Chapter Thirteen

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I seductively gaze at him, slightly tilting my head to the side as I walk over to his big plush king-sized bed and sit down on it. He is looking at me and analysing every one of my moves. His lips twitch into a crooked smile as he walks over to me. He pushes my legs apart as he shifts himself between them. Now I really have to tilt my head up at him if I want to look into his eyes.

"What do you want Annabelle?"

His voice is all deep and captivating. The voice he uses when he wants me to get all wet for him.

"You," I whisper barely being able to find my voice.

His sexy smile appears on his lips as he pushes me down onto the bed. Pushing my body into the overly comfortable mattress with his body and starts kissing me. Uncompromisingly.

I grab his face and pull it away from me. Looking deep into his crystal sea like eyes.

"No, not this way."

I smile at him caressing his warm face. I wanted to make love with this man right now.

We shift in his bed so that we are facing each-other side by side. Looking into each-other's eyes, pressing our still clothed bodies against one another. Intertwining our legs. His thumb brushes over my lips.

"I love kissing those lips," He murmurs as his eyes go back and forth between my eyes and my lips. He wants to kiss me, I can tell. I want to kiss him too, but why is he hesitant?

I chose to make the first move, to guide him through our love making. Slowly, and gently I kiss him. Filling him up with the love I possess for him. My fingers gently twiddling with his hair at the back of his head, letting my fingertips to lightly caress the warm skin on the back of his neck.

He seems tentative in our kiss. Almost like he is afraid of something. We have made love before, but I suppose this time is different. This time I know who he really is, my unholy love, my king of hell. A prince of darkness.

Our kiss begins to deepen. Still gentle, but profounder as our mouths begin to open for one another. Tasting each-other with our tongues. He tugs on my sweater so that his warm fingers can feel the soft skin on my back.

I roll myself on top of him. Straddling him down as I continue to kiss him. Slowly he props himself up so that he is sitting up.

Continuing to kiss I let my hands wonder from his hair, to the nape of his neck, down his shoulders and upper arms, then back up again to his chest. Gradually, going down lower and lower, centimetre by centimetre until they rest on his abs. Without making him notice I grasp onto the hem of his sweater. slowly, I pull away from our kiss to pull it over his head. Struggling to get it over his head with my lack of swift movement I giggle a little. When it's all off he smiles at me, and this time much more reassuringly he kisses me with more desire.

Repeating the process my hands wonder his body, almost like I am gently massaging him with my fingertips.

Suddenly, he takes my sweater off too, taking it off in one swift movement throwing it down onto the floor. I push him right back down onto the bed kissing him briefly.

"Lay back down, don't sit up," I tell him breathless.

Rather clumsily I get up and off the bed. With shaky hands from my desire to want him so much I take off my shoes, shorts and tights. Now I am standing before him in my underwear, pale pink and lacey kind of underwear.

He propped himself up a little so that he was able to watch me undress myself. I shake my head in disapproving sarcasm before I lean over him and start unbuttoning his pants. Taking everything off bottom waist down, having this glorious man naked before me.

I straddle him once again. Attacking with great passion his mouth with mines. I want him to feel engulfed by the love I am ready to give him.

I trial my kisses, from his lips to the corner of his mouth, his chin, neck, chest, the whole torso. Between each kiss I plant on his warm naked body I look up to watch his reaction. He is gasping in delight.

The last kiss I plant is just where his pubic hair begins. I look up at him one more time and see that he is watching me. Waiting for my next move. Giving him a brief smile, I open my mouth and take his erection inside. Just once. Before teasing the tip with my tongue. I wrap my hand around him while I teasingly suck on the tip, swirling my tongue around it. I keep gawking his reactions, inaudible moans escaping his mouth.

I enter him into my mouth all the way and as I attentively suck, I gracefully take my hands around to my back to unclip my bra and let it fall to the ground. His moans are getting a little louder causing me to smile and momentarily too lightly graze the tip of my teeth against his shaft. He gasps loudly at the sudden change, so I take him out and sloppily lick his length with my tongue.

"Don't move," I tell him while I bring myself back up to my feet supporting myself on his legs.

Responsively, he watches as I unhurriedly shimmy out of my panties. I already feel the wetness between my legs.

My hands naturally wanting to explore it and slowly one of them wonders down my body, past my breast to my stomach and down to my entrance to discover the wetness. I smile down at him as he continues to watch me. I take my hand and lick my fingers clean.

"Why won't you let me taste you?" he asks as I climb on top on him again. He leans up to try and kiss me, but I teasingly pull away.

"Because it's my turn, I want to show you how much I love you Damien, despite everything."

I nervously bite down on my lip as I watch his reaction to my words. Intrigued and then his eyes are full of love and passion.

"I love you so much Annabelle."

This time when he leans forward, I let him kiss me, allowing him to passionately consume my mouth.

Gradually, my right-hand wonders down as the other rests on his shoulder. I get a hold of his erection and slowly ease myself onto it, gasping as I do so.

He wraps himself around me, pressing my body into him as I slowly ease myself in and out. The feeling is all the more exquisite because this is us being gentle with each-other. This was us making love. This wasn't about pleasing myself, it was about pleasing him. In my way. In the only way I knew how.

Tenderly he places soft kisses on my neck. My hand gently playing with his hair whilst the other is holding him close to me. Afraid that he might somehow disappear.

I pick up the pace ever so slightly, I can feel his warm breath against my neck and shoulder.

"Ana," He moans my name.

"Damien." Breathless I kiss him.

One of his hands grasp my hip almost like he is trying to help me, but I keep riding at my own pace until he climaxes right into me moaning my name into my ear. I continue until I clench myself around him and moan loudly as I orgasm.

Were both panting, and we hold each-other tight, two naked bodies pressed against one another. I can feel his heart beating 100, maybe even 150 bpm.

As we continue sitting like this, our accelerated beating slowing down, our hearts start to synchronize.

I smile to myself. "You know, when two people in love hug one another, their hearts begin to beat to the same rhythm."

"So that's what this is." He pulls away and looks me in the eye, brushing my messy hair behind my ear. "That I love you?"

"Yes," I answer while nodding.

"Well Annabelle Bennet, now you have proof that I do love you, and always will."

A few tears begin to pull into my eyes. I had so much love to give to this man in my life. The man holding me in his arms that just admitted he loves me.

"I love you so much Damien."

He wipes the tears from my cheeks. "I thought love making was supposed to me a momentous occasion, why are you crying baby?"

"I just love you so much, no matter what I won't ever want to leave you." I whimper as I nozzle myself into him.

He holds me tight, not letting go for what seems like forever until I stop crying. Gently, he grabs my hips, raises me up and pulls himself out of me. I wince under the feeling but lay down in his plush bed. Our bodies cuddled up to each-other. He pulls his dark green silky skeets over me.

"Are you cold?" he asks wrapping his arms around me tighter.

I was a little cold, but I knew his natural body heat would warm me up. I shake my head.

"Baby, your shivering."

He pulls over a matching velvet blanket over us and lets me rest on his chest, listening to his heartbeat echo in my ear. His chest hair almost tickling my cheek.

"Did you ever think that this might happen between us when we first met?" I ask holding onto him like ivy.

"Making love in my bed or telling you that I'm the devil only to have you laugh in my face?"

I can sense the sarcasm in his voice causing me to roll my eyes in the full knowledge he can't see. I then prop myself up on his chest like on a pillow so that I can look at him.

"You know what I mean."

He strokes the long strands of my brown locks down my back as he glances at me.

"I never knew we could get this serious, I never thought that I could feel what I feel for a human like you." He pauses and frowns for a few seconds almost like he is contemplating something. "Perhaps this is one of weaknesses that God has given me, but all I know is that I want to keep you safe no matter the cost and have you with me for as long as times would allow us." He smirks at me. "Even if it means I have to persuade you into a dark malicious marriage proposal."

I am aghast. I can't tell if he's joking or being serious. Marriage? I feel like my mouth won't close back up. He starts laughing at my reaction.

"Ahh!" I pull myself up so that I am sitting up looking down at him. "Don't joke with me like that!" I push away his hand that was trying to caress my cheek.

"It was just a suggestion."


I'm looking down at him quizzical.

"Well isn't the end goal of a relationship to marry. It's the same thing with us, and heaven."

"But why?"

"We love each-other, don't we?"

I lick and bite down on my lower lip to stop a huge grin appearing on my face.

After I compose myself I prepare a reply for him, "I do love you, so much, we both love one another but we've only been together for three months...and...and I've only know who you are really are for a week, you can't possibly be serious about marriage."

What I said I meant. One day I would love to have him be my husband, it would be like a dream come true, but it just seems so soon to be talking about this. Considering it.

"Didn't you imply that we are time sensitive? Why waste anymore time." he begins but we are interrupted with a distant ringing of a phone. It sounds like mines, but we both ignore it. "In a perfect world you'd already be my wife and-" he shakes his head in exasperation.

I sweetly smile at him. "Hold that thought?"

He waves his hand in the air to gesture me to go on. Hastily and rather clumsily I jump off the bed, slip on my panties and grab Damien's sweater. I'm trying to be so quick I don't get the chance to enjoy sniffing the cinnamon scent of his clothes as I pull it over my head.

I open his bedroom door and run out into the living room to find my phone which just won't stop ringing. I shuffle through my bag but can't find it until I reach for the pocket of my coat. The person that won't stop trying to get in touch with me was my mum. I exhale loudly answering the phone.

"Hi mama."

"Anna! I was beginning to worry I haven't heard from you in so long."

She sounds relieved. I peak at the big old clock on one of his walls, its coming close to ten.

"Anna, what's wrong? You're so quiet, did things not get sorted out with Damien?"

I walk over to the big window pulling on the heavy curtain so I can look at the twinkling lights of the city.

"Yeah things are good again, I'm, at his pe-house, house!"

"His house? Are you staying over for the night?"

Oh no, not this talk again. I purse my lips in anticipation as I already know what she will say.

"I hope you are being safe sweetie-"

"Mum? I'm on the shot remember."

I feel somewhat embarrassed having this talk with my mum, especially after my love making session with Damien.

"Good, good, I won't bother you two anymore, but honey, lets meet up for some brunch tomorrow okay? I can pick you up."

"Yeah, goodnight mama."

"Goodnight sweetie."

And with that I hang up and let out a big sigh of relief. I am a 23-year-old woman I don't think I need my mother lecturing me about contraception. The topic makes me feel mortified, I don't know what would happen if I suddenly got pregnant with the devils' child.

I twist on my toes to walk back to Damien, but I jump startled with the poor slave appearing out of nowhere.

"Sorry I didn't know you were there." I apologise but they don't say anything. How peculiar.

"He won't answer you." I'm startled once again when Damien comes out of the bedroom with some pyjama trousers on. "He doesn't have his tongue."

"What?" I whisper under my breathe. He didn't actually cut out his tongue, did he?

"You are dismissed, you may go back to your room," says Damien to his slave in such an authoritative voice. He then turns back to me. Still in his assertive way, he walks up to me.

"Who was calling you?"

"My mum."

"What did she say?"

He's now standing before me, grasping onto my hand with his, caressing my knuckles with his thumb. Is he trying to distract me with his whole comment on 'my slave is without a tongue'? Clearly its working, but not for long.

"She wants to have brunch tomorrow."

"Perfect, it'll keep you preoccupied while I sort out a few details."

"For what?" I raise my eyebrow at him as he pulls me into him, wrapping his long arms around me.

"An event, a ball I suppose, I'd like for you to come with me."

"Sure." At this moment in time I don't ask when it is.

I pull away from his embrace placing my phone on a coffee table with a snake looking ornament and barefooted strut towards the kitchen.

I peak back at him. "Please tell me that I'll be able to find some tea in your enormous kitchen."

I turn back towards to the kitchen and even though I can't see him anymore, I can tell he is smiling.

"Should be somewhere in one of the drawers," I hear him say.

I scramble and search the cabinets in his kitchen but see no tea. I turn around looking at him defeated. He's leaning on the kitchen island his chin supported up on his arm, his index finger over his lips. He looks amused while he titters at me getting up from the bar stool.

I squeal as he lifts me up onto the kitchen island, planting himself between my legs and giving my lips a hasty caress with his mouth.

"I think I should be the one to make you that tea."

"If sir wishes to," I say brushing his hair back from his face and watching him sashay through the kitchen, putting the kettle on, grabbing a mug and a tea bag from a drawer I haven't checked.

"You make yourself seem like you know what to do in the kitchen," I speak acerbity.

He turn his head around to me with a raised eyebrow.

"I've lived long enough to know how and where things work, besides as a king I have other responsibilities."

"Of-course you do," I mutter under my breath, so he doesn't hear.

Just then the kettle boils and he pours the hot water in my mug, making sure to add some cold water so it's drinkable for me.

He hands me the cup and I take it making sure our fingers brush. He knows what I'm doing but innocently I flutter my eyelashes at him as I take a few sips of my tea. Hmm, it is chamomile, perfect before going to bed.

"You make some pretty good tea sir."

I'm holding the warm mug with both of my hands warming up my cold fingers.

"You make my clothes look pretty good when you wear them."

He places both of his hands on the marble island on either side of my hips and leans forward. I lower my mug almost resting it between my legs. He is giving me one of his looks and oh my it's already making my heart skip a beat.

I try rolling my eyes at him as I take another sip of my tea. Trying my hardest to ignore the quickening heartbeat and tingling sensations as he continues to look at me with a sneer plastered on his lips.

"I know what you're trying to do."

I take another sip of my tea and feel myself freezing when his warm hand starts to brush against my thigh.

"What am I trying to do, huh?"

He sharply pulls me closer to him so that my ass is right on the edge of the island. I almost spill the tea in my mug held in my hands over us.

"I think you've had enough tea for tonight." He takes the mug out of my hands and places it on the island as far from us as his long arm allows him to.

I watch him intrigued at what his next action might be. I tilt my head mystified with him.

He takes me by surprise as he latches his lips to mines. It takes me a while for my brain to register what is happening before, I kiss him back. I wrap my legs around him allowing for the kiss to deepen when he picks me up and starts walking back to his bedroom.

He plops me onto his bed, and I lay back watching him gaze lovingly yet hungrily down at me.

"Next time I will fuck you on that kitchen island." His voice is all deep and seductive again making my heart beat faster.

He moves on top of me and whilst he kisses me starts pushing his sweater up my body. He moves my arms above my head and moves the sweater above my head by tangling my hands on the material of his sweater.

He kisses my neck, sucking a little before moving down lower. With his teeth he tugs on each of my nipples causing me to really feel it down in my groin. I try moving my arms, but he has one of his hands pressed against them making me immobilised underneath him.

I try moving my panty covered hips against his leg to get some extra friction. I wanted more. He always knew exactly know how to make me needy for more.

"I think I might just make you come this way," he declares. His voice hypnotising in my ears.

He cups my other breast, his fingers fiddling with the nipple while the other is hypersensitised by his mouth. The feeling is tormenting, I was aching for a release.

"Damien!" I moan titling my head back. Oh, I was just so close.

"Give it to me baby." He murmurs and tugs on my nipple with his teeth again. I was in pure joyous torment with his attention to just a single part of my body.

"Lucifer!" We suddenly hear, prompting me to shoot my eyes open.

"Lucifer!" We hear it again. This time I feel like I have heard the voice before.

Damien stops his wonderful suffering of my breasts causing me to grunt annoyingly.

"Who is it disturbing us?" I ask clearly still all hot and bothered. He helps me to untangle his sweater from my hands.

Damien gets off of me and disappears behind the wall against his big bed, I didn't even know he had something like this. Seconds later he returns still in his pyjama bottoms and a black bathrobe in his hand.

"Here put this on, I think Abaddon is paying us a visit."

What could Aba possibly want from him at this time of the night? I put the bathrobe on myself, wrapping the strap tightly around my waist.

Taking his hand, we walk out into the living and indeed we see Aba sitting sluggishly on one of the big sofas.

"Ahh! You have company, I thought I smelled sex."

I think Aba is getting a little too confident, but I'm still surprised that he is able to speak so crudely to the king f hell.

When I glimpse up at Damien he is regarding Aba, but he doesn't appear to be mad.

"What brings you over at this time Abaddon?" asks Damien as he sits down on the sofa opposite Aba and pulls me in onto his lap. Thank goodness I am wearing my panties.

"Your needed in hell, some...details need sorting out immediately."

Abaddon is suddenly sitting up. He has done this before at the cottage when the conversation seemed serious.

I hear Damien suspire causing me to look at him.

"I'm afraid this can't wait," adds Aba.

"It's okay, you should go," I say to him encouragingly. I wrap my arms around him, resting on his shoulders.

"Are you sure? I don't want you without me tonight."

"Yeah, I mean, I doubt your tongue less slave can hurt me." I feel like I am mocking his ways right now, especially when I hear Aba snort in the background.

"No, he can't."

He pushes me off his lap and stands up facing Aba.

"Wait for me in my office, I'll be there in a moment." Aba stands. "Yes sir." Bowing his head, he turns to me. "Good evening Annabelle."

With that I watch as he walk over to the mysterious double doors and closes them behind himself. I try to get a glimpse of what might be inside, but I see nothing.

"Let me put you to bed."

I roll my eyes at him. "Damien I'm not a child I can do it myself."

His reaction is to make me screech as he pulls me over his shoulder and stomps towards his bedroom.

"Hey! You can't do this!" I take this opportunity to spank his ass playfully.

"I believe I can do whatever I want."

I hear him pulling the covers out and only then does he set me down. He kisses me holding my face in place with his hands.

He then takes me out of my bathrobe.

"Climb into bed," he orders, and I oblige feeling like a child, but in a good way.

I scramble into the bed that smells of him and he pulls the covers onto me. Leaning down he plants a kiss on my forehead, then my lips.

"If I'm not back by the morning you can take my car to see your mum, then come back after, we have somewhere to go tomorrow."

I nod without questioning him.

"Goodnight Annabelle."

Smiling, "Hope a have a good time in hell."

And with that he was gone. I was left all alone in his sky castle. Well, almost all alone besides his tongue less slave. The only light coming into his bedroom is from the city from the small crack left uncovered by his dark green curtains. I feel a little too restless to fall asleep, moving around trying to find a comfortable position. I think I'm still feeling too annoyed I didn't get to finish. I roll over to my side and pull on the string to his bed side lamp and fill the room with yellow and orange hues. It gets brighter with each minute as I take a look at his digital clock, it was eleven-fifteen. I let out a sigh plopping my head back onto his pillows.

I was beginning to feel a little sad. It was the first time we made love in his very own bed, for heaven's sake the first time we fucked in his fancy penthouse and I have to spend the night unaccompanied. I should have asked him to stay, but can I really ask him to just drop his royal duties in hell to stay with me?

I grunt sitting up in the bed. I look around trying to take in what is here. Besides his huge bed he has two light wooden nightstands on either side. A huge ceiling to wall window covering the entire wall, the walls are painted a grey colour and in one of the corners he has a small bookshelf and with sofa chairs with a little table between the two of them.

When I twist around in the bed to look at the wall that either has his bathroom or wardrobe behind it, I notice that there is a huge landscape painting above the bed. My mind immediately thinks that these are the seven fallen angels from Heaven, since there are seven beautiful angels in the painting with big white glistening wings. It's too dark for me to see any of the details. Perhaps, tomorrow morning I can take a closer look.

With this moment I find myself yawing and I can't help but fall into a deep slumber. 

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