Kamen Rider Na-Go Bio

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Name: Ai Hoshino (星野 愛, Hoshino Ai)



Before becoming an idol, Ai Hoshino was a dismissive person. The environment she suffered being with her abusive mother caused her to think of ways to protect herself. Ai lacked any memory of loving or ever being loved herself -- prominently shown when she was scouted for idols to start a group. She believed she lacked the qualification to become due to these reasons, showcasing a lack of faith in herself. She became quickly convinced to join and learning that lying is a good thing.

Thus, Ai's perspectives started to shift. She convinced herself that lies are a form of love -- a love harbored out of the selfish desires of both sides of the spectrum. Ai sought to find an object for her "love." She wanted to learn how to love by telling her fans that her deceitful lies are, in fact, love. This desire also came when she bore children, but in a different context. She never once said that she loved them because being disingenuous towards them would be terrifying.

As a Kamen Rider, at first she is shown to be easily frightened at the sight of Jyamatos, but eventually becomes more confident in her strength. The more she spent time with them, the more genuine confidence and kindness, not based out of lies, were expressed.


Ai Hoshino was subjected to domestic violence by her mother who is the only parent she knew in her childhood.

Later on, Ai's mom was arrested for theft when Ai was at a very tender age. When she was thrown behind bars, Ai had to go live in an orphanage for the period she served her jail time. However, when she was released, she didn't come back to the orphanage to pick her daughter up, which is the reason she had to stay in the orphanage and grow up within its walls.

When Ai became twelve, the president of Strawberry Productions, Ichigo Saitou, scouted her out and offered her a job as an idol. At the time, she thought she wasn't fit for the job since she never knew how to love and how to be loved. Nevertheless, Ichigo managed to convince her by explaining to her that she didn't need to know and that lying can work just as well. He gave her hope - that she would be able to turn that lie into truth. What followed was four successful years as the face of the popular idol group, B-Komachi.

At some point, Ai met Hikaru Kamiki, a young actor, and they dated few times before becoming a couple. However, Hikaru became a .

She is chosen by the Game Master to become a Kamen Rider for the UGP. She was visited by Tsumuri after a B-Komachi fan meeting, who offered her the Desire Driver and the Na-Go Core ID.

(It's best to know that in this universe, Ai avoided her death by being chosen as a Rider, creating a new, alternate timeline.)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Aliases: Neko Girl, Kamen Rider Na-Go

Rider Type: Hero

Motif: Black Cat, Music, EDM

Affiliation: Kamen Riders

Likes: Singing, making people happy

Hates: Union Academy, villains, Jyamato, losing her friends

Desire: A world where she is an idol beloved by everyone

VA: Donna Bella Litton (English), Rie Kugimiya (Japanese)

Theme Song: Beat of My Life by Yuna Hoshino

Rider Forms

Entry (Base Form)


Beat Form (Primary Form)


"Beat! Ready, Fight!"

Boost Form (Ignore the Hammer)


"Boost. Ready, Fight!"

Beat Boost Form


"Dual On! Beat and Boost! Ready, Fight!"

Fever Beat Form

"Set Fever!"

"Beat! Hit! Fever Beat!"

Command Raise Form

"Twin Set."

"Take Off Complete. Jet & Cannon. Ready Fight."

Fantasy Form (final form)


"Fantasy! Ready, Fight."


Desire Driver

Core ID (Nago)

Raise Buckles

Beat Buckle

Beat Axe

Fantasy Raise Buckle

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