Murder Party

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Ask:Right,let start with the video now.

The screen show a door open and reveal Wave walking in while holding his phone and talking to someone

Wave:Hey,general,I'm just calling to let you know that I won't be able to make it to dinner.I have to go this stupid party that Y/n throwing.I'll talk to you later--not really though--bye.

Wave:Wow,I'm in this video!

Wave ended the call and saw something that shocked him

Wave:What the hell is that?!

The screen show Y/n is standing near a laying dead body while his clothes are cover in blood

Everyone(Expect Villains):What the f##k?!

Elissa:Did my son become a killer?!

Veli:Well his shirt is cover with blood so maybe he is.

Y/n:Uh.....*Nervous chuckle*Welcome my Murder Mystery Party!*Forced laughter*

Roman:Really?!Y/n just get out of here.

Wave:What're you talking about?

Y/n:Y-Y-You've been invited to help me solve one of the most complicated mysteries of all time.*Point at the dead body*LooWho killed that mailman?

Lubbock:That look woman to me.

Denki:Yeah.Doesn't look like a man.

Wave:Oh,that's a woman,so it's a mailwoman.

Y/n:Mailman!Okay,mailwoman just sound weird.Have you ever heard anyone say that?No,don't be stupid.It's mailman.

Daniel:Yeah that make sense.Nobody call mailwoman right?

Wave:So is she really dead?

Y/n:Yeah,of course she is.Come on,man,this is so exciting.It's like we're part of the real mystery!

Mine:No!They not!

Wave:Uh,no we're not.You were here alone and you're covered in blood.

Y/n:*Splutters*I feel down the stairs.

Run:Yeah but that doesn't make sense why there blood on the shirt.

Wave:We don't have stairs in this house.

Akeno:Y/n is obviously lying.

Y/n:Yeah,dude,that's part of the mystery!

Wave:Okay,it's not a mystery.You obviously kill her.

Some of the students:Yeah.

Y/n:*Gasps*Look!A clue!

As they crouch and see a blood footprint on the ground

Y/n:Look at this!It's a footprint.It look like a size nine.

Kalina:That really your shoes Y/n.

Wave:Yeah,it looks just like your shoe print.

Y/n:Ah,no,this is the most popular type of shoe on the planet.Plus,they're actually really comfortable to murder people while wearing them.Not that I would know that.

Wave:See,you basically just admitted you murdered her.

Y/n:Oh my god,dude,it's another clue!

As Y/n pick up a paper near the body and open it and read it

Y/n:Oh my god!It says...*Points at the words*"Another person will die in within the next 64 seconds."

Wave:Dude,that's your handwriting.

Y/n:Uh,no,judging by this handwriting,this man is obviously a criminal genius!

Wave:Okay,just get up.

They get up and Wave took the paper that he got

Wave:This is the invite you gave me to your party!*Took the paper from Y/n*It's a perfect match!

Mp40:Yeah,a perfect match from commander.

Y/n:I never send you an invite.

HK416:God,stop pretend commander!Just tell him you did it!

Y/n:Hmm,this man must've meticulously studied my handwriting,*Wave just sighed*and then prefectly forged it so it could invite you here so you could be the next victim!

Wave:Okay,who's to say it was a man?I mean,women can be killers too.

Y/n:No,well,statistically speaking,most serial killers are single,lonely white males.

Wave:Oh,so basically you.

Y/n:Well,no,actually most people think I'm Mexican so I don't--

Wave:No,Y/n,it's definitely you!I don't know why you killed the mailwoman,but--



Y/n:Thank you.

Glynda:No matter what you say mailman or mailwoman,you just kill a person.

Wave:But either way,I'm gonna have to call the cops.

Ren:Smart idea.

Y/n:But I didn't do it.I swear!

Wave:Ok,then who did it?

Y/n:I don't know.Maybe that guy.

Wave turn to right and saw Lubbock holdng a paper


Lubbock:How did I suddenly appear?

Lubbock:Hey,I got an invite to a party here.*Point at the words*Something about hot grills,a barbecue or somethin'?

Y/n:No,dude,that clearly says*Point at two words*"hot girls"!Can you not read?

Kiba:God.It wasn't he can't read,because your writing bad.

Gasper:I agree.

Lubbock:Is that a dead body?


Lubbock:*Picking his phone on his pocket*I'm callin' the cops 'cause I'm not going to jail for y'all--

Suddenly the light turn black and heard a stabbing sound and screaming.Then something crash on the ground.When the light back on,Lubbock body laying on the ground while there a bookshelf fall onto his head

Leone:Not Lubbock!

Wave:What the sh*t is this?!

Y/n:The power must've gone off during the raging storm.

Ren:Yeah tha...

Wave:Dude,it's completely sunny outside.

Ren:Nevermind.Then who turn off the light?

Wave:Where the hell did a bookshelf come from?We don't even own books.

Y/n:And I barely know how to read.


Momo:He literally say himself know how to read it.

Y/n:Okay,so he must've been trying to escape 'cause we found out that he was a killer,right?And then he ran and bumped into the bookself,and it fell on him.It killed him.

Monoma:A stupid explaining for how he died.

Wave:Or you just killed him because you saw him trying to dial 911,*Pick up his phone*which is what I'm gonna do right now.

Y/n:Wait,look!*Point at the window*

The screen show outside Blake doing a weird stretch on

Black:Mmm,I'm really getting that stretch on!Aah!

Weiss:That a weird stretch on.

Blake:I will never do that weird.

Y/n:I bet that's the killer!Come on,man,grab your camera and get a picture before she escapes.

Blake:That doesn't prove anything to me why I kill those people!

Wave:Dude,she's just some girl getting her stretch on.

Y/n:Or that's exactly what she want you think.Okay,come on,man!Grab your camera and get a picture!

Wave:All right,all right.

Wave start pick up the camera and when he turn to the window,he sighed and ask Y/n


The screen show a dead Blake body laying on the street


Blake:I alive at here but why did I died?

Y/n:See,she was the killer,all right?

Wave:Okay,then why is she dead?

Y/n:Uh...she was so overcome with guilt that she killed herself?

Ojiro:A stupid excuse plus there a injured on her black so she can't do that.

Wave:Oh my god.Dude,that's the worst excuse ever.Just come clean!You murdered all these people.

Y/n:I'm your best friend,man.Come on,you're just gonna have to believe me.

Wave:*Sighs*Sorry,dude,there's no other option.


Akame:Wait!That voice!

As the body start get up and reveal it Esdeath


Esdeath:So I was the killer the whole times.Interesting.

Esdeath:He wasn't the killer at all.It was me!

Y/n:So,wait,you're not actually dead,but you really did invite that guy over and kill him,and also that random girl stretching outside?

Esdeath:That's correct.

Wave:Wait,were you gonna kill me too?!

Esdeath/Esdeath:Hadn't decided yet.

Y/n:Wait,why did you do all this?

Esdeath:To teach you boys a valuable lesson.Duh!

Wave:A valuable lesson about what?

Esdeath:I don't know.Didn't think it through that far.Did you boys learn something?

Wave:I learned that my general a murderer.

Y/n:And I learned that your general is apparently really good at covering me in blood without me noticing!

Esdeath:Good enough.*Start to walk away*

Y/n:See?Told you I wasn't the killer.

Some of the students:Yeah.

Wave:I should've never doubted you,man.

Y/n:*Smell the blood from his shirt*Ugh,dude,where do you think she got this blood?

Esdeath:Killed two hookers!

Everyone(Expect Esdeath):What?!!

Wave:General!Well,I guess I have killed a few hookers myself.

Y/n:What the f*ck?!

*Video End*

Ask:How was it?

Denki:So we learn that Y/n was the killer but turn out it was Esdeath herself kill those people.

Ask:Yeah.Right now you guys have some rest.We be right back for 1 hour.

Next Chapter:Y/n Appear and When you're full but it's All You Can Eat...


Ask:Hope you enjoy this chapter and I see you in Next Update.

Next Update:Union react to Multiverse

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