Chapter 5- Just Like That

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Goldiva's POV

It had been two hours and I was exhausted.

I entered the room and looked there in secret awe. Even though the bed was large and king-sized, it didn't take up maximum space. In fact, the space it took wasn't a lot at all.

I spotted two different wardrobes. One was white, and the other was crimson.

At a distance was a different place which looked like a dressing area and shoe room. My heart thumped when I saw a beautiful vanity table.

I heard a deep sigh behind me, and I looked far behind me where Bruce was at, with his PJ's on, and he sat at his desk. He didn't notice me standing there, still in my wedding outfit.

"Um." I murmured. He looked at me and pure annoyance on his face. He then got up, and I gulped as his tall frame walked towards me.

"I have personally divided this room." He told me.

"So you can put your sacks over there." He pointed to the crimson wardrobe, which was close to the dressing area, reffering to my luggage as 'sacks.'

"Unfortunately, we have to share the same bed." He grumbled, walking over to the bed. He used pillows to divide the bed equally.

"Never cross this border, from this side," He motioned to the left side of the bed, "towards the dressing area and wardrobe is yours." He said.

"And the rest are mine." He said.

My heart was racing at the depth of his velvet voice, and I felt nervous.

"Don't even try to get closer to me, just the same way I won't bother touching you." He said.

"In fact, let me set my rules straight." He said, looking above my head while I looked on the ground.

"Don't look at my face. Don't even try to talk to me unless I ask you a question or when the issue is relevant. Whatever happens here stays here. Don't even try to seduce me understand You're lucky I'm not easily seduced. Don't even try it... gold digger." He concluded, calling me gold digger. Gold fucking digger.

I. Hate. That. Shit.

"And take that shit off, you look terrible. It's not like you look good anyway." He said and a twinge went into my chest.

He walked away from me while I stood there, fuming over his sick rules. Why would I even bother myself to try seducing him? I also felt hurt and embarrassed at his words.

While others were complimenting me, he did otherwise, and that dimmed out all the compluments.

I thought as I angrily unzipped my suitcase and gasped at what I saw.

What the hell did my mum pack?

I went through the clothes and took the one that looked less..transparent. It was a yellow negligee.

I took out my towel and sponge bag and walked towards the bathroom en suite. I took a nice warm bath, washing off all the makeup and glitter on my skin.

I allowed the warm water to relax my muscles and massage my hair. My head was aching due to the way my hair was tightly bunned with pins and gold flowers.

I dried up my self and hair thoroughly and applied a deodorant and skin moisturiser. I winced as I brushed my hair and used a little bit of hair cream.

When I went back into the room, everywhere was dark, and Bruce was asleep.

Thank God, I hate this dude.

I crawled into the left side of the bed and shifted closer to the large window and gave my mind a review over. Memories flashed into my head. Some made me me smile, some made me whimper, but all the same, I fell asleep.


Bruce's POV

I usually experienced morning wood most of the time, but this morning, it was more,.."Woody" than it was supposed to be because I felt something soft close to my chest, and my breath was hitting a surface.

A tendril of hair fell onto my nose, and I inhaled the different but sweetscent. Then it dawned me it wasn't Starla.

I opened my eyes, and they went wide when I saw my arms around Goldie's slender waist.

What the fuck? Didn't I warn her to not..


I checked again and realised I had broken the boundary to her side. I carefully but quickly removed my arms and got up to leave the room.

I quickly bathed and dried up my body and dressed up for work. After spraying some cologne, I called Starla.

"Hey." I grinned leaving the room.

"So how did you sleep last night?" She asked.

"Don't really know, I felt miserable without you." I said descending the staircase to head towards the car.

"Same." She said and my heart ached.

"So I'll call you after work ok?" I assured opening the driver's seat to sit down.

"Sure." She said.

"Love you." I said sparking the car.

"Me too." She said and I sighed.

I drove of to work and I was impressed at how many of the employees had showed up. I was full of excitement as I walked into the office which said, C.E.O.

I took my seat in the large chair and took a look at my agenda for the day.

I was in the car, worn out from work. Today was more tiresome because I had to do a lot at work than before. It was also 6:00pm. I received a call from Starla again, and my heart thumped as I picked up the call.

"Hey." I spoke. There was silence except for a few sobs.

"Fuck, Starla, are you crying?" I asked.

"Bruce.." She whimpered and I frowned in confusion and concern.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"L..Let's b..break up." She said.

"What?!" I asked squeezing the phone.

"I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry." She said and I frowned confused.

"Why?" I asked. "Did my parents threaten you?" growled.

"We're not meant for each other, I'm sorry, I led you on.." She said, and I gulped my throat.

"Starla, if you're joking, please stop." I begged.

"I'm not Bruce. Bye. I'm leaving for France." And with that, the line went dead. She broke my heart.

Just like that.

I was still pensive as my jaw ticked tightly. My broken heart was burning with pain, anger, and frustration.

So I sped off to my house, with the intention of drinking all night. Fuck this world.

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