Awaken Orb Origin

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Ask:Before I start,I will invite another guests come.

Ask snap his finger and brought out 3 group of people.

Night Raid(Najenda,Akame,Tatsumi,Mine,Lubbock,Chelsea,Bulat,Sheele,Leone)


Wild Hunt(Syura,Cosmina,Enshin,Izou,Dorothea)

Tatsumi:Ouch!Akame stop stepping on me!

Akame:Shut up Tatsumi.Where are we right now?

Ozpin:Night Raid?!


Neo:*Write the Note*Jaegers and Wild Hunt?!

Esdeath:Neo?Where even are we?

Ask:I suppose you guys want me to answer.

They turn around and saw Ask using his phone.

Najenda:Who are you?

Ask:My name is Ask and i teleport you guys to watch multiverse of Y/n.

Leone:Why are we even watch that weakling!

Tatsumi:Yeah and he is weak as h...

Before Tatsumi say that,Ask eyes suddenly turn red and glare at them.

Ask:Anyways thank you for taking care of Y/n Bulat,Lubbock,Sheele,Jaegers and Wild Hunt.

Bulat:No problem.I always hate union students and his family keep bully and abuse him.

Cosmina:Like his family don't even care about him anymore.(Glare at Y/n family)

Ask:Alright you guys may take a seat and we gonna start the show.



Multiverse:Ultraman Orb

Ask:Alright this universe Y/n got expelled by headmasters.When an incident happen at USJ,he came back with a new power.

Issei:I bet he weak with his power,right babe?(Alright I gonna get my Double Shotgun right now)


Suddenly Ask summon a red sword from his hand

Ask:*Sigh*If I heard one more time saying Y/n is weak or powerless,I will use this to kill you myself!Is that clear?!


Ask:Great now let begin.

The screen show many villains attacking Union students at USJ.Pro heroes and huntsmen start to hold back but they failed.

Ironwood:Damn it.We can't hold it back!

Aizawa:Protect the students!

Suddenly a person run into them and standing at them.It was Y/n.


Leone:Why the hell is that weakling here?!

Rias:Don't worry.He gonna die here!(Smile Evily)

Shigaraki:Who the hell are you?!

Y/n:Really.You came here just want to attack the children right?

Shigaraki:I don't care what you talk about.Nomu destroy this kid.

Nomu appear and ready to attack Y/n.But before Nomu attack him,Y/n raise his fist.


Suddenly a bright light appear in the sky and shoot at Y/n.When the bright light is gone,it show Y/n but with a suit and a luminous sword

Play this theme:

Every students are shocked that Y/n have a suit and a luminous sword.Some of the student didn't think that Y/n.

In the theatre

Kirishima:Woah!Is it that Y/n?!

Ask:Yes it is.

Bulat:It look similar to my Incursio.

Oliver:What sword is my little brother holding?

Ask:Your little brother holding called Orb Calibur.It his main weapon to granted access 4 elements of nature.

Everyone:Elements of nature?!


Kirishima:Is that Y/n?!

Jirou:Yes I think it is.

Issei:Well I thinking that his suit and his item are weak to defeat it.

Shigaraki:What the?!

Y/n:I am Orb!Ultraman Orb!

Shigaraki:Nomu kill him!

Nomu start running to Y/n.But Y/n use his calibur and slash Nomu making him damage.Y/n use his calibur and set it to earth symbol.Then Y/n start spinning the wheel and stab his sword on the ground.It release a shokwaves in a circular formation and strike at Nomu.

Shigaraki:No!No!You cheated!

Y/n:Well I not done yet.

Y/n use his calibur and start spinning the wheel.It unleashes a powerful energy stream from his sword and shoot at Nomu.It destroy him and explode.

Shigaraki:Damn it!Kuro let get out of here!

Kurogiri:Got it.

Kurogiri then wrap themselve and get out of the scene.

Y/n:Damn it!They got away.(Turn around and see the headmasters)Ah crap.

Ozpin:Y/n I would like you to go back into Union Acadmeny so...

Y/n:So you can use me to defeat villains and Salem right?Stop force me to go back.I not gonna come back.

Sirzechs:No.You better come back.

Y/n:F### you.

Rias:Hey don't say that to my brother!

Y/n:Shut up you little bitch.

Issei:How dare you say that to my future wife!Dragon Shot!

Issei fire his beam at Y/n but Y/n use his calibur to block it and send it back to Issei


Rias:Issei!How dare you attack my boyfriend.

Y/n:Whatever.I gotta go.

Ironwood:No you better stay here so we can investigate your suit and your weapon.

Y/n use his calibur and set it to wind symbol.It create a powerful tornado and sending the students and teachers out.

Y/n:I say stay out of my way.

Y/n flew away from the scene and the scene go off.

Ask:So how was it?

Lubbock:It was awesome!

Emerald:I think it pretty cool.

Tatsumi:Not for me.

Ask:Alright before we head to the next universe,let watch some video.

Next Chapter:Why Black Ops 2 Zombies Suck

Ask:Hey guys.Sorry fo the wait.I was thinking what should i do first.Well i gonna do Ultraman first cause it maybe easy.How about i make another chapter that Y/n is also Ultraman Orb but different?Comment if you want.Also tell me if my writing is good enough or not.Anyway see ya in the Next Chapter.

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