Here Come Our Friendly Neighbourhood Spider(Spider Y/n)

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Y/n:What is this Ask?

Ask:Well in this universe,your family abandoned you in an alleyway because you powerless.But lucky that you got adopted by your grandparents named Uncle Ben and Aunt May.After you got into Union Academy and whatever the bullies still bully you.When a field trip happen,you got bitten into a radioactive spider that give you a spider ability to save the world and you named yourself Spider Man.

Elissa:*Looking Down*We abandoned him...

Kirishima:That very interesting.

Cardin:Whatever I bet his ability still weak.

Ask:Alright f*ck this.Let start it now.

The scene show Y/n wearing his spider suit while swinging on top of the building using his web shooter.

Coco:I gotta admit his suit is really cool.


Bakugou:That suit is garbage.

Y/n:Hey Shut up!

The scene black out and show a word appear in the scene say How I Become Spider Man and Y/n voice came out.

Y/n:Hello,I'm Y/n and I was born into a world where powers like Quirk,Semblance,Teigu and Sacred Gear.Well,you though it was wonderful right?

It show Elissa holding a baby Y/n with a happy face.

Elissa start crying and Y/n family come and confront her while Y/n well just eating his popcorn and doesn't care about his mother.

Y/n:Turn out I'm born without those powers.First,I though it will be okay without those power and my family still care about me...but I was wrong.They start abuse me and neglect me until one day they decide to abandoned me in an alleyway.

It changed into little Y/n getting abused and abandoned by his family.

Y/n family looking down and thinking about what they done.

Y/n:Fortunately,I got adopted by my grandparents named Uncle Ben and Aunt May and they love me.

It show Y/n with Uncle Ben and Aunt May taking photo with a smile face.

Y/n:I got into Union Academy and thinking about becoming hero but it all fakes.I got bullied by my classmates and given a lot of works by staffs.

It show Y/n getting beaten by his classmates and given detention by staffs.

Some of the villains and T-dolls wanna kill the Union People for beating Y/n as the headmasters and staffs look down in shame.

Y/n:Until one day that I got into a field trip to Osborn,I got bitten by a radioactive spider that give me the spider ability.

The scene show the radioactive spider bite into Y/n flesh and Y/n slap his hand to get rid of the spider until he feel so dizzy.

Izuku:That gotta be hurt.

Shoto:I agree.

Y/n:I can crawl and shoot web using my web shooter.

It show Y/n crawling on the wall and creating his web shooter.

Nora:That a cool ability!

Y/n:Well one day,I saw a poster say win the boxing and the reward will be one thousand bucks and when i ready to get off my Ben car,he told me something that make me always remember.

The scene show Y/n ready to get off the car until Ben say something.

Ben(Flashback):Remember With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.

Some of the Union Students take note and remember the words.

Y/n:But I didn't care about it and I was so a bit mad.

Y/n(Flashback):Do you worry that I gonna become a villain or criminal?

Ben(Flashback):No that not what I say...

Y/n(Flashback):Then stop telling me to becoming them!

Everyone got shocked and mad at the other Y/n for what he just said.

Y/n:I win the boxing match but the reward make me piss.

It show the leader just gave Y/n a 1 hundred bucks and make Y/n piss.

Y/n:What is this? I literally just saw the poster say that who win the reward will be 1 thousand bucks!

Leader:I don't care.Just take the reward and get out of here.

Bakugou:That bullsh*t!

Y/n:As I ready to get in the elevator,I heard the leader say catch the thief but I just let him got into the elevator.

It show Y/n letting the thief go into the elevator as the leader say why do you let him escape.

Y/n:That was your problem.Not me!

Everyone got even shocked that other Y/n just let the thief go and say it wasn't his problem.

Y/n:But that was my darkness...the thief that I let go...shot Uncle Ben.I kill the thief but it doesn't make it better.

It change into Y/n holding Ben body and crying for what he did.As Y/n let go his hand and letting the thief fall.

Some of the t-dolls feeling sad for what Y/n did and that made his uncle die.

Y/n:It took like 5-6 days to make me calm and I decide to quit Union Academy and becoming a Vigilante called Spider Man.And I always remember the words.With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.

It show Y/n creating his suit and put on his spider symbol.

Y/n:This is the day where the true hero started.


Everyone:Oh come on!

Kirishima:I wanna see more!

Ask:Well we will see in the future but right now let head...

Before Ask said,a white portal open in front of him.

Ask:Oh sh*t.He here.

A person came out from the white portal and looking Issei with very angry.

Issei:Hey!Why is he looking at me angry?!

Ask:Well because he is from another universe and his name is..........Issei Branwen.

Next Chapter:Issei(The pervert Dragon)Vs Issei Branwen(Ultraman Geed)

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