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It was Wednesday afternoon that Allison Hartbridge, dressed neck to knees in pink, found herself relentlessly staring out a dusty taxi window with her heavy suitcase lying across her lap.

  The car ride had been bumpy so far and the fee was gradually ticking higher and higher by the second as she tiredly examined the grand chartreuse hills that gracefully rolled over the landscape like a massive cinched living room rug. Iceland is certainly beautiful, she thought with a small smile. Nothing but green mounds, forests, and flower beds as far as the eye could see. Once and a while, Allison would even spot a drove of sheep wondering the vacant horizon like tufts of small clouds.

"We should be gettin' ther shortly ma'me" The Scottish cabby—Verdmelle—an elderly man with a head of very bushy white hair—called back to her as she slowly peeled her long stare away from the foggy window's glass. 

"Thank you sir" Allison replied, her words followed by a lengthy yawn that caused her sunken shoulders to gently rise and fall back against the seat. She couldn't recall how many hours it had been since she left Manhattan; the journey was far to complicated to rewind. It was all made up of costly taxi drive's that made her wish she had a car and long boring plane flights that practically sucked her bank account dry. The thought of it made Allison cringe, hoping that the idea of visiting her aunt was worth it for the rest of the summer and for the sake of her shallow pockets.
It had all happened that way a couple of weeks ago when she had suddenly gotten a letter from the woman through the mail. It was all very odd though since Allison hadn't heard from her since she was eight.

'Dear Alice,

Surprise, it's your aunt finally writing you a letter after all these years. I apologize though if my hand writing is a bit sloppy, I have a 15 lb boa constrictor resting over my shoulders at the moment, and he can't seem to lay still. Besides that, how are you? Did you finally get into that music school you wanted to audition for when you were 12? Whatever happened to that Toby kid you used to talk to? Are you guys dating yet?

Well, whenever you write me back your answers, I wanted to know if you'd like to spend some of your summer with me? Maybe a week or month or so? I've recently wanted to catch up with my favorite niece so I thought summer might be a perfect opportunity. Feel free to come by anytime, here is the address.

47 Hollow Wood Rd. 

I should be the only occupied acre for miles. By the way, I live in Iceland now. I hope that doesn't cause any problems.

Yours Truly,
Aunt Cavileir.'

The note had been harshly scribbled in smudgy ink, so most of the words were smeared over the paper like some work of absurd abstract art. Though with some intent studying, Allison was able to make out what her aunt had written. From there, she decided to RSVP to her dear aunt and accept the offer in order to escape a large amount of her problems in Manhattan. The problem being the phenomenon of growing up. 
Allison was 19, almost 20 and her parents couldn't seem to stop mentioning the fact that she was still single, still living in a motel, and still working as a waitress in Steak n' Shake with no actual life goals in store. It was a headache to have to listen to since there was at least 6 or 7 voice messages always waiting for her when she got home and no possible way of dodging random stop by's from her mom or dad. Since then, spending summer with her long forgotten aunt living far away in Iceland sounded like paradise. I mean, who wouldn't take an offer like that to live out the last bit of your youth. Plus, Aunt Cavileir was apparently rich and lived in a massive manor in the middle of the forest-y no where's from what her grandparents told her. 

"You best be readying to part miss, we're here" The gruff sounding cabby spoke as Allison realized that the taxi had rumbled to a rickety stop. The engine was quieted and the only sound left was the ambiance of the wood surrounding them. "C'mon" He spoke before he kicked his door open and lumbered over to the car's trunk. Mean while, Allison had slowly leaned forward towards the opposite car window to see the incredible sight of Aunt Cavileir's ridiculously grand manor. It stood, slightly hidden by greenery and trees, with an intimidating aura as it was guarded by a confusing and complex looking garden hedge maze and tall metal fence decorated in crimson roses. The front of the manor held 16 windows in total, the last one being a very large circular plate of glass sitting at the very top of the wall with the glowing colors of a neon LED light that was to far to read.

Allison gazed with wide soapy blue eyes before pushing open the taxi door to get a better view. All the tritanopia hues clashed at once sending her orbs dancing in a frenzy, wishing to take in every inch of it at once. 
"Your bags miss" The Scottish cabby suddenly spoke again before laying her large plastic baby pink suitcase beside her. "Would that be all?"

"Yes sir" Allison smiled with a thankful nod, her pearly whites shining in the descending sun. "How much did the whole ride cost?" She added before watching him lean in through the driver's open window to read the dial; a soft gasp escaping the man's lips before he slowly leaned back out to face her. 

"$856.30 " He spoke with wide eyes. 

"Lordy Lord" Allison mumbled under her breath before she pulled a fat wallet from her dresses hidden pocket. Opening it up, she ruffled through her green currency for about a minute or two before withdrawing a grand total of eight hundred fifty 7 dollars. "Keep the change" She smirked, handing him the money before stuffing the wallet back into her pocket and grabbing both her suitcases into her free hands. 

"Have a goodnight ma'me" The driver smiled to her before tipping his head in thanks as he got back into his little yellow taxi and drove off back down the road the way they had come. But after he was beyond sights reach, Allison Hartbridge found herself standing on the side of the road entirely alone. All she had to do now was turn and walk through those metal gates and she'd be in the sanctum of her Aunt's massive old manor bedazzled in hundreds of vines and dying roses. 

"Oh well, here goes nothing" Allison mumbled to herself before she turned and kicked open the right gate with the tip of her dusty black Chuck-Taylor sneaker. The old metal door creaked open at its rusty hinges with a long, ghostly moan that sounded like the noise one would make if they were in pain. The metal bars swept across the cracked pathway and against the edge of the brick fencing till a loud clang rain through its fixture. Allison peeked her head beyond it with a hesitant look. "Spooky..." She mumbled with thin lips before taking a nervous step onto the brick pathway that cracked beneath her weight. The aged stone would grate against the one beside it with a loud sandpaper like tone as Allison attempted to tip-toe across the pathway and into the heavy foliage garden maze that swept her up in confusion. 
The jigsaw pathways seemed to go on forever as they stretched entirely around the house like some sort botanical guard dog; refusing anyone a well trot path to the front door of Aunt Cavileir's mysterious 50 acre manor. With a long inhale of the earthy scent mixture around her, Allison took a steady glance around at the mere entrance of the maze when she spotted a small white paper glistening in the escaping sunlight, just slightly hidden within one of the nearby hedge walls. She rushed over to it, dropping her suitcases on the way before grabbing the note into both hands and unfolding it to read.

'Dear Allison,

If you are reading this, Welcome to Maycaster Manor, my humble abode offered to you. Although, I  do apologize for the inconvenience of my massive garden maze, but you must agree that it is a clever way to keep out trouble. You really can get horribly lost in it. But never fear, attached to this note is a VERY long red string. Follow it to the end and you'll find yourself knocking at my front door. Enjoy the walk darling.

Yours truly,
Aunt Cavilier'

Pulling the white paper a little farther, Allsion realized that her Aunt was in fact correct. There was a VERY long red string attached to it. The entire strand mostly hidden by the dense hedges it was hidden between. Taking one last look to the lonesome metal gates behind, Allison grabbed her bags and followed the red string through the maze; her fingers never leaving it as she began her long stroll through the garden.

Minute after minute had passed of turning right and left, then back to the right again when Allison felt as if she'd been trekking for hours, and as far as she was sure, she would never get to Maycaster Manor's actual front door. 
"What time even is it?" She mumbled to herself before glancing towards the hand both gripping the string with her pinky and the suitcase with the remainder of her fingers. The small dial read 8:05 and a long, tiredly sigh blew through her lush pink lips. "God I am so tired and hungry.  I could eat a dozen pancakes er something" Allison mumbled as she followed the string around a bend that led her to behold a sacred sight. The Maycaster Manor's front door. 
Mounted upon a cascade of white marble stairs and held between a grand archway of smooth stone; it's golden door knobs, knockers, and bolts glistened like jewelry to the keen eye.  

Allison felt her chest flutter up into her throat as she finally released the little red string and raced up the slippery steps to the door. She was both excited and nervous to have reached the moment she'd been waiting for. 
She set her smaller suitcase down and lifted her clenched fist to knock, but when she had looked up to do so the door was already wide open. Standing there instead of the door was the unfamiliar sight of her tall and beautiful Aunt Collete Cavileir; dressed in a monotone pinstripe suit with a large pipe puffing white smoke between her lips and through her wavy azure hair.

"Allison Hartbridge..." The woman finally spoke after some long minutes of blank green eyed staring; her voice eloquent and smooth and very heavily accented with British roots "My my, you've grown up quite a bit, haven't you." 

"I guess so" The young girl shrugged with a puzzled face. "I can't say the same though. You look exactly the same as you did 11 years ago. Are you taking some sort of anti-ageing tonic?" Allison questioned with wide blue eyes when her aunt went up in pleasant laughter that felt good to hear. 

"Of course not silly" She smiled, her marble white teeth shining with humor. "I simply age like an angel" The woman smirked before stepping aside to gesture to the inside of her house. "Now please, come in, you must be entirely exhausted and hungry" She added as Allison hesitantly grabbed her suitcase before entering in through the front door, a small gasp escaping her lips. 

The inside of Maycaster Manor was astonishing. Hundreds of black and white scenic photos lined the pine green walls, along with an impressive circuit of tamed rose vines and hanging terrariums holding small purple tillandsia's. The floor was crystal pearl and clicked beneath her aunt's slender stiletto's as she briskly walked down the dim lit foyer. Her figure was like a slender ghost to Allison as she gradually grew farther from her until she had entirely disappeared through a set of large white doors. Allison quickly skipped after her and through the same doors to find herself in a grand dinning room filled with the pleasant smells of exotic spices and elegantly roasted steak and chicken. The walls were far spread and the ceiling, high reached, as it presented another floor just above her that lined the dining room with a white balcony hallway. Down on the first floor were many corridor arches sectioned in the right wall—all leading to the same dark corridor—as the left dinning room wall had three extravagant windows to display the backyard, which seemed no more then a garden of hundreds of plants circled by the hedge maze.

Allison took a small step forward to look outside, as the sun had now completely disappeared from view. 

"Allison!" Aunt Cavileir suddenly spoke as she walked out from one of the archways in the wall; her smile long and proud. "Please, seat yourself down and help yourself, you look starved"

"I'm just skinny, not starved" She laughed in reply as her Aunt rushed up to her before taking both suitcases from her hands. 

"Nonsense. A girl as skinny as you was obviously starved. Go ahead and sit down to eat, I'll take these bags to your room"

"Oh thanks Aunt Collette" Allison called after her before she went and disappeared back down the vacant corridor leaving her to sit alone in her pooling thoughts.
Settling down into its comfy velvet cushion with a long deep sigh, she slowly leaned back to examine the table over with foggy blue eyes.
It was crowded with food. Everything she could ever want to eat sitting on one gigantic dinner table. Fried chicken with lemon spice, honey barbecue glazed pork, brown sugar baby carrots, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, spicy tomato soup, garlic bread, strawberry shortcake, and a single immense tower of green jello that wobbled with every movement of the table. 
Allison's mouth watered in hunger as she slowly began to grab a little bit of everything until her plate was empty of any ounce of space. Taking her fork and knife, she dug in and said no words—though on the inside, she could barely contain her frantic flying trains.

'Maycaster Manor is incredible!' She thought with a small smile before eating a spoonful of the savory tomato soup that burned down her throat. 'And good Lord, my aunt is amazing! Exactly as she was when I was younger. Speaking of younger, she hasn't changed a bit' Allison pondered to herself as she took a large bite out of a piece of warm garlic bread. 'She doesn't look a day older. It's funny how she's aged. You'd think she was a vampire er something. Vampires are cool, I wonder when they'll make that next Dracula movie?'

"Enjoying the food Allison?" Aunt Cavileir suddenly called as she strode out of the dark hallway with her hands clasped behind her back.

"Oh yes! Definitely. It's really good, do you have a cook working for you?" Allison smiled in reply before taking a chunk out of a large chicken leg that tasted like heaven on earth.

"Oh no my darling!" Her aunt smiled before reaching over and taking a large piece from a strawberry shortcake laying beside her. "I would never. I live alone you'll find. Not a single soul in this house except for you, me, and Malcolm" 


"Yes, my lovely Boa constrictor. He's a dear, so don't worry. He won't go up in your bedroom at night and strangle you to death"

"Oh, lovely..." Allison mumbled with a strained grin. "Where is he at the moment?"

"The observatory I would suppose" Aunt Cavileir shrugged. "He likes to mosey around there all day, but he usually will wonder at night, mind you" She smiled before eating the last bit of the shortcake.  "I'll be off then to my office actually, if you'd like to join me after your dinner. I tell a good tarot reading" Her aunt smiled as she walked out the doors behind Allison, just before patting her shoulder on the way out.

With that, Allison made sure to finish every last bit of her dinner before she went ahead and searched for her aunt's office throughout the silent sanctuary.
She quietly strolled through the dark candle lit halls, black sneakers prodding the floor as she took more time to appreciate the manor's fine decorating. It was like something out of a movie; one she had just ended up starring in. After turning another tight corner though, Allison instantly leaped backwards with a suffocated gasp as she took sight of a long and thin black serpent curled up at the foot of a long staircase leading up to what appeared to be Aunt Cavilier's office. There hung from the ceiling in front of the staircase was a powerfully shining purple LED sign reading, "Teller's Office Upstairs". It must belong to her aunt, right? It literally read 'office'. 

With muffled breaths, Allison slowly walked towards the staircase, eyes pinned to the lanky snake sleeping there as she cautiously stepped over him and onto the first step. The old wood groaned under her weight though, causing her to freeze with stiff joints as she watched one of the snakes slender eyes just barely crack open. It's luminescent orbs were vivid emerald green, much like her aunt's own eyes that seemed to look straight down into your soul with judgment. 
Allison held her breath, watching the snake's eye just barely shift to glance at her before slowly shutting again with what looked like a content sigh; the breath in her chest sluggishly leaving in relief. Without another sound, Allison hesitantly lifted her other foot up and onto the first step before gradually walking back up the staircase that continued to creak and utter long groans of distress. 
Placing her hand to the cold stairwell wall, Allison climbed higher and higher until an odd sound echoed from below her. The steps began to grumble under another set of footsteps that weren't her own. Alice quickly swung around to look, but no one came. With some relief, her burdensome breaths began to slow as her dreary blue eyes strained to see through the stairwell darkness.

"Aunt Cavileir?" She called down the empty steps, yet no reply came in return. Hesitantly pausing, Allison turned back again. But then instantly, much like a phantom, a voice hoarsely whispered in her ear at the moment her head was turned away.

"You're in danger Allison Hartbridge" The cold voice spoke, her head whipping around in anguish as she stared with wide, horrified eyes. Heavy breaths came and left her chest as she tried to calm herself. 

"HELLO?" She yelled again, her body subtly shaking in fear as she intently searched the dark stairwell for any sign of life, though there was nothing. The stairwell was empty, as it should be. Looking around once more, Allison swung back around on her burning heels before racing up the remaining steps feeling as if a monster were trying to catch her by her ankles. She fiercely jumped the last two steps and sprinted towards the only door sitting at the top of the tower; a similar purple LED sign in the shape of an open eye hanging just above it reading 'The Teller's Office' inside its large iris. Allison frantically gripped the cold lever handle between her sweaty hand and thrust it open with a hard shove sending a wave of cool air rushing into her face.

"Allison! Come to join me then?" Her aunt almost immediately called from inside as the girl went clambering through the door with a pale face. "Good Heavens" Aunt Cavileir frowned as she examined her niece with careful eyes. "You look as if you've seen a ghost"

"No, I think I've heard one instead" Allison breathlessly replied before slamming the door shut and turning to see her lovely aunt sitting at the back of the room on a monotone colored camel back couch just behind the massive window. In the window, she saw the familiar purple LED sign she couldn't quite read out from the manor's front gates. At closer inspection though, she realized it was the outline of a hand holding an eye in its palm. "You're a fortune teller!" Allison exclaimed as she trembled over to her aunt who watched her every move from behind both her steaming china teacup and knee tall coffee table.

"Yes, I am" The woman smiled in reply. "I've had the occupation for some many years. It's what has made me the noble woman I am today Allison" She spoke, her words silky and effortless like a slow flowing river. "In fact, why don't you have a seat. I'll tell your cards"

"My cards?" Allison mumbled as she lethargically settled herself down on the sofa across from her aunt who had just set her tea cup down on the table.

"Yes. That's what I do" She smiled while withdrawing a large stack of peculiar looking cards from the coffee table's drawer before laying them face down on the table's smooth cedar surface. "What I do is I shuffle the cards for a minute or two then pick out 3. After that, I set them out and flip one, and only one. The card I've flipped, I will study it and listen to what it has to tell me" Aunt Cavileir explained before beginning to shuffle the deck with a single hand. Her slim fingers separated the deck into two then stuck them side by side before bending them upwards and riffle shuffling them at lightening speed, leaving Allison with wide eyes. She continued to do this about 3 times more before she seemed satisfied with herself and placed them back down on the table in front of her. Cracking each finger on her dominant hand, her aunt reached over and slipped out the first three cards from the top before placing them back down beside the deck. "Ready?" She asked her niece, who was still staring blankly at her Aunt's fine card work.

"Yes" Allison whispered with a gentle nod before her aunt flipped the card in the very middle with a swift turn. Left there was a picture of a very lengthy building surrounded by thunderclouds and typhoons and burning with a furious flame at its pinnacle. Just above the flame the card read XVI, meaning 16 in roman numerals, and at the very bottom laid the gold laden words "The Tower"

Allison read it over with inquisitive eyes. "The Tower?" She whispered before her aunt's own eyes shut for a short moment. Her dark blue brows furrowed and soon her green orbs came back into view; wider then before.

"The Tower..." Aunt Cavileir repeated again before lifting the card up to her niece's face. "It can mean many, many things, but unfortunately, they are not all very good. Especially what this one tells me"

"What does it tell you then!?" Allison pleaded with narrowed eyes that burned holes through the card's paper surface.

"This one tells me that you, Allison, are in danger."


"Yes, The Tower card stands for sudden upheaval, broken pride, disaster, disaster avoided, delayed disaster, or fear of suffering. All which are mostly unpleasant" Her Aunt added before placing the card back on top of the deck. 

"Does it tell you anything else?" 

"Yes, it tells me that something is going to happen to you, Allison. Something of a spectacle and its going to throw your entire life off balance. It will bring disaster and suffering, and you will be afraid" Aunt Cavileir spoke, her voice filled with solemn eloquence. "But you must be brave Allison."

"Oh..." Her niece mumbled with an odd look before she slowly lifted off the camel back sofa with shaky legs. "Well, it's a good thing I don't believe in all this stuff then" Allison announced before rubbing her damp forehead with the back of her hand; her Aunt staring at her wide eyed.

"You don't?"

"Not really, I mean-" Allison paused to sigh. "Its all just a game of chance really. You don't know what card you'll get or which one you'll turn. And when you do, all you need to do is explain it ten times more complex then it is" She shrugged; watching her aunt begin to sift the tarot cards back together. "I don't mean to be rude or anything at all, its just...that seems a little far fetched don't you think Aunt Cavileir" 

"Yes, I...Suppose" The woman mumbled before slipping them back into the coffee table drawer and grabbing her china cup between her fingers.

"I mean, I'm Allison Hartbridge" Alice exclaimed with a small smile. "The only disaster I should be worried about is adulthood. Paying taxes. Looking for a job. Paying the rent." She frowned as her Aunt went to walk to the tower door with long, brisk strides. 

"I wouldn't suppose you'd want to go to bed then, would you?" She asked. "I can show you to your room now and you can go ahead and get bathed and settled for the night. I don't want you staying up too late, you must be tired"

"Yeah, I guess I am" Allison shrugged before following her Aunt out the office door and back into the dark stairwell that reminded her of the voice she'd almost forgotten about.

"This way, your room is in the west wing" Aunt Cavilier whispered before rushing down the stairs with Allison practically tripping at her heels. Once they'd made it all the way down, Alice realized that the snake, the one she assumed was Malcolm, was gone. He was no longer sleeping at the foot of the stairwell. The only thing left of him were a few transparent scales shining in his place. "I already unpacked most of your things Allison" Her aunt suddenly spoke as the two of them walked back down the hallway and past the dining room. "I left a few of your clothes still on your bed just in case you'd like to hang them up or tuck them away in a drawer, but as for your hygienic essentials-" She paused to rush up a long set of stairs leading to the 2nd floor that circled the dining room below. "I've already placed them into the bathroom. Pink toothbrush in the holder. Blue dove soap in the shower on the top right ledge. Wash cloths hanging on the towel rack beside the sink and so on so forth" Aunt Cavileir explained as Allison followed her down the balcony corridor and around through another hallway lined with scenic paintings and illuminated by 3 large gold chandeliers. "Now up these stairs-" She paused to gesture to the slender stairwell at the end of the hallway. "Is only one room. Its the guest bedroom sectioned in the west tower, which I think you'll find ravishing since half the ceiling is made of glass. Gives you a good perspective of the stars at night since I live out in the middle of no where." Her Aunt smiled before gently patting Allison on the shoulder. "I do hope you enjoy your stay Allison. It's been a long time since anyone has visited me and I think I'll enjoy your company quite well"

"I think I'll enjoy yours too, Aunt Cavilier" Alice grinned before pulling her aunt into a gentle hug. "Thank you so, so much for letting me stay here with you. I needed to clear my head for a bit anyways"

"Of course darling" The tall woman smiled to her niece before combing her long fingers through her silky platinum blonde hair. "Sleep well"

"Thank you" Allison replied before her aunt slowly pulled away and set off back down the hall and out of sight without another word. "I think I'm really going to like it here" Alice smiled before turning and walking up the stairwell with hasty steps till she reached the top. There, much like the office stairwell, was only one set of massive doors. They were entirely white with two golden handle knobs at the edges of them where they both almost touched. Allison grabbed the right and pulled the door open to reveal a large, gorgeous room fit for a spoiled princess.

White marble floors, Lily yellow walls, and one single massive purple bed just below the glass section of the ceiling. Allison's eyes didn't know where to look first; the room was full on luxury. Though it was spectacular, she was also tired. Alice grabbed a pair of pajamas and a pair of strawberry patterned PINK underwear. With that, she headed off to the bathroom and took a nice long bath for about 30 minutes in order for her thoughts to settle into the water. So much had happened today, she could hardly contain it all. 

"Lost eight hundred fifty-six dollars and thirty cents. Had the biggest dinner of my entire life. Heard weird voices and got the creepiest tarot reading session. And now-" Allison paused to lather her chunk of lavender soap over her collar bones. "I'm bathing in a massive bath and feel like i'm floating in space" She laughed—her giggles bouncing off the walls and around the room filling her with glee. "Yeah its been kinda strange Ally, but at least your not stuck at your apartment still. At least you don't have to worry about rent for like, 3 months. AT LEAST, you don't have to listen to your parents saying, 'Gee Allison, whatcha gonna do with yo life?" Alice sang through the bathroom. "BUT SHE SAID! OH SHE SAID, SHE SAID, GIRLS THEY WANNA HAVE FUN! OH, GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!" With the remaining time in the bathroom, Allison spent it singing 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' to herself on repeat till she paraded out of the steaming room with her black sunny side up pajamas on that were as soft as Dr. Seuss's Truffula tree fur. 

The young girl then flopped down on the plush bed, faced down with a long sigh as her blonde hair laid scattered all around her heavy head. "What a day..." Allison muttered to herself before turning her head till she spotted the light switch on the wall just beside her bed frame. Swinging her leg up, she slammed her foot against it, shutting it off. Her leg then came collapsing back down to where she thought the bed was, only for her ankle to be jabbed with the corner of her night stand. "SON OF NUTCRACKER AND LORDY LORD ALMIGHTY OF THE FRICK FRACKEN HEAVENS!" She yelled off the top of her lungs before frantically dragging her knee up to her chest in order to cradle her aching ankle joint between her hands. "Owwwwwie, that hurt like heck!" She grumbled to herself before shutting her eyes and attempting to drift off to a contented sleep. No matter how hard Allison tried though, her body refused. All the voices, tarot readings, and pain in her ankle kept her up through the night. That and of course the unfamiliarity of the guest room bed and the room's silence that far to quiet to her likening. 

When she would sleep in her apartment bed, there was usually a hundred sounds going off all at once. The sound of the highway not far from the motel. The dripping of the kitchen sink. The ticking of the wall clock. The creaking of the bed springs. The yelling of drunkards outside. 
But now...they were all gone. twenty million miles away and probably farther. 
A long exhale swept through between Allison's lips as she slowly turned to stare out the transparent ceiling far above her head. It was beautiful. Stars twinkled and the moon cast down light right into her room. It was a calming display.

Reaching over towards the night stand, Allison grabbed for the top drawer and pulled it open to reveal her mobile cassette player attached to a small pair of black headphones. Allison slipped them out and rung the headphones over her cranium before pressing the large play button on the cassette machine that sent a sweet familiar tune dancing through her head to end the night...


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