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One could gain the impression that after Vera's adventure there had not been much of a change. "Pinch" would have disagreed - there had been lots of changes for her.

Several weeks had already passed. "Pinch" once again found herself back in the armory with Tammy to prepare for her next assignment. She wore that combat suit with her name on it like a second skin, and she helped Tammy prepare the bombing vest for the current mission. In the meantime she had learned how the mechanism worked, and Tammy took the time to explain everything else about it. But "Pinch" also got the opportunity to do some explaining.

"Those are flash grenades" she said in a soothing voice. "They are totally harmless. And when they go up, then to the outside. You won't feel anything from it, apart from a bright flash and a quiet bang."

"If you say so..." A very sceptical looking Jenny looked down on herself onto the grenades and the detonator on the vest. "And that's what you were doing regularly before?"

"Pinch" grinned. "All the time. And at my first time I must have looked the same way as you. When I had to wear the vest for the first time, I thought that this was some hefty punishment for even what I had done. But it is not even half as bad as it looks." Sie made a few moves to arm the vest and then raised her index finger before Jenny's face. "Whatever you do, don't fiddle around with this thing!"

That reprimand was more or less redundant. Jenny seemed in no mood to do something unwise. "Pinch" thought that right now she seemed really perfect for her role. She took a glimpse at the shelf next to her, but then decided that it wasn't necessary to do that to Jenny. She would certainly be good and play her role without any monkey business.

The heavy armory door opened, and Igor Lippson entered with heavy steps, but a relative joyful expression on his face. "Well, how goes it?" As he saw that Jenny was already wearing the bomb vest, he nodded satisfied. "So? Nervous?" he then asked her friendly.

Jenny nodded silently and looked up to Igor with a scared face. "Pinch" noticed her look. "Don't worry, he won't bite" she told her laughing. "Yes, she's ready to go."

Igor still remained sceptical. "No handcuffs?" he asked, pointing towards Jenny's hands.

"Dad, it's her first time. Show her some compassion!" "Pinch" demanded of him. "Any news from the others now?"

"Yes, there are." Igor reached into the pockets of his combat suit, pulling out a credit chip. "There is some still left, as you had asked for. The buyer was outright enthusiastic about the stone's state, and I was able to get twentyfour grand for it. This one has four thousand on it which I'm gonna put in your account."

"Pinch" gave it a pleased not. It was more than she had expected. She looked up to her father in an examining way. "And have you already done what I was asking of you?" she then asked. But her father's face told her everything already.

"I don't want to talk about it" he grumbled and turned away. But after a brief moment he reluctantly gave in. "I found them both. Vanna and her mother. When I turned the credit over to them, they jumped into my arms and cried out of joy..." His voice failed him for one moment, showing how deeply touched he was. But with a more stable and pretend grumbling voice he added: "Even the dog was completely overjoyed. I tell you, Pinch: Next time you'll go!"

"Pinch" laughed, and even Jenny showed a little grin. Now this big bad mercenary didn't seem so big and bad anymore. Tammy took great effort in not getting disturbed during her work, but even she couldn't help but smile a bit. "What's with those stones anyway?" she then asked. "Did the buyer tell you anything about them?"

Igor shrugged. "I asked him. He told me that those stones originate from a planet once belonging to the Metalian Alliance. The inhabitants of this planet apparently used to believe in witchcraft and stuff. Hence the rumour that those stones carry some sort of magical properties. But the reason they are so valuable is because the culture they come from doesn't exist anymore, and there are a lot of collectors interested in such things."

"Hmm... strange." "Pinch" brushed her chin in thought. "Johnson mentioned that maybe some kind of magic would be in those stones, although he himself didn't believe it to be true."

"Too bad that we will never know" Tammy concluded this train of thought with a side glimpse towards "Pinch". In her opinion this matter would have no consequences for "Pinch" anymore. "I barely dare to ask, but how did the trials for Foster and Johnson go?"

"Pinch" wasn't quite sure that she wanted to know. On the one hand she hoped that they both got what they deserved. On the other hand the punishment for their crimes on this planet was pretty grim. If one looked at the way children were treated that got themselves into danger despite all the laws against it, then adults breaking those laws and endangering children were much worse off.

Igor looked around in this small group and wondered whether he really should tell. "Foster was sentenced" he then told. "Maximum penalty."

The meaning of that was well-known to "Pinch" , and she shivered. Inside she took several notes to never commit a crime that would be punished by that. "That means we won't see him again" she stated.

"What about Johnson?" Jenny asked curiously. "He tried to kill us. Isn't that a major crime, too?"

"True, but he won't be tried here" Igor explained, looking gloomily. "The Centralius military picked him up to judge them on their terms. But there is a condition that he will be executed immediately, should he ever set foot on Geshtachius Prime again. Same goes for his partners."

That wasn't exactly comforting, "Pinch" thought. But on the other hand those three wouldn't threaten anyone on this planet again. Her family and her friends were safe that way. Besides, and she was almost ashamed of admitting it to herself, she was glad that Johnson wouldn't face the same sentence. He did say that he would love to see what would become of her. And likewise she was curious whether the later years would maybe turn him into a better person. And if not... then she could bring him down personally. Would not be the first time.

"By the way, Pinch, you got some messages" Igor interrupted her thoughts. "I'm supposed to give you the first from Hank. He offers a survival training course on New Wacken, for mercenary trainees. Interested?"

"Pinch" looked at him with a squinched face. "I don't drink beer, and I don't like metal. So why would I go there?"

"OK, it was just a suggestion" Igor waived it aside. "The second message came in encrypted and is supposed to be delivered to you in person." He put a data stick in her palm.

Even Tammy listened up on that. "Whom do you know that sends you encrypted messages?" she asked distrustful.

"Pinch" could only shrug on that. "No idea" she admitted. It hadn't been Jesper. She had checked up on him and what had become of him after his release from the medical centre. He then had been transferred to the Institute of Independent Education, along with Thor, but he had instantly worked on getting an apprenticeship. Thanks to his experience with Johnson and Whitmore Planetary Security had offered him a chance, and so he would be training to become a lawman. Something quite similar happened to Thor whose escape from the institute had other consequences than everyone had expected. Instead of punishing him or putting him into maximum security, the leaders of the institute had gathered with him in a meeting and discussed all the problems the institute encountered while working with orphans. Thor had been able to offer some real input and even gained an apprenticeship in the institute himself to better follow up on his suggestions. He was on his best way to create a better future for all the orphans at the institute.

That left Taylor and Jenny. This was the task "Pinch" took upon herself. After Hank accepting her suggestion to take them on into the training program for mercenaries, she then decided to pay this uncle Joshua a visit and have a stern talk with him. That talk had been long and difficult, and of course that man was not ready at all to listen to the advice of some barely grown-up girl, no matter what emblem she wore on her jacket. But "Pinch" had expected such a turn of events. After the easy, gentle way didn't work out, she went the direct route and unmistakenly explained what would be coming for him if she ever heard complaints from Taylor or Jenny again. Or to be precise, she and the other eight mercenaries she had taken with her for moral support had explained it to him. She was pretty sure that Joshua could not have misunderstood her in any way.

She weighed the data stick with the message on it in her hand. Whatever it was, and she was really eager to find out, it would have to wait. Igor took Jenny gently by her hand and walked her to the door. "See you outside" he exclaimed to "Pinch" as he left the armory.

"Maybe not" "Pinch" called back laughing. Not if she did her job right. The door closed again with a hiss, and she was alone with her grown-up friend.

The fact that Tammy was observing her sceptically did just now come to her attention. "Are you really sure you want to do this now?" Tammy then asked. "I told you what it's like outside. And now you even know first hand."

Had she been asked that before her adventure, "Pinch" would have given some giddy answer. But she didn't take this question lightly. On the contrary, she took the opportunity to really consider her abilities once more. "I am ready for this" she then stated after an extended period of consideration. "I know what to do. I can manage that."

Tammy's sceptism changed into mild surprise. "I do believe you" she replied. "Well then... Today's group I don't know personally. I never even heard of the name - Ogan something... They're all Metalians, so expect them to show some serious melee combat skills." A few other explanations followed while "Pinch" gathered her own equipment. The glass box with her pistol stood ready, and as she put in the code and opened the lid, she already saw that the laser was fully charged. During her explanations Tammy reached out to her side, pulling forth a bigger box. It was more of a lengthy sort and not seethrough, but it wasn't secured either. It served just as a container for what was in it. Tammy simply opened the latches and raised the lid.

She paused shortly. It was her first time seeing the content of this box. "Very nice" she stated admiringly. "They did a good job."

She reached into it, and shortly afterwards "Pinch" was given a brand new rifle. "A Raptor" Tammy introduced. "Light build, shortened shoulder piece, adjustable aim. Works just like the one you know from the shooting range."

"Pinch" raised the laser rifle to her shoulder and looked through the aim. "Yeah, Jackson showed me. But this one I like very much" she added with a smile. She felt the urge to test this weapon. Tammy could clearly see that.

"Vera, just do me a favour please?" she asked. "Be careful out there!"

"Hey, I can look after myself." "Pinch" indignantly lowered the weapon again. Tammy should know that by now.

"All right, but also be lenient with those mercenaries!" Tammy responded. "I mean, if you now wipe the floor with those poor guys and scare them to death, then no new mercenaries will come here to get examined. And we all would have to look for new jobs." During those last word "Pinch" could see a little wink in Tammy's face. But she also could have been mistaken.

"Well..." "Pinch" pulled pensively on her lower lip. "The purpose of a scout should be that he is not seen at all. So if I go out and do everything right and take them all out - how would they know that it was me?"

Tammy stared at her. "Because the mission is recorded, and they can see everything afterwards, dummy."

"I consider that a challenge" "Pinch" grinned. "I'll be gone now." She picked up her equipment and went on to the door.

Yes, things were changing. A lot of them changed for the better, definitely away from the boredom that she had known before. If one did the right things and were the right age, then life on Geshtachius Prime wan't so bad at all. She had a job, she had responsibility, and she gained experience every day. Her training went well, her trainers held her skills in high regards. Besides that, the stories of her adventure had almost become a legend at the academy. At least all the mercenaries there saw more in Vera Lippson than just the youngest member of their group. That she was no more anyway. Now she was "Pinch" - the girl that faced and took out three criminals all by herself. All that during her very first mission, without having received any of that training first. What would she be capable of once her training was complete?

She would find out. Sooner or later.

Maybe she would even find out sooner than she had expected. In the evening at home she found a short message on the stick that Igor had given her.

We heard about your last mission. You have rid the galaxy from a dangerous criminal. That left an impression with us. If you are ready to stand up for the weak and to fight for a good cause, we would like to better know you. Speak to the leader of your academy if you're interested - he will know how to contact us. Until then: Good luck on your way.

Puzzled she looked down on this message and the sender. It could be no mistake. That message was meant for no one else but her, Vera Sofia "Pinch" Lippson. Still she couldn't believe it. Until she took a closer look at who sent this to her. Then it became clear.

Unicorn Riders.

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