décor and some kind of tiny women; some of them twisting their bodies in a way that looks like they are breaking their bones. Others are spitting fire into the air from a long stick or shoving big long knives down their throats as entertainment. This feels unbelievably extra and difficult to take in, but I let Aba guide me further into the room following Lilith's command.

We bump into a couple of demons in all sorts of masks, a black crow with lots of feathers and a long sparkly nose, brown metal pirate eye patches or some kind of a gas mask with a twist on it. When we finally stand in the middle of the crowd, I feel the prying eyes on me from almost everyone, but especially from someone with a forest antler mask, all golden with some greenery and a matching dress.

I feel uneasy being here, like I am completely out of my element. Nervously, I run my hands through the dress fiddling with the silky fabrics.

There are individuals carrying silver trays with some food or crystal glasses with champagne and some kind of dark shiny green liqueur.

I watch as Aba snatches a green grape from a vine tree in the middle of a table near us and plop it into his mouth.

My stomach is twisting my guts from all the tension that my body is feeling right now.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale?" he asks looking fretful, but it's hard to tell underneath his mask. He grabs a hold of my arm thinking I might faint, but I don't feel like it, not yet.

"I'm fine," I answer him over the music trying to pull my arm away from his grip.

I faintly hear him sigh as he grabs a crystal glass of champagne and hands it to me forcefully.

"You got to loosen up if you want to meet the king in all his glory."

I roll my eyes at him in full knowledge he can't see because of our masks and take a couple of sips of the bubbling drink.

"Where is Damien anyway?" I ask leaning over to ask into Aba's ear.

"He'll be here soon," he replies and takes my now empty champagne glass out of my hand.

All of a sudden, the music stops, and all the chatter halts from around me. All the females begin fixing up their hair and dresses while the males fix up their masks. Everyone begins to shuffle back creating a big U shape around the hall to the big golden double doors.

Aba grabs a hold of my arm and pushes us through the crowd to the front so that we get a perfect view of whatever is about to happen. We stand beside a few other men which Aba greets and when I turn to my other side Lilith is beside me. She looks nervous. Fanning herself with her hands like majority of the female demons in here.

I'm startled with big trumpet sounds and slowly the doors begin to open. I am itching to see what is about to happen, never mind who is about to come through.

Everyone around me begins to bow and curtsey as the doors fully swing open.

The person I see is not who I thought I always knew.

It's Lucifer.

The King of Hell.

In all of his glory. 

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