Chapter 13

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"How'd it go?" Tattoo asked when Snowball arrived at the building where he now lived. The tattooed pig had been waiting by the front door. As they entered the lobby and headed for the elevator, Snowball pointed out, "You know, he actually surprised me today. He believed every word I was saying."

"That's an improvement," Tattoo remarked.

"Yeah but then he got all mysterious like the moment I mentioned the ghost dog, ninja dog and water cat," Snowball continued. Inside the elevator, he pressed the button for the top floor where his penthouse was located. The doors closed and the elevator began going up. Awkward elevator music began playing. Snowball and Tattoo stood in dead silence for three minutes.

"I really do hate this music," Tattoo piped up, breaking the uncomfortable silnce.

"I agree. That's the one problem I have living here but I don't feel like climbing nineteen flights of stairs. I'll be dead before I reach the tenth floor if I did," Snowball responded.

"Did you mention Ratchet?"

"Yes I did."

"How did he react to that?"

"I'm actually not really sure how he took that."

At last, the elevator stopped on the top floor. Both Snowball and Tattoo breathed a sigh of relief when the music stopped and the doors opened. Stepping out into the hallway, the white rabbit stopped in his tracks, his friend bumping into him. "What are you doing up here?" Snowball questioned.

Lifting his head up, Ozone pointed at Snowball's front door as he explained, "There's a note on your door here." Confused, Snowball hopped over to see that the feline wasn't lying. There really was a note. Ripping it off his door, the rabbit read aloud, "You know who I am. And you know why I hate your guts. Prepare for war..." His voice faded away when he saw the signature.

The note was signed with two red wrenches in the form of an X.

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